Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well said, Mr.Said,sir!

Even before he becomes the Prime Minister, the current Deputy Prime Minister of a faraway nation has been busy promoting and acting that he means business.By business, he means that he is the de facto PM not the present one who has yet to relinquish the post.

Coincidentally, that faraway nation will see three by elections simultaneously on April 7 which is seen by many as a referendum albeit unofficial one of the current government. Meanwhile, the coalition which control the government vehemently deny that the by elections serve as a referendum towards their governance. It is reported that participating parties in those elections are barred from uttering and discussing Altantuya, the murdered Mongolian beauty and anything related to the monarchy. Such stunning prohibition if true puts a deep dent on the democracy in that faraway nation.

Instead of defending himself against such allegation and his blatant disregard of the wish of the People in one of the state in that faraway land, the PM-in waiting decides arbitrarily to uneven the playing field tilting it towards the governing coalition. Since there are no express or tacit prohibition on them, their campaigners virtually are given free way to say and act to their benefit as long as they are deemed within the prescribed election laws. In short, they can say whatever on the impending and past cases involving the Opposition Head and some of the Opposition stalwarts.

The PM -in waiting may be inspired by his mentor's advice that he 'needs to be firm and not be swayed by opposition'. Whatever their reasons for such blatant disregard of democratic principles, it is clear the the People are beginning to lost their confidence and trust on the governing coalition. Don't be mistaken and taken by their 'promise' that they will provide an even playing ground to the Opposition as shown by a former contestant of the Youth Head of the dominant party within the coalition, when he declares his distrust of the alternative (read main) media like the Internet. Coincidentally, that former contestant is a son of the PM-in waiting's mentor. His father, the fourth PM of the faraway land is well-known on his firm and harsh treatment to dissidents and dissenting views.

While claiming that their nation is moving towards developed nation status but these recent developments put another serious doubt on its ability to be at par with the developed nations of the world in terms of democratic practices. It is sad to see that instead of clearing his image through the court the PM-waiting decides to worsen the situation by putting more stress on democratic practices. Admittedly, by doing so, it is not guaranteed that he'll be freed of the allegations hurled at him since the judiciary in that far far away nation is itself subject to severe integrity crisis. Nonetheless, they can decide the matter by appointing impartial officers of the court from the outside. It is pertinent to put the matter to rest once and for all since having a corrupt leader will certainly bring a nation however prosperous to its downfall be it gradually or otherwise.

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Experts at practicing virtue at a distance

The Earth will not be a better place through acts of MERE symbolism

Living in a faraway land where smooth and uninterrupted electricity supply is a luxury, the one hour switching off for yesterday's Earth Hour really bugs me off. What can we really achieve by merely switching off the lights while we continue to use other electrical appliances non stop? There are those in favour of such token gesture but there are also thosewhom I share the pessimism like here and here.

Having an intermittent electricity supply really makes such deliberate interruption a nuisance. We have to stop everything and hover in the dark just to give the satisfaction to those tree huggers immense satisfaction but with limited or no effect at all. Merely doing something as a symbolic gesture will not do. Instead it really shows our hypocrisy. Switching off the light for merely an hour while continuously using other electrical appliances defeats the purpose of switching off the lights. By the way, what is the purpose anyway? It is just like doing lip service to the poor that help is on the way but it never come or if it really comes it fails miserably to elevate their problem- they are still poor!

The sole electricity supplier of this faraway land announces days before the supposed switching off hour that they will not switch off the main switch.Why? Not because of the inconvenience but merely for the fear that many business entities will have to incur loss. Thanks to the electricity supplier in a state constituent of the faraway land, the residents have been practising Earth Hour almost every day with those intermittent and irritating electricity supply. In as far as memory serves, only loss and wrath are the end product of such deliberate 'Earth Hour'.

To save the earth is indeed a very commendable gesture but while doing something to save it we are sabotaging the same immediately at the same time just like what happened last night. People are still using other appliances which are far more dangerous than the lights! People still smoke, cars are still moving on the road, smoke and smog are still released into the air by factories and many more 'hypocratical' behaviour.

The government in that faraway land announces the 3R campaign not so long ago but till this day no concrete evidences are visible as living proofs that such efforts are effective. In remote places of that faraway land, many have yet to practise and even heard of such campaign! They may want to participate but it is a onerous road to travel on since no facilities are provided. The three coloured dustbins for plastics, papers and bottles are no where to be seen while those who have such facility are no longer using them. Initiation is important but consistency is far more significant to save this dying earth of ours.

