Monday, August 25, 2008


I have just read about another 'explosive' exposure by a figure who has been drag into the Anwar Saga. This time it was Imam Ramlan Porigi and few days ago DSNAA swore that he was not involved in Altantuya's gruesome murder.

Everyone has the right to express his feelings since unexpressed feelings might burst and nobody want to see the outcome. Everyone should be responsible for what he say and I am responsible for what I have said, based on my belief and what I've experienced. I admit that I've been critical of the government but to my defense, I am critical because of what I see and experience. To prove my point, listen to what our leaders said, most of the time they said the rakyat need to change their lifestyle but personally I have changed my lifestyle even before they uttered such lopsided advice since they themselves continued to live like kings. Yes, they drive our their chauffeur drives them in Perdana but back home they have imported cars not one but many whereas ordinary people have to be content with a Kancil or Kelisa or the expensive but poor public transports.

Ramadhan is coming and many will 'hibernate' during that period , I am also thinking the same line but naah, I'll be the same as writing is the only venue which I can express myself freely though I am aware that there's no absolute freedom as we have faith, religion which has laid down many do's and don'ts. I will continue to write on any topics which I am interested in or which I can't say out loud here in the real world.

The caption that goes with my blog title comes from Che' Guevara and indeed I am not a liberator but I hope by and through my writings, someone out there would appreciate them and make them thinking. Yes,thinking...that's my gift to anyone who read my entries.

"Thinking is the hardest job to do...Try it when you are desperate"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stidi ko kawan!!! Ko la segalanyaaaa!!! Yeah!!

The best way to tell a lie is during Ramadhan month. You can lie but you can't eat!! hahaha