Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why Bother?

Blog hopping (not frogging) has been my favourite since I have known blogs and the like. Indeed, it is like meeting the real people, experiencing the real event but most significant of all - it really touches me unlike reading the news from the conservative (read bias) media. From the entries, there are hundreds if not thousands brave souls unlike me. I really admire their courage, their bravery and of course their determination - for the truth!

If only I have even the minute of the minute of their determination, I will be really proud. Nonetheless, people have their own unique way or ways to express themselves. Some like those in the stories I've enjoyed reading are what I refer to as the brave ones. They deliberately plunged themselves into trouble waters without remorse. They really walk the talk, for them being thrown and spend time in lock ups are their real reward - a kind of medal of honour worn proudly and shown to everyone friends and foes.

I, on the other hand is more calculative of the risk at least from the 'lock ups' point of view. But, at the same time I find it really distressing and difficult just to shut up and look the other way when I see and experience something wrong. I can't shy away from sharing my two cents on issues that affected Malaysians in general be it directly or otherwise. Some have the view that as long as they are not affected there and there directly therefore everything is and will be all right. To them, the political chaos is none of their business since they are not affected. They even questioned those the observers like myself - What will you gain from sharing your 'worthless' two cents? Will those you support appreciate you? Are you being paid for your support?

Well, to them , their opinion and to me its my two cents. As mentioned in my disclaimer, the entries in this blog are for sharing and putting those things in another perspective. Indeed, the political turmoil we are now experiencing be it small or as huge as the whale will certainly affect our lives in the long run. Just look at our judiciary, once the envy of everyone today it has become the laughing stock of the world, just like those in the third world though we boast of being a more advanced nation than those. So, what is the effect? The answer is glaring before us...T.R.U.S.T!

Once we lost trust, forever people will never trust us wholeheartedly before we lie to them. This is the fact of life. Sirul and Azilah are now awaiting the gallows pending their appeal. But, will everyone trust and believe the verdict after all the sensation and all the acts but transparency and integrity? Will Malaysians believe that they are really who they are since they always cover their faces during court appearances? Why the police allow such to occur other than to cover for them later, as a token for their sacrifice. Will it be them who really face the gallows later?

Once trust is broken , forever it will haunt us. Therefore, should we still say that those will not affect us directly? What about Kugan? What do we say if he is one of our relative, our next of kin, our brother or ourselves? Will we then say, never mind , it does not concern us? What about those leaders who have the audacity to advise the people to change their life styles in line with the economic crisis? While we have long since make significant changes to our lives, they so far have not been affected by the downturn? They continue their lavish and wasteful extravagance while most of us have to starve? Will we continue to say, it is all right, it does not concern us. It is their money therefore they are free to spend them. If that is our stand, then I suppose we should 'surrender' our brain to the hospitals for the medic students' study!

"If power is ill gotten, look at Thailand for its CONSEQUENCE!"

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