Symbolic gestures are not something that the blogger is fond of. It is totally an act of hypocrisy, trying to deceive others including the Almighty as if they are doing something right. Well, right it may but effective certainly it is not. We live not in a land of ideals but effective and affirmative actions serve the day. Consistency is the key to save the earth not act of symbolism laced with hypocrisy!

The most melancholy thing about human nature, is, that a man may guide others into the path of salvation, without walking in it himself; that he may be a pilot, and yet a castaway.
Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Not To Be Believed

Beliau juga meminta pihak media supaya tidak menghakiminya sebelum dilantik sebagai perdana menteri.sepatutnya, tegas Najib, beliau harus dinilai berdasarkan tindakan-tindakannya.

The problem is Mr. Najib, sir is that even before you have become the PM, you have done so many things as if you are the PM. Indeed, these last few months, DSNR is and has become the de facto PM superseding AAB!

The proofs are abundant and only those naive and hardcore supporters of the ruling party cannot or prefer not to see his 'deliberate' conducts in his vigor to wrestle power from AAB. The coup d'etat in Perak is orchestrated none other than DSNR himself. The 'empty' stimulus package of 60 millions is his brain child as the Finance Minister. The latest, suspension of two pilitical dailies is certainly influenced by him in his endeavour to win all the by-elections by all means possible. The Home Minister is just following his order since the minister is desperate to win over his new boss since he believes that his party members will reject him for his 'Zionist' style rule over the freedom of Malaysians.

AAB in his futile attempt to curb DSNR burgeoning power once pleads to his own cabinet to look into and hence solve the complicated EteMS (PPSMI). Nonetheless, it falls to deaf ears! Once again, during his parting speech, AAB rebukes the old guards including his successor that reverting to the old days of limited and oppressive freedom will cause more damage than mend the destruction already apparent due to such undemocratic ways of dealing with dissenting views.

Seeing democracy and freedom in this country at this moment will remain a pipe dream to everyone. Power and authority are slipping away from the ruling coalition at a rapid pace and the only way of saving their necks (according to them) is through limited and oppression of freedom particularly by those having different views. Malaysians being famous for naivety and absent minded will most certainly forget all these injustice given time and continued oppression. DSNR has learnt from his mentor the dreaded TDM that rule of law need to be manipulated and stretch to its limit as long as the mass will tow the line.

AAB has indicated that he will surrender the helm to DSNR on April 2, 5 days before the three by-elections on April 7. 5 days period before the by-elections is really crucial to the ruling coalition particularly to DSNR himself who is desperate to portray himself as saviour of his party and the ruling coalition and most importantly his own image. Certainly, he wants to bee seen as the Conqueror of the Opposition and thus has the legitimacy to boast that his party and the ruling coalition still command the support of Malaysians albeit through oppressive manner.

For as long as I live, I will never believe whatever they claim since my trust to them has long gone down the gutter in 1998. Pessimism as to their real intention will always be there since trust once lost forever it is gone.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Tale From a Faraway Land

Looks can be deceiving

Once upon a time in a land far away, the government decides to ban albeit temporarily the publication and circulation of not one but two dailies belonging to the Opposition. According to them, it has to be done since the two dailies have been disseminating untrue and seditious materials though stern warnings have been issued time after time. At the same time, there will be a three simultaneous by elections in that faraway nation. The present government is clinging to waning power since the last general election.

Therefore, to save their necks, the government is really desperate to do anything just to curb and maintain their power. Such ban is quite similar as to what happened to a political daily back in the 80's. It is really unfortunate since they government claims that they uphold and practise democracy and freedom but in practice it is merely selective democracy and freedom and no opposition is free to share their views as to what is really happening in that faraway land, at least from their point of view.

The government to its Home Minister who coincidentally was aiming to be a VP in the party that controls the government, boasts that such move is purely based on the 'fact' that both dailies have infringed the laws. It does not involved any malicious intent on the part of the government, he further adds. A few days after, the outgoing PM and also the outgoing President of the Home Minister's party says before thousands of delegates that oppression will only hasten the demise of their ailing party.

Indeed his successor has been very active in consolidating his and his party's position through various dubious, oppressive and unjust methods like orchestrating a coup d'etat in constituent state of that faraway land hiding cowardly behind the state's ruler. Indeed what the next PM has done are exactly what the previous leader has done in consolidating his power than. Nonetheless, the next PM is not so lucky since they are living in the information age where traditional media like the printed newspapers no longer monopolised the flow of information.

