Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dr Mahathir seorang yang bijak - Nik Aziz

Dr Mahathir seorang yang bijak - Nik Aziz

It is humbling to read how a person remains humble and patient in the face of assult by a person of similar faith.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Israel's hidden agenda in the Middle East

Egypt: It may be the work of Israel

It started in Tunisia by an act of desperation of a young man. A hopeless act by a desperate man, dying due to hunger and soon it spread to neighbouring countries with amazing speed and intensity. Indeed, it is amazing to see people who are thought to be submissive and meek, stand up and asking for their long lost hopes and rights.

Initially, the U.S and her partner in bed, Israel seem to be wary of the development which is detrimental to them directly and indirectly since those so called leaders are their long time cohorts. Egypt has constantly in cahoot with the despicable Jews despite the cry for help from their own brothers in Islam. Now, after only 30 minutes call. suddenly Mubarak concedes defeat or is he really? As soon as he announced that he will not stand in the next election another U.S puppet Abdullah Saleh of Yaman announced that he too will not seek reelection.

U.S and her partner seem to have something to do with all these developments in the disguise of humanity and democracy but what lies ahead hidden from everyone view may surprise everyone. They may have someone in place ready to take over as champion of the suppressed people but in reality those are no different from their predecessors. The uprising should be treated with care as it happens and spreads at an alarming speed in the region where Islam was born more than 14 hundred years ago.

Before we rejoice of the success of overthrowing despotic regimes we hope that the people there really know what they are doing and not merely to overthrow their oppressors but most importantly to ensure that the people's interest remains the driving force and not hidden agendas of the U.s and the enemies of Islam. Before the Muslims all over the world rejoice the liberation of their brothers and sisters from those known oppressors, they need to be wary of the hands behind such uprising which may belong to the enemies whose intention is not to liberate but to continue and finally crush Islam.

The Egyptians are right to decline Al-Baradei since he is known to have worked closely with the powers in Washington when he was the IAEA Chief. He may not be the saviour that the Egyptians are looking for. Every step needs to be thoroughly scrutinised so that the same thing will not reappear.

While we are grateful that freedom may at last shines in the Arab region but most importantly we should tread with care and be wary of hidden hands of known enemies of Islam, both the U.s and her cohort, before it is too late!