Monday, May 31, 2010

Celaka Zionis!

Sekali lagi Zionis terkutuk 'mencabar' dunia dengan serangan pengecut ke atas flotila misi kemanusiaan dan sekali lagi maruah dan kehormatan manusia dicalar tanpa sebarang tindakan konkrit mereka yang bergelar kuasa besar dan yang lebih memilukan saudara seagama warga Palestin terus berdiam diri menikus lantas menunjukkan betapa lemahnya mereka yang rata - rata sebangsa dan yang lebih parah seagama dengan mereka yang terkepung di bumi Palestin.

Zionis di bumi rampasan mereka terus berleluasa sedang jiran terdekat seperti Mesir terus berdiam diri malah sebelum ini tegar bersekongkol dengan syaitan bertopeng manusia dengan menghalang warga Palestin daripada mendapatkan bantuan. Di mana nilai kemanusiaan dan ukhuwah yang diajar dan dipelajari selama ini. Tidakkah mereka sedar peringatan Allah dalam Al -Quran tentang sikap dan perilaku susuk - susuk tubuh berbangsa Yahudi itu? Jelas umat Islam kini seperti buih - buih laut yang banyak tetapi tidak bermakna, langsung tiada kekuatan dan iltizam melindungi saudara seagama.

Di mana kuasa - kuasa Islam seperti Arab Saudi, Jordan, Indonesia dan Malaysia sendiri? Sekadar melalak seperti anjing menyalak bukit tiada maknanya atau membawa resolusi ke PBB. Beratus mungkin beribu resolusi telah diluluskan namun langsung tidak memberi kesan pada haiwan zionis itu. Adakah cukup sekadar mengharapkan marhaen bangkit dan turun ke jalan - jalan raya berdemonstrasi? Atau mengharap persona non grata seperti Osama Ben Laden untuk bertindak?

Lebih malang tatkala ramai pemimpin Islam masih berhubung langsung dengan Zionis Laknatullah seperti Mesir, Jordan, Indonesia atau sekurang - kurangnya melantik mereka yang berkepentingan menjulang idealisme Zionis sebagai penasihat, semata - mata ingin terus berkuasa? Sikap munafik inilah penyebab Zionis terus mekar dan berkembang dan langsung tidak gentar dengan luahan api kemarahan rakyat terbanyak dunia kerana pemimpin - pemimpin dunia termasuk mereka yang mengaku beriman kepada Allah dalam diam mengiakan keganasan Zionis.

Enough is enough and those in power have the responsibility to do something concrete to rectify this oppression done by an illegitimate nation upon a legitimate people and country. Enough with rhetorics and the Holocaust as today it is clear that Holocaust is really a myth to legitimise the oppression done to the People who in the first place have nothing to do with the tragedy (If there really was one) inflicted upon the Jews during WWII. Let us support and help those Palestinians in reclaiming what is rightfully theirs though it seems an uphill battle.

בבילון מציעה מילון ותרגום בקליק אחד בלבד

Monday, May 17, 2010


It is indeed a sad day for all Malaysians, young and old for it is clear that the ruling coalition has shown their tight grip on all government machinery to stay in power irrespective of its cost and effects. Last night, while it was abundantly clear that the Opposition was leading and in fact was the clear victor of the Sibu by-election, the Election Commission was 'clearly' seen trying to manipulate the outcome of the election. In other words, they were trying to rigg the election in favour of the ruling coalition whom they mistakenly believe to be their superior thus the need to protect them.

Earlier on , the EC announced that the percentage of voters was only 59% give and take but suddenly towards the end when it was clear that the Opposition was going to win it miraculously increased to 70+! Yet, many seem oblivious to these manipulations or rather cheating and abuse of power by the officials who are entrusted with upholding their respective responsibility by the People. It is sad to see and witness the natives to stick to those who are in fact cheating them of their trust behind their back and continue to support the oppression just because the threat of them being overpowered by the non natives.
This latest episode of power abuse by the ruling coalition should be an eye opener to all and the need to change the party controlling or managing the government takes priority. Their tactics of showing the chaos in Thailand should never scared the People since those demonstrators are actually asking the right for a democratically elected government though the Thaksin led government might not be the best for what they had done to the Muslims in the South, but they are in the first place democratically elected by the People. Hence, our fear about the chaos that might befall us is a non issue.

Time is ripe for all peace and democratic supporters to show the ruling coalition of who is really the boss since it is very clear now that the ruling coalition unlike the Labour Party in Britain to go away gracefully and with dignity. They are no different from those power crazy nuts in Zimbabwe and other third world nations. The only way to boot them out is through clear vote for the People's Pact and there is no two ways about it..only a clear mandate for the People!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Old Timer [OTAI]


It is not hard to understand why the 4th PM is still holding deep dislike for his chosen successor - his crooked bridge was immediately repudiated once the 5th PM was emplaced citing public dissension and the costs as reasons for its scrap. Nonetheless, it is still bewildering to see a predecessor keep on beating his own chosen successor! Yet, being the man he his, it is not really surprising as he during his record tenure of 22 years had 4 right arm men of which one was disgraced by his own blessings.

He is not a person who is used to have his decisions criticised as what happened back in 1987 through the Lallang Operation. His former deputies' fall from grace too had to do with clash with him. In 2003, he decided to step down but until today he is still there at least making very loud noise and again his own chosen successor is his favourite punching bag. Again, it should not be a mystery as his successor's son in law is the current Youth Chief of the party he once led. A position that threatens the survival of his own son who by the way was defeated by the 5th PM's son in law for the coveted seat of Youth Head. He claimed that the nation lost more than 300 billion in oil revenues but then again what is the price of oil as compared to dignity seeing your country being carved just like what happened to Germany after WW1 and WW2? Besides, as countered by his arch nemesis, Malaysia still enjoys the right to share and develop the proceeds of both oil wells.

Sadly, being the statesman that others claim him to be, he should enjoy his years of blissful retirement mending the ties that he once broken within and especially outside his affiliate. Nonetheless, if and hopefully he continues his trade, the Opposition will gain more! Thus, please continue dear TDM!