The next PM has been talking about changes and to those naive citizens in that faraway land those changes are unsophisticatedly seen as positive changes where freedom is one of them. However, majority of the citizens are skeptical of the changes he meant. For them those changes includes oppression and limitation of any kind of freedom except freedom to glorified him, his party and the government that he will lead soon. Demonstration against the government (read the ruling party) is certainly frown upon and will severely dealt with but if members of the ruling party decide to come to the street to protest than everything is alright and even commendable. If such street protests are done by the Opposition then they will be severely chastised as obstructing peace and causing disruption in economic activities but if such things happen during a pro government rally then so be it -in the name of freedom and justice!

This a tale of deep sorrow. Everyone waits anxiously as to what will become of their nation. Will there any salvation to the problems besieging them? Time will tell and to the Almighty they solely depend.

I had been gullible, naive, soft, pliable. That's why I got taken advantage of. To survive, you have to have a tough skin.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim
Kurnialah KEJAYAAN kepada hamba - hambaMu
Dalam PERJUANGAN mereka
Yang kami kongsi bersama

Ya Allah, Ya Rahim, Ya Rahman
Hamba - hambaMu
Yang sekian lama teraniaya dan tertindas

Hancurkanlah MUSUH -MUSUH
MEREKA yang bersekongkol dengan MEREKA
Yang terus - terusan MENINDAS dan BERTINDAK ZALIM
Ke atas Hamba - HambaMu

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman , Ya Rahim
Terimalah MUNAJAT hamba - hambaMu
Saudara -saudara kami sendiri
Angkatlah HIJAB yang membataskan kami
Dengan nikmat dan kurniaanMu


Ya Allah, Ya Rahim, Ya Rahman
Ampunilah dosa - dosa Kami
Makbulkanlah doa dan harapan Kami
Sebagaimana ENGKAU
Makbulkan doa mereka yang TERTINDAS!
Amin, AMin Ya Rabbul 'Alamin

P/s - Bukan AHLI Pas atau mana - mana badan siasah

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Aku nie kan biase dgn sembur n tembak asap nie.. Dok dngar org cite n tngok dlm internet jer. Tp… mlm td aku kena.. Ya Allah terukkkkkkkkkknye.. Merangkak aku. Macam nak mampiuh aku.. Sesaknye nafas. Tak bole brnafas. Nasih ada nyonya tua tarik tangan aku masuk dlm kedai dia kasi makan garam n basuh muka aku. Rasa macam nk nangis aku.. Bukan pasal kena tembak…. Tapi pasal nyonya tua tu.. sambil kasi garam dari tapak tangan dia sempat juga dia urut2 belakang aku.. Sambil dia kata “ini kali Bee End pasti kalah turuk punya, Wa kasi garenti sma looo”…

The above may only a 'fictitious' mumblings by a disgruntled Malaysian over what has and is happening today in this land of ours. Its veracity cannot be determined and therefore cannot be accepted at face value. Such may be 'seditious' and malicious aim at tarnishing the image of the already tainted RMP.

Bukit Gantang: March 23, 2009 - Alhamdullilah, ALLAHU AKBAR!

We are living in a free flowing world where one who master information will find himself at the front. Nonetheless, one needs to be extra careful when its coming to believing such 'unbelievable' incidents. Police is supposed to look after thewell-being of the public and not a tool by anyone to suppress others' freedom. Resorting to dirty tactics of 'forcing' those defenders of justice and protectors of the weak certainly is a tactic of a coward and power crazy individuals. Thus, if such incident really happens then it a very sad day for democracy and freedom in this land of ours. Power and authority should not be the ends instead they should be the means to bring justice, equality, peace and freedom.

Giving them benefit of the doubts, such harsh treatment upon those Malaysians are certainly provoked by unscrupolous elements who do not want democracy to grow in Malaysia. They prefer to monopolise the support of the public. They view other dissenting opinion with maliceand distrust. For them, dissenting views tantamount to opposition, betrayal and treachery to that of theirs. They are used to power and by now they have become attached to such. Otherwise, these are those who are so obssessed with power and will do anything just to have access to power.

Nonetheless, looking and analysing the current situation leans more towards the present authority. They seem to do everything just to cling to power though they vehemently deny such. They decide to ban two major opposition dailies and the police are 'forced' to impose brutality and harsh treatment upon their own flesh and blood for the sole reason that thec Opposition does not share the line of thinking. The opposition is playing and inciting sensitive issues through dissemination of untrue and seditious materials through their own media. The opposition has been warned countless times before to stop publishing untrue, mala fide and seditious matters. Issues on AP, Scorpene, Eurocopters, Altantuya, Balkis and many more are deemed untrue laced with lies and malicious intent aim at destroying the present authority.

