Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Out of frustration some PR supporters suggest that the five Opposition-held states form a new nation following dissident states like South Ossetia and Abkhazia. This is indeed an emotional suggestion which none of us loving and loyal Malaysians should not even consider. Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi few days ago contended that even if there's a referendum as suggested by some on the status of Sabah it is impossible as it is not provided under the Federal Constitution.

Being a separate entity is not a good solution to the current issue. Malaysians need to unite to face these adversities and by unite I mean a true Malaysian unity to discard corruption and rampant abuse of power. Unfortunately, PR has yet to show their ability to take over from the present government unlike the Conservative in England which has a shadow cabinet in waiting in the event that Labours fail in the next GE. We have not seen a concrete and clear structure of their so called alternative government. This, for sure causes uncertainty among the mass.

If they are serious in their struggle, such fundamental move need to be discussed and finalised among the partners in PR. If they decide to deliberate on such significant issue after they cross the bridge then the most they can do is keep on dreaming and become the laughing stock among the public, which they already are by the way.

Now because of DSAI's grandiose dream of 916, he is now considered as a threat to the nation and the government may make the move to detain him in the days to come. Politicians particularly Malaysian politicians are keen on grandiose talks but with little credibility. If they are really sincere they should fulfill whatever they have promised however difficult or impossible their promises are since they have brazenly uttered them before the public.

Sadly, if he is brought in then the struggle for a good government may come to an end since we Malaysians tend to forget and forgive rather quickly. He and the others will be part of history and the statistics and not more. We tend to forget our misery and difficulties unlike our friends out there. Look at Thai, with their will power and determination now they managed to oust Sundaravej and so far they haven't bulged since Thaksin's brother in law is destined to become the next PM.

I admit that I too am not courageous and determined as those people but there plenty of ways to continue and enliven the struggle towards a better Malaysia. Don't get disheartened by the failure of 916 as we have another day to continue our struggle. Just remember the fate of the mighty Berlin Wall and the Communist ideology, who has foresee for certain that both will crumble one day? None!

"All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hidup Azly!!! Hidup Ranau!!!