Saturday, June 27, 2009

Beware of Swine Flu

This is only a short update since I don't like this blog to be a thing of the past with piles of dust everywhere. Yup, I have been very very busy with works but one thing for sure though it is tiring I really like my job and therefore should not complained.

In a week time, I'll be heading to Kota Marudu for the State level English Debate, the second time in 2 or is it 3 years? Anyway, today also We need to go to work but since I am not that busy there or the right word is required as I've completed my assigned task, therefore here I am updating my blog.

Speaking about debate, two or maybe three or even four of my former 'trainees' are on their way shaping their future. Good for them but so far they were the best debaters I ever worked with though like other teenagers they too had their mood swing but overall it was a pleasure working with them. The reason? They had the efforts to do their tasks and were really willing to do anything just to make sure everything would be smooth unlike the present crops or the previous ones who are not as dedicated and as good as those who managed to go for the Final in Tenom.

O.k Time to go to my breakfast.....and zzzzzzz

"Is there anything good about spoon feeding"

Monday, June 22, 2009


Malaysia is not yours but OURS!

I knew and realised that I had deleted my third column which I'd kept since the Perak tragedy but It was really unintentional and I vow to myself as I have proclaimed that I well remember the date and most importantly what has transpired that fateful day.

I really can't understand and of course I can't accept the fact that the ruling government dared to act in such heinous way while proclaiming to the world that they are champions of democracy. True, they are the champions but only limited to the democracy that they have created and defined not the universally accepted democracy.

To befriend those people and to certain extent co operate with them is something bewildering after what has transpired more than 30 years ago when one of the leading opposition party nearly lost their 'life'. Well, as many have said nothing is impossible or permanent in politics therefore such may and can happen whether we realise or like it. But, one needs to remind him or herself about principle and the hope that others put upon them. People see them as full of idealism and thus have certain kind of uncompromisable principles. Such principles are really their strength and their attraction. Such is also the reason why they manage to reach the point they are today.

Who am I to talk such? Humbly I concede that I am a nobody but as I mentioned in my so called disclaimer, my entries are within the spirit of freedom of speech and choice as enshrined and therefore guaranteed by the Federal Constitution. Everyone who reads my posts are free to accept and criticise ,my two cents just like I have to accept theirs though with reservations. Above all, my entries are hoped to educate readers of ways to look at certain things and not to confine ourselves to the views that aren't ours originally. I am sure such is not a crime as there are ways to look at things not only the conservative way as the government used to force and shove to our face.

Mine will usually be seen as lies and tainted with malice therefore need to be avoided and theirs are true and therefore must be accepted at face value without any questions. Indeed, this is the prevalent and the only acceptable way of thinking - views of the government or in our case views of the ruling coalition. To see things differently and express them will be severely criticised as lies and untruth. Alas, I don't really care and I will always stick to my ways of looking into things my way as I think fit and correct.

"We can manage on our own said the L.O.S.E.R.S!"

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Musang! Musang! LARI!!!

Sekarang heboh diperkatakan tentang 'Kerajaan Perpaduan' hinggakan ia menimbulkan banyak polemik pro dan kontra di kalangan pihak yang mengusulkan dan pihak - [ihak lain yang berkepentingan.

Masing - masing mengutarakan hujah masing - masing untuk menyokong mahupun menolak idea tersebut. Bagi yang menyokong dengan mudah mengatakan berdasarkan namanya maka ia harus diterima tanpa banyak soal demi kepentingan bangsa, bangsa yang kononnya masih mundur di bumi sendiri. Bangsa yang kononnya masih ketinggalan dari pelbagai aspek walhal sejak kemerdekaan pemerintahan negara didominasi oleh bangsa yang 'mundur' tersebut. Sekali lagi khalayak dimomokkan dengan kekhuatiran mereka bahawa kaum dan bangsa lain sedang tertawa dan menari suka menyaksikan bangsa yang kononnya mundur tadi bertelagah sesama sendiri. Demikianlah permainan politik dan lidah bercabang pihak yang menyokong gagasan berkenaan. Malah salah seorang pemuka golongan yang dipelawa untuk merealisasikan Kerajaan Perpaduan dengan penuh yakin menyatakan bahawa tiada sebarang mustahil terselindung, niat mereka ikhlas.

Pepatah Inggeris "Once bitten twice shy" sewajarnya dihayati oleh para pengusul gagasan ini. Sejarah tidak pernah berbohong dan apa yang berlaku 30 tahun lampau menjadi saksi dan bukti bahawa pihak yang dipelawa oleh pihak yang mengusulkan merupakan pemuka - pemuka yang licik dan pintar berpolitik. Mereka yang telah berkuasa sejak kemerdekaan dicapai lebih lima dekad lampau telah mahir dan cekap bermain sandiwara dan mereka telah imun dengan kuasa dan kekuasaan.

Kini, parti asal pihak yang melontarkan idea perpaduan kian mendapat tempat di kalangan rakyat termasuk mereka yang dahulunya 'takut' dengan ideologi 'keras' mereka. Kini, sedikit demi sedikit atas kurnia dan kekuasaanNya, perjuangan mereka untuk menegakkan Islam kian diterima dan difahami oleh mereka yang sebelum ini memandang serong pada Islam sebagai dogma yang sempit. Pada masa yang sama, pihak yang dijemput pula kian hari kian lemah dengan pelbagai kebejatan mereka terdedah pada umum. Tentunya pelawaan sedemikian amat ditunggu - tunggu bagi pihak yang oportunis seperti mereka,

Peluang ini merupakan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin dilepaskan untuk mengukuhkan semula kedudukan mereka yang kian goyah. Kejujuran dan prinsip bukanlah watak mereka yang memang terkenal licik dan penuh tipu helah. Mereka sanggup berbuat apa sahaja asalkan mereka kekal berkuasa. Selama ini mereka cuma menyatakan persetujuan untuk 'berdamai' tanpa cuba untuk membuktikan mereka benar - benar ikhlas untuk menjayakan inisiatif berkenaan. Malah, beberapa pemuka mereka kini bertindak sebagai 'pelindung' kepada pihak yang beria - ia mengusulkan inisiatif Kerajaan Perpaduan bezanya mereka tidak pula