While they claim that they are the champions of democracy but it is merely a lip service to those are willing to hear and therefore voluntarily allow themselves to be duped and misled. Admittedly, whatever they have said or done may be correct and even accurate at times but such can no longer be believed as many organs of the government have since tainted and have their integrity ruined by those in power directly or otherwise. Once, our Judiciary is one of the highly respected and acknowledged due to the judges' intelligence and most importantly their integrity towards their duties. They adhere steadfastly to their code of ethics in terms of relationship and communication with others so that they remain 'untouchables'.

As in my previous post, bloggers in Malaysia and myself included may enjoying our 'last supper' before the newregime takes over in April. Looking at present development such is not an overzealous observation. Therefore, we need to make these last few 'days' count!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Tow The Line, Will You?


In the eve of the three 'battle royale' on April 7, the Home Ministry decides to ban 2 political dailies published by two component parties of the People's Pact since "both continue to publish untrue and seditious materials". In a statement by the Home Minister he adds that such move does not tantamount to block freedom of press in the country.

A very wise and justified action indeed in view of the imminent three by-elections which will to certain discernible extent will determine the survival of the ruling coalition and particularly the life-line of its dominant element of which the heir apparent to AAB belongs to.

In a live telecast over the government television channel, the PM to be promises some new changes to the style and way the government works to wrest the waning support of the mass. Indeed he has shown his mettle through some stunning move like the coup d'etat in Perak and today by banning the two dailies. Such moves should be construed as his 'desperate' moves to remain relevant in today's politics. To believe that both dailies have continued to publish and disseminate lies and seditious materials is simply acknowledging that we are fasting while we proudly show a grain of rice on our thick and macho-looking mustache!

Utusan Malaysia in its infamous 'Senyum Kambing' proposes that Samy Vellu be appointed as MIC's President for Life. This is certainly a truth and nothing but the truth and therefore is not at all seditious. In the same vein, Utusan proudly shares the view of the out going PM that the decision by former Pulau Pinang DCM's resignation was a clear proof that PKR is besieged with internal problems. Such is indeed again the truth and whatever is happening within the 'godfather' of Utusan certainly do not tantamount to internal bickering. It is all just friendly banter among family members in friendly manner.

Today, during the same live telecast, his heir apparent also reiterates the significance of transparency among leaders and will be leaders. Few days ago, he says that Ali Rustam need not resign from his post though he was found guilty of misconduct by his party's Disciplinary Board. Indeed, that is the truth since he is only found guilty of certain misconduct by a body not the judiciary therefore he is innocent. This is also reported by the same Utusan.

We are very fortunate to live in a country where it is alright and commendable to talk bad and negative things about the Opposition but the same does not apply to the latter. Whatever negative though backed up by clear evidences coming from the Opposition are deemed malicious and mala fide and therefore seditious. We are lucky to have leaders who walk their talks by showing transparency according to their whim and pleasure. They claim that they understand the 'signals' conveyed by the voters during the last GE. Hence, to prove that they understand the message they decide to ban all the dissenting views. This is how they show that they understand the message!

The PM in waiting has promised changes when he assumes power in early April. A few days ago the outgoing PM admits that he has been lenient in allowing 'too' much freedom to discuss matters openly. These two statements clearly add credence to the veracity that after April 2, everyone including bloggers will have to be content with China-like control over the media. These last few days will be history come the new PM. Any dissenting views will severely be scrutinised until they no longer show any dissenting views. Welcome back to Mahathir's era!

Only to Him lies our hope of salvation

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dumb CERTAINLY We are Not!

Is he dumb? He is just DEFENDING his RIGHTS!

For one who is able to read and write in English moderately, I fail to fathom why many have failed (or they deliberately fail) to see the roots and the background of why PPSMI is being heavily criticised including those experts who are well versed in English. Most of them like the former DBP DG himself, are fluent in English. But why do they vehemently oppose such policy? Are they jealous of those green kids who are now 'learning' the language through Maths and Science? Take note that I deliberately write learning the language through Maths and Science and not the way around as mistakenly believed by many.

Certainly the answer is in the NEGATIVE! We need to remind and educate ourselves that the policy has its roots from the fear that many graduates today have failed to secure employment because of their poor communicate skills. Communication thus needs verbal language and therefore Malay and English (at least) should come into consideration). Being in a borderless world, communication is the key to almost everything as without communication then everyone will face the awkward situation where none is able to understand the who, what, when, where, which, why, whose and others essential to gather information.

Malaysian graduates have since decline in the priority of the job market. It is not because they do not know how to do solve mathematical questions or any scientific based problems. They have the essence, they have the knowledge and they are no lesser than those English native speakers out there. Adi Putra is an excellent example where a Malaysian is acknowledge as a Mathematics genius. The only and I repeat THE ONLY problem is their inability to explain or elaborate the whole process in a language understood by others, in many cases it is English!

