Saturday, March 22, 2008

Don't be a Frog!

Suggestion by the coalition front to draft anti frogging law is an act of hypocrisy on their part and such is totally selfish. Once, Sabah's PBS has similar legislation but later on it was annulled by the present coalition who is trying to legislate the same albeit through the judiciary. At that time they claimed such as unconstitutional but when they are up against the wall, they have shamelessly forgotten about the law being unconstitutional. Malaysians should open their mind and eyes to this act of utter hypocrisy and self serving by those who are desperate for power. They realise that their present MPs are not 100% immune and loyalty to the party that chose them to contest in the recently concluded election.

They will try desperately to clung to power and will resort to anything including sinful and illegal means as long as they remain in power. Human in desperation will do anything to remain alive and to survive and thus it is not surprised when some in the coalition suggest such legislation. Sadly, they have forgotten how they accused the then PBS government as being undemocratic by passing such law. At that time, they said it was the rights of the elected Member of Parliament and Assemblymen to cross over to them. They have deliberately forgotten that those MPs and Assemblymen were elected under other political banner. It is interesting to see what will be their reasoning for such legislation this time around. If their YBs want to cross over to the other side, maybe it is unconstitutional but if any of the other side then maybe it is O.K and legal. What a shame!

As for those intending YBs, they should remember that they are elected to their seats by their parties and the people voted for them based on the organisation they belong to. Hence, they should have high sense of responsibility and dignity to stick where they are not be tempted to cross over even if they are not influenced by promises of money or positions. They should fear the wrath of the Almighty and the disappointment of the people who have voted them to power.

To the Opposition and ruling coalition alike stop pinching elected representatives as if they are commodities and do not be blinded by power. It is shameful to gain power if it is due to cross overs, respect the people's decisions. The people know better that's why they voted in such a way, so that there's check and balance. If you want to wrest power than do so in 5 years time in a democratic and clean way and never resort to play dirty by pinching what belongs to others. Learn from what happened in 1994 when PBS lost the government to the ruling coalition. Acts of crossing overs are equivalent to treachery and deserve to be punished heavily.

Having such legislation will not solve the problem instead it will worsen the situation. It is the time to move on and be content with what you have. Do not drag this nation of ours to oblivion just to serve your hunger for power. Being greedy will not bring long lasting prosperity even to you instead doomsday may be the aftermath.
"Menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu."

Friday, March 21, 2008

Listen Mr. Education Minister, sir!

Just now, the despicable TV... aired the NUTP's disappointment and hope to the Education Minister and his Ministry to not only listen but be more proactive in solving the issues concerning teachers and not just listen, take some notes and later on discard the notes into the bin. Indeed, among his statements was that NUTP is being blamed for all the inaction of the Ministry.

It is mind boggling to see that the Ministry tries very hard to improve and upgrade the nation education system but fails to consult the backbones i.e the implementers of such plans. They think they are good enough or intelligent enough to leapfrog the teachers who later will be the ones who will do the works. Looking at other civil servants, teachers are among those who are placed at the lower rung, at least in terms of career advancement and welfare. Other civil servant will be considered for promotion if they possess higher qualification but for teachers it is not the case. That is why we have diploma holders as headmasters in primary schools while at the same time we have degree holders serving under them.

Few months ago servicemen like the police and the army got their 45%salary increment but teachers with degree only receive about 15% compared to those without degree. Such are only a few of the injustice and unfairness to teachers. Most suffer in silence as when they speak up it is considered as insubordination or mutiny against the higher ups. In fact, there's the convention that teachers are 'forced' to vote for the ruling coalition and I stress here the ruling coalition. This is done through the so called 'Amanat Pengarah', where teachers through the school administrator are told to vote for them. Majority of the teachers are dong their job well and they do this out of responsibility towards the people who are paying them not the ruling coalition.

We should be confused by equating the government and the party. It is clear that civil servants and the public administration are to be neutral and thus no matter what or which or who win the election, civil servants should be immune to any political doctrine at least in their day to day conduct of their jobs. The people have voiced out their displeasure against the misconduct of the party controlling the government including the disgruntled but still dedicated teachers thus it is incumbent upon the Ministry to start to listen to the grouses and act accordingly instead of listen and discard attitude which have been happening for so long. Just because you are the leader of one influential wing in the coalition and because you are the son of a former Prime Minister or that your cousin is the DPM, these aren't the tickets for you to sideline and ignore the grouses of your subordinates. Your PIPP runs smoothly because of the dedication of the teachers whom you have ignored for so long. At least be like your cousin who are doing his best to please his charges by giving one after another perks to keep them pleased and happy unlike you!

"Even the Almighty listens to His creations!"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Be a Proud Malaysian!