We lost our competitive edge not because of our lack of knowledge in certain discipline but it is because we fail to master the language in which it is being taught or spread. Today, almost all discipline are taught in English. Therefore, it is confusing why people especially those 'elders' fail to see the veracity of the current situation. Again, the blogger submits that he is not detached from the current predicament since he is directly involved in the teaching and once have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of teaching Science though he is not trained in such discipline. The reason? Lack of qualified teachers and his ability to teach and communicate in English! (Such statement is just for emphasis purpose and not to boast).

There may be little or no problem for those well-to-do students in the urban areas but sadly it is not so for the rural folks. They have to endure and suffer tremendously just to survive in the three subjects. Once in the Parliament, the vociferous Bung Mokhtar in his endervour to uphold PPSMI unconsciously support 'our' stand that it is not because of Mathematics and Science per se but rather English as to why many have failed to master both subjects when he said, PPSMI has helped students in his constituency as there is no single tuition centre there!

Being educated, our elders like the venerated TDM should have known and not being hard headed and stubborn in continuing such destructive policy. To answer TDM's feeble arguments on PPSMI, we have only one choice - rejuvenate the teaching and learning of English. Well, it may sound simplistic and not even a very innovative idea since we have been doing that for years but should we just abandoned it for the sake a perceived novel idea but a destructive one? Today, we have EST or English for Science and Technology in secondary schools or English for specific purpose in institutions of higher learning. Maybe what we need instead and immediately is a rejuvenating the English syllabus. Enough said, I rest my case dear readers!

Just because something does not work, it does not warrant a replacement!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Will he become the next PM come April 2,2009?

AAB since his promotion as the fifth PM has shown his inability to control over matters even among his party members and his weak administration has caused him to be ridiculed within or without his party. He has so far failed each and every Malaysians. What is even more disappointing is his inability particularly in recent time to make his cabinet ministers to tow the line. Everyone has his or her own views on every issue that crop ups. ON the issue of PPSMI, he seems to be frustrated with the prolonged issue and his dissatisfaction over the usage of English but he seems hapless, helpless and hopeless.

Many have viewed him as a very mediocre Prime Minister who is supposed to be only the executor but not the director or the master mind of major events. He is seen to be only of minister material and not PM material. Therefore, whose fault is it that he becomes the 5th PM? Just because he is senior that DSNR (at least for age point of view) TDM should not choose him to be his successor in the first place for whatever reason! In terms of choosing his own deputies, TDM has clearly shown his 'impotency'. Starting with TAGB until AAB himself, none has shine to become PM material except maybe one but again TDM failed? to see his potential just because that guy was rumored to topple him.

Nonetheless, humans are to plan but the Almighty will decide. AAB's election as the 5th PM should be seen as a blessing among Malaysians. First, during his time difference of opinion has become even stronger as can be seen from his own cabinet colleagues. If TDM is still at the helm, such is unthinkable and deemed impossible. Everyone will tow the line meekly including the public. No one dared to go against him for fear of severe repercussion. Proof? PPSMI! It is his idea which he just bulldozed over everyone and everything. No discussion or even public discussion was held before the policy was implemented back in 2003. That certainly shows that he is a very influential figure unlike AAB who fails even to utilise the power that he has. Well, maybe because he is a lone ranger and he has no time to groom his own 'die hards'.

Secondly, with his promotion as the PM, Malaysia avoids albeit temporarily of having a morally questionable figure as the PM. Never before a very senior politician has been besieged with so many unpleasant and negative innuendo. Though not all may be true but unlike the other PMs including AAB, each and everyone of them is relatively 'clean' unlike this particular figure. Admittedly, merely based on rumours and hearsay one cannot be guilty for real but any right thinking individuals will have their own impression on one who has been linked with scandal after scandal. In so far as fact is concern, he never deny or bring the matter to court for whatever reasons. Being the PM elect, it is the only rational thing to do but maybe he himself does not see such as viable since judiciary up until today has never fully recovered and with an ex? UMNO man at the helm, such negative perception still rules the day.

Some Malaysians, on the eve of his departure, are ever ready to forgive AAB for all his misgivings and frequent flip flopping attitude and even ready to acknowledge him as one if not the greatest Malaysian statesman if he choose to remain in power after UMNO's general Assembly next week or pas the baton to any one except his heir apparent. Till then, we'll have to wait and see...

A Great leader is one who makes the right decision though he may suffer because of it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Teach THEM a LESSON they will never FORGET!

This ONE is for LEADERS only!

The bombshell by UMNO Disciplinary Board really causes an uproar among both UMNO stalwarts and those outside. Ali Rustam is perhaps the biggest casualty among all with one from Sabah, Japlin Akim is also suspended. While many view such as 'selective' persecution to eliminate the future former President's men from the next UMNO committee which will be headed by DSNR but it is really an eye opener; bribery and abuse of power really are facts in UMNO!

If not why so many find themselves suspended? If what they have done aren't severe than why suspend them? Why not if they are just reprimanded like what happen to Khir Toyo and KJ? Money politics is something that should not happened in the first place since those in UMNO are Muslims and they should know bribery and abuse of power are major sins based on their faith - Islam. Why do they need to resort to money politics and power abuse? Being trusted as leaders is heavy and a burden, it is not something that can be easily done with. I remember during the time of the Prophet who advises one of his companions not be obsesses with position since the Prophet foresee that his companion will not be able to shoulder such huge responsibility.

In the old days, not many are interested with such post since it is a heavy one and those need to sacrifice a lot and in the end they may be lucky to have their clothes on. Today, it is still a burden but leaders today are more intelligent as they see such post comes together with mouth watering perks unavailable to those below. We have seen many politicians who no longer behave, act and live like before they become leaders. They have become more affluent to the extent that their physical features have undergone tremendous changes.

Of course not everything that they have comes from illegal acts but most of it are somehow tainted. Just because you are a Chairman of a state government investment arm you deserved hundred thousand wristwatch. When one uses public fund to distribute cows to the public, it is wrong and when one uses his private car for official function before asking the government to reimburse him, again it is a crime! Being a public officer he is indeed entitled for such reimbursement just like ordinary civil servants.

And....these are also for the LEADERS!

Many have claimed that there are money politics and abuse of power in politics but without clear proofs but the blogger is very fortunate since he now has clear proof that money is indeed circulating from the leaders to the public for the purpose of inducing them to vote for those leaders. In fact, instant projects days before election too should be deemed as bribery and abuse of power. Sadly, that is only admitted just recently though not expressly by none other than the future PM himself. Thank god, Malaysians particularly the younger ones are not longer easily duped and gullible to material rewards. In fact, if they are sincere they should have done those projects much earlier without waiting for the election since it is their responsibility. If they are sincere, they should have done whatever necessary to uplift the socio-economic aspects of those who have voted them.

Hopefully, the People will further teach them some lessons of their responsibilities in the upcoming by elections in 2 BUKIT 1 BATANG on April 7. No more funny businesses and forgiveness from the People from now onwards!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kejahilan Menuju Kehancuran

Mangsa- mangsa 'kedegilan' pimpinan!

Kenapa masih tak faham? Umat terdahulu sebelum menguasai sesuatu ilmu seperti sains, matematik dan sebagainya akan mempelajari dan menguasai dahulu bahasa yang digunakan untuk menyebarluaskan ilmu berkenaan dan bukannya seperti yang dilakukan oleh mantan 'Bendahara' Malaysia yang Keempat itu!

'Bendahara' berkenaan masih bertegas dan berdegil bahawa tindakannya tepat memandangkan umat Islam dan bangsa Eropah 'kononnya' turut berbuat demikian pada masa lampau demi menguasai sesuatu ilmu. Dangkal dan bodoh!

Kuasai dahulu bahasa dan kemudian dengan mudah boleh menguasai ilmu dalam bahasa asing. Bukannya cuba menguasai sesuatu dengan menggunakan bahasa asing untuk menguasai sesuatu ilmu yang juga asing! Bangsa Eropah menguasai dahulu bahasa Arab sebelum mereka menguasai ilmu- ilmu seperti Sains, Perubatan, Matematik dan sebagainya. Demikian juga umat Islam terdahulu yang terlebih dahulu menguasai bahasa Latin sebelum mereka mencedok ilmu - ilmu yang menggunakan perantaraan Latin!

Di Malaysia, murid - murid dipaksa menguasai matematik dan sainsdalam bahasa yang mereka sendiri lemah dan masih belum menguasainya. Pada asalnya, murid - murid lemah dalam ketiga - tiga disiplin ilmu berkenaan dan kini yang dikendong berciciran yang dikejar tak dapat. Keadaan semakin parah kin.

Terdapat rungutan dan bukti bahawa ramai murid yang gagal dalam ujian mahupun peperiksaan bagi ketiga - tiga subjek berkenaan di peringkat sekolah secara tiba - tiba berjaya lulus cemerlang dalam subjek - subjek berkenaan! Dalam analisis SPM baru - baru ini, KPPM sendiri mengakui bahawa peratus murid yang memperolehi 1A dan 2A dalam B.Inggeris mengalami penurunan tetapi Sains dan Matematik pula meningkat!