It is amusing to listen, see and most satisfying of all to experience oneself as to how the so called leaders of this nation of ours conduct themselves before millions of watching eyes and analysing minds ready to deliver their verdict on the the leaders they have just catapulted to power. One leader in Selangor created a ruckus when this guy refused to don the songkok as he did not want to be seen as a Malay. What a joke! This so called learned politician is too obsess with such trivial matter for the sake of showing himself as a champion of particular race. Please open your eyes and be progressive, Indonesia a country most of us prefer to look down but when it comes to being patriotic and nationalistic, they have much to be proud of. They are able to communicate fluently and proudly in Bahasa Indonesia though they are not Javanese or Malay. They even don the songkok like it is part of their life though they are not Muslims. Their names tops everything their names sound Indonesian but they are Chinese!

Stop being babies my dear leaders and please, please grow up! We are watching and we are checking on you whether you live up to your ideal manifestos. In in Malaysia, there are only a few things we can really call truly Malaysian and sadly language is not one of them as we have many leaders who sound funny and stupid (forgive my pun) when they start to speak our national language and the most tragic of all is our own PM who sounds intelligent only in English but lack the sophistication when he speaks his own mother tongue (or is it?). He sounds like an uneducated guy from the remotest place in Malaysia and even those from such places speak better than him. It is unfair to compare him with others like his own deputy or his predecessor but to be a leader I think first of all you must and not should have excellent oratory skill so that you can attract others. Hence, his weak oratory skill might be one of the reasons why his coalition fared badly in the election.

Being Malaysians everyone must know and fluent in the national language as you need to communicate in that language since majority of the people speak that language. How do you think Tan Seng Giaw, the Puchong MP garnered the support of the Malays? Sure, his excellent Malay is the key. We need more of this type of leader to reflect that we are truly Malaysians. Sadly again even our top leader lacks such quality. Being human we communicate mainly through language and thus we need to be fluent in that language and not sound funny when you open your mouth as then people's perception towards you might cause you your power and authority over them.

Again , pardon my language if this sounds too harsh but it is a fact that everyone must face. Such may sounds and seems trivial and petty to some but again being Malaysians we must portray ourselves as being Malaysians in and out as long as it does not interfere with our faiths. In Indonesia, they have Harianto, Widjaya, Kusuma but they aren't Malays and not even Muslims but they carry their names proudly in a language not their own initially. To DAP, you claim that you are multi racial party by having Malays, Indians and others as members but yet you lack the sincerity and openness which should be your backbone. To all, stop being too obsess with your race and think and act like Malaysians!

"Being Malaysians won't change your faith."

Friday, March 14, 2008

Be a True Leader, Please!

Sadly to say that I am still down with the election bugs and here's what I wrote in one blog.

I am new to your blog but certainly not new to you and DAP. I am not Chinese but I am not anti Chinese either but rather I am a Malaysian who loves Malaysia above all. Many have shared their piece of mind as surely as a political veteran you know what should be done.

While I do not believe what the main stream media have spreading but yet I am very concern about the state of affairs among the BR. I am begging your wisdom not to jeopardise the growing tree of hope planted by the people during the 12th GE. DAP should not worry about the Malays or even Pas as you all have shown that you could work together on common grounds like what you have done in Bersih. There are so much common grounds ample for everyone in BR to work on for the benefit of all. Please listen to the people, I am begging you. The reason why they chose to divide the seats among DAP-PKR- Pas and not to a single party because they want BR to share and to rejoice together to struggle on a common ground - the well being of Malaysia.

DAP should not worry or be afraid of being associated with the Malays or other races as well as Pas first and foremost because we are in a multi racial nation where none could live without the other. W e should remember that this land is ours together not the Malays alone. Everyone acknowledged the vivid fact that DAP's victories could be attributed to other races votes. Thus, as seasoned politician you and your colleagues should appreciate the fact. One UMNO veteran stated that Malays who voted for DAP weren't patriotic but I beg to differ as those who voted DAP were actually heroes who loved this country more than themselves. They could not stand watching BN continuously pillaged the land unchecked.

Pas' intention to uphold Islamic laws are actually acknowledged and practised by the BN since Independent through Islamic Family legislation and the Penal Code through Ta'zir. Therefore, other races including Chinese should not fear of such stand. In fact if they were to do so therefore surely Malaysia will be more peaceful as such harsh punishments like amputating the hands will certainly deter right thinking humans from committing offences. Again, one blogger Raja Petra said Pas needs 150 seats to do so but they only contested in 60 seats of which only 23 were won plus even if they contested in 150 seats they would not win every singles seat.