Statistik sedemikian amat mengelirukan dan menghairankan memandangkan bahasa perantaraan Sains dan Matematik mengalami kemerosotan tetapi sebaliknya berlaku kepada subjek - subjek yang diajar menggunakan bahasa tersebut!

Ujar mantan Bendahara itu lagi, demonstrasi bukan cara penyelesaian kemelut PPSMI. Benar wahai Negarawan Ulung, ia bukan jalan keluar mutlak tetapi ia merupakan salah satu jalan keluar setelah desakan, memorandum, perbincangan dan bantahan melalui medium lain gagal menarik perhatian kerajaan. Cadangan PPSMI dahulupun tidak melalui mana - mana meja rundingan, undian mahupun referendum tetapi ia secara mendadak dijalankan atas arahan mantan Bendahara!

Umum tidak berkesempatan langsung untuk menyuarakan pandangan tetapi terpaksa menerima sahaja perintah daripada mantan Bendahara memandangkan beliau amat berkuasa ketika itu.

Sekiranya dasar PPSMI benar - benar berkesan, maka kerajaan melalui KPM dan agensinya seperti LPM wajar memansuhkan dasar dwibahasa dan hanya menggunakan B.Inggeris dalam peperiksaan awam. Pada masa yang sama audit luar yang berkecuali wajar dijemput menghalusi dan memantau proses - proses yang terlibat daripadapenyediaan soalan hinggalah penyemakan jawaban dan pengumuman keputusan.

Berselindung di sebalik kuasa adalah watak seorang PENGECUT!

Monday, March 2, 2009


"Bagi memahami konteks yang disebut Menteri Besar (Kelantan) dengan lebih jelas kita kena memahami maksud surah Al Ikhlas iaitu Katakanlah (ya Muhammad), Dialah Allah yang Maha Esa, Allah yang dituju (meminta hajat). Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada satu pun yang menyerupaiNya.

Alhamdulillah, Praise be to Allah! Finally, I come across a clear and authentic proof to rid any doubts on the issue of Allah in Catholic Herald. This is what we can unconsciously doing something which have become routines. I am aware of the meaning of Surah Al- Ikhlas but it never dawn to as the answer to the issue.

I am in no way disrespect of our fellow Christian friends since "to me my religion, to you yours" and "there is no force in religion". However, I am disturbed with the 'trinity' concept which to my understanding combining three elements into the embodiment of God. There is God Himself, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. In their prayers, they invoke Christ's name to get through to God and since Christ is the embodiment of God, therefore it is alright since by invoking Christ's name they are in fact calling upon God Himself.

However, since both Christ and the Holy Spirit (Ruh al - Kudus) are His creations therefore being the Superior Being and the fact that none is His equal then such concept is totally rejected in Islam since Allah is One and never He begets nor begotten thus none is similar to Him. We learn from His 20 Attributes among others He is the Only One and none is His equal. How come a Supreme Being be equated or embodied in His lowly creations? He is on His own (Qiyamuhu Binafsih) but according to the Trinity concept, there are other elements besides Him!

On this issue, I for once is totally behind the Government based on the first aya' of al - Ikhlas. Qul Hua Allahu Ahad. Say that He is Allah, the Only One. Clearly, this negates the trinity concept as He, according to Christianity is the embodiment of two other elements besides Him and furthermore those two are His creations. Thus, they cannot use the word 'Allah' in any form whatsoever.

The issue that the word has been used since time immemorial to connote God cannot hold since Allah Himself has clearly states in the Al-Quran that the only blessed religion or faith is Islam therefore it effectively renounces and invalidates any usages of Allah previously since the usages are tainted by equating or placing lowly creations at par with Him.

Nonetheless, if they insist to use the term in their sermons within the four walls of their place of worship, we cannot do anything. However, it is different if they are using the term in their publication though it is marked with the phrase 'FOR NON MUSLIM ONLY' or 'FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY' since such publication is still accessible to Muslims and thus it will create confusion and confusion will gradually leads to many to abandon or renounce Islam.

Under Article 3 of the Federal Constitution Islam is declared as the official religion of the Federation of Malaysia and it is prohibited to propagate other religions to Muslims. This later part is really what concern many since such publication if it somehow accessible to the Muslims, it it similar to propagating other religions to Muslims which contravenes Article 3 mentioned above.

It is unfortunate that this issue only arise today and such has been unduly manipulated by unscrupulous people. It is not merely an issue of religion but it covers everything including politics since politics is itself part and parcel of religion. Though, the issue whether Malaysia is an Islamic or secular country is blurred but the fact that Islam is protected and pronounced as the Official Religion of Malaysia should be respected and acknowledged by all. Incidentally, such provision clears part of the issue whether Malaysia is an Islamic country since such provision clearly establishes the status of Islam in a predominantly Muslim populations.

Again, I am in no way insinuating or inciting hatred among Malaysians of different faiths but merely stating what is obvious based on my limited capacity.

To me, my religion and to you, your religion


Let the People remember who they are!

It will never end and indeed the People are getting tired and restless with the situation in Perak. Now, it seems that the illegal government is bent on remaining in power. Since, the country is still gripped by dire economic situation the only available avenue for the rightful government is to take a back seat and let the illegal government governs.

Nonetheless, since they are the actual democratically elected government, the Opposition need to be always on the go. They need to check everything that the 'illegal' government is doing and report them to the People as clear and as frequent as they need to be. Let the People know that they are still there working trying to safeguard the People's interest or whatever left of those rights. Let the illegals stay in power but they need always be reminded that they are the illegals not the rightful ones.

Let the People decide who is wrong and who is the evil one.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Progress or Backwardness

Building a Strong Nation is Not Easy

Political survival is just like any survival as it concerns over life and death therefore to survive politically, politicians and the organisations they are affiliated to need to change in order for them to continue. Today, Malaysia has not only progress economically but it is also followed closely by political pragmatism. Racial based politics which has been the backbone of political organisation has slowly progressed into a more open and pragmatic styles.

Pas and DAP are two political entities which have shown maturity and progress albeit its slow paces. Both once are known with their extremism at two ends while BN/UMNO/PKR are viewed to be more moderate. The aftermath of the 12th General Election has really proven that both Pas and DAP can really work together to offer a better if not the best alternative to the BN concept. Admittedly, there is still a long and thorny way ahead but with sincerity and high commitment, they can really work it out beautifully.

Islam is about tolerance and co-operation thus it is only right for Pas to open up a little and accommodate DAP without abandoning their objectives to among others introduce Shariah and Hudud. Through continuous and constant efforts coupled with sincerity and humility, with the grace of the Almighty, Malaysians will embrace Shariah and Hudud wholeheartedly. During the Kuala Terengganu by election, some local Chinese are asked about Hudud and it is heart warming to listen to positive comments. That is only possible through constant and sincere propagation or education of what Hudud is really about. Sadly, instead of telling the truth leaders today rather mislead the non Muslim public as to what Hudud is about- for their political survival!

While Pas and DAP are moving towards a true and sincere reconciliation, unfortunately UMNO being the dominant entity in BN is moving backward into the space previously occupied by both Pas and DAP. They have become too entrenched in their belief of Malay Supremacy. In order for them to appeal to the public, they consciously disguise their struggle with that of to uphold Islam. Islam is colour and race blind as long as one embraces Islam therefore he or she should be accepted fully without anymore conditions.

Being social animals, such misleading belief is not surprising since we tend to safeguard our territory from being encroached and trespassed by unwelcome elements. We identify ourselves to certain groups merely to fulfill and follow our instinct; for security and belongingness. Indeed, Islam itself encourage that its followers congregate together for unity. Sadly, in Malaysia being a Muslim automatically identifies one as a Malay since he or she inadvertently practise some Malay culture and life styles. Hence, we are familiar with the phrase 'Masuk Melayu' though it is actually embrace Islam.

The Orang Asli themselves are Malays from sociology point of view but some of them do not profess Islam. Some natives in Sabah and Sarawak are not Malays but they are Muslims. There are some Malays who have converted into other religions; Joshua Jamaluddin, Lina Joy, Nor'aishah Bukhari and many others. Ethnically they are Malays and we cannot identify them with other races since biologically they belong to the Malays but with a twist- they are no longer Muslims.

Understandably, UMNO has become 'extreme' for its political survival since it is a Malay based party but to drag Islam together is certainly deplorable and wrong. Pas as its name denotes is a religion based organisation though it coincides with Malays being its members since majority of Malays are Muslims. To equate Muslim with Malay has its advantages and admittedly such has contribute towards the development of Islam but it is still wrong. It is just like blaming the father for his son's crime just because the son carries his name. The son individually must shoulder the burden since he is the one who commits the crime and not the father. Today, because of the way we look at things, Islam is being blamed for acts of terrorism though Islam has never condoned such heinous act. Similarly, some narrow minded Malaysians blame Islam for what is done by its followers.

This entry does not in any way viewed as trying to incite racial distrust but it is more towards looking at religion and progress from a more accurate point of view. Muslims can be Indians, Malays, Chinese, Dusun, Kadazan, Iban, Bidayuh and other races since it is the truth!

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King Jr.