Thus, once again please listen to the people who have voted BR as the government in 5 states. PLease do not disappoint us with such trivial matter as to who should be the MB, in fact it would be noble of DAP to let any Malays to be appointed as MB. This will certainly give credence to DAP as people will see that DAP is there for them and not for positions.

There's no shame to eat the humble pie as it will educate us to be humble and serves as a reminder that those in power are there to serve the people not themselves. To all DAP members, have courage to embrace Pas as equal partners in the struggle to better Malaysia. The past should remain as reminders for us that there are more to lose if we are separated. Again, to YB and all Malaysians in DAP show solidarity for a better Malaysia!

It is certainly a sad and disappointing moment to see those who we put our hope upon prefer to go at each other after they got what they wanted. If this scenario continues therefore it will be a field day for the other side and come 2012 they once again will be on the dissenting side begging the people to unite behind them.

Please, to those politicians out there listen to what the voters said and quickly make amends and fulfill your promises

"Sometimes and only sometimes... cakap tak serupa bikin"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Will They Learn?

It has been a few days after the people have made their decisions and for starter I would like to congratulate every single voters as well as those who appreciate the dire situation we are facing with nowadays. Since then every so called experts were sought to have their brains picked the reasons of the political 'tsunami' that almost wiped out certain political parties and the heavy defeat of the ruling coalition in 5 states. Actually, I had typed something to represent a persona non grata's view on the outcomes of the election alas I missed click and voila everything's gone in seconds!

The media especially TV3 should be blamed for the poor BN performance as they have overdone the campaigning. They in their zealous to gain and garner support for BN have done everything to tarnish and picture the Opposition as Pariahs and worse than Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyaah operators even worse than the Israel with their poker and guiltless faces on tv. They have presented the desirable pictures wanted to be heard and seen by the leaders and not what were actually happening at the grassroots. Thus making the leaders complacent as to what they were really facing. Again after the election, these 'whores' are unrepentant to continue badmouthing the victors of the election. Last night, they concentrated on the so called invasions of some multi purpose halls in KL. Nonetheless, these despicable station has also stated the directive of the newly appointed Kedah MB that all Kemas kindergartens are to operate as usual.

I have heard about their notoriety long ago but until the election I was skeptic of such view. Days before the election and especially the last few days before, I have come to loathe this particular tv station for their bias, unfounded and baseless lies about the opposition. They are worse than the other stations although we know that this station is owned by the backbone of the ruling coalition. For the first time in my life, I don't missed watching the news and for the first time I didn't bother to watch the news! It was a torture just to listen to the newscasters' voice reading out the script without even feeling guilty in fact they seemed glad to spread lies and slander.

The aftermath of the election has everyone running for cover and some are gentleman enough to swallow the bitter pills but some including this monster tv station seems oblivious as to the reality although they are in a state governed by the Alternative Front. I will not be surprised if their offices were to be pelted by rotten eggs in the near future. Ironically, they in their so called news reporting seems to support the views of those who are regarded as opposition in other countries like Pakistan, Thailand and the US. They offer wide coverage to foreign news willingly rather than giving opportunities to the local opposition to share their views. Yes, admittedly they give coverage to the opposition but later on mercilessly attacked those views without giving the opposition chances to defend themselves. Guilty as charge and Guilty until proven innocent.

This tv station would rather promote immoral and wasteful entertainment like Jom Heboh rather than trying to educate people as to what we should believe in. Their educational programmes seem to be cancelled out by those entertainment shows.

One BN leader said that they (BN) should not look outside or bother what others are saying but rather they have to concentrate within. But I wonder how would and could they better themselves if they don't listen to the mass who are the voters? They should carefully, sincerely and steadfastly listen to the grouses and plights of the people to correct themselves and not just listening to their selfish minds, hearts, supporters, advisors and of course the despicable tv station!

" It is interesting to see how they will learn the lesson from the 12th GE."

Monday, March 3, 2008

"Akaun Tetap"

Kenyataan bahawa Sabah sebagai akaun tetap BN amat tidak wajar malah merendahkan serta meminggirkan hak dan kedaulatan negeri itu sebagai rakan kongsi dalam Persekutuan Malaysia. Sama sekali ia dilontarkan tanpa mengambilkira sensitiviti warga Malaysia di Sabah. Tanggapan dangkal sedemikian seoalah - olah mengambil mudah dan memandang remeh perasaan serta maruah para penduduk di negeri itu yang selama in i berasakan hak dan keistimewaan mereka dikikis sedikit demi sedikit.

Kenyataan celupar yang mungkin bermaksud untuk 'membodek' rakyat Malaysia di negeri itu ternyata amat tidak bertanggungjawab dan memandang rendah sumbangan dan kebijaksanaan warga Malaysia yang berada di Sabah. Kenyataan berkenaan seolah -olah menggambarkan bahawa warga Malaysia di SAbah umpama kerbau dicucuk hidung, hanya menjadi pak turut sepanjang masa. Situasi di mana simpanan dibuat untuk tempoh tertentu untuk memperolehi keuntungan berlipat ganda tanpa melakukan sesuatu yang proaktif nyata benar - benar tidak bertanggugjawab dan biadab. Perbuatan tersebut samalah seperti menangguk di air keruh dan jelas sekali berbaur oportunis yang mengaut keuntungan di atas kesusahan dan kesengsaraan orang lain.

Tidak kira siapa yang melontarkan kata - kata nista berkenaan wajar memohon maaf dan harus menginsafi hakikat bahawa bangkai gajah takkan mampu ditutup dengan nyiru lambat laun kelihatan jua. Satu ketika dahulu mantan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Harris SAlleh pernah berkata kepada Presiden PBS bahawa dearah kelahirannya (Pairin) bakal ditenggelami air akibat pembinaan empangan dan akhirnya Sabah termasuk Harris tenggelam bahana amukan bah PBS. Siapa sangka parti yang daif, tak punya apa - apa mampu menumbangkan sang gergasi.

18 tahun lampau, Pas juga berjaya membuktikan bahawa sikap biadab dan melampau pemerintah memakan diri apabila BN tumbang di Kelantan disusuli oleh Terengganu pada 1999 tanpa siapa menyangka. Pemerintah yang berkuasa tetapi biadab wajar ditunjukkan jalan keluar kerana terlalu angkuh. Keangkuhan terbukti dalam sejarah tidak akan bertahan lama lambat laun sirna jua hanya Allah yang Berkuasa.

Warga Malaysia di Sabah dan di mana jua yang kerap dianggap sebagai akaun tetap wajar bangun dan bersatu mengubah status akaun tetap kepada akaun saham yang tidak pasti pasang surutnya. Sudah cukup kita semua dipinggirdan diperlekeh laksana anjing kurap tidak bertuan. Bak kata orang Inggeris," Enough is enough.
" Amat hina rasanya bila memikirkan bahawa kita rakyat yang sama taraf tetapi lain pula pandangan mereka yang memegang kuasa.

Cukuplah penghinaan yang kita terima selama ini dan bangkitkan kembali nostalga 1985.

" Bukan kerbau dicucuk hidung"

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I suddenly remembered during my school days where parents were more open minded and flexiblealthough many were not highly educated unlike today where we have doctors, engineer and the like. Previously, it was common to hear parents saying to the teachers to use necessary disciplinary tools including the cane if their children become unruly and if it so happened that they were caned at home they would have to bear another beating from their parents! Thus, we seldom heard of children telling their parents that their teachers had used the 'gula - gula panjang' instead the kept and even steadfastly guarded it as if it was a national secret. Yet, we can see nowadays the fruits of such regime where they manage to be somebody today but then everything come to oblivion and they totally forgotten the invalueable lessons from the teachers, their parents and the cane!

Just because we are in the modern world it certainly doesn't mean that the old ways are now obsolete as theso called old ways have shown time and again of their worth. It is very unfortunate today that parents who were once the products of the more simple but effective way of making them realised their mistakes have totally forsaken the way as obsolete and inhumane even. Islam itself permits beating and I slam is not even human made but a revealation from high above - the Almighty but yet others dare to say that it is obsolete and inhumane! We are mere mortals and most of the time we do not see the rationale or benefits of something until it is too late to ameliorate our mistakes.

For sure everyone have seen the film 'Anakku Sazali' and we have seen how unchecked and blind love could ruin us. Parents should remember how they were educated and how such transformed themselves as to what they are today. It is torturous and sad to see some of my colleagues handling disciplinary cases when their hands are tied the most they could do is to issue caution letter one after another until the students have to be expelled and to be re admitted again. The process is just like non stop merry go round and yet the offenders seem oblivious to their mistakes as they keep on repeating thesame without remorse.

The media like the horrible TV3 certainly does not help to correct the situation they without checking the facts keep on blaming the teachers for their inhumane treatments on the students. Every incident involving students to them is newsworthy as they set on a crusade against the teachers. Even if such incidents like fighting happened outside the schools, they subtlety point at teachers. They seem to enjoy defaming those who are the baby sitters of their own children without shame and most of the time are baseless and totally unfair without calling the teachers to defend themselves. They immediately judged the teachers guilty of the offence.

I urge the society to place themselves in theshoes of those teachers and see whether they can endure the continuous barrage of the students for 6 to 8 hourswithout losing their mind. This also goes to the infamous TV3 who seems bent on tarnishing the image of our education system at whatever cost.

"Humans are everything but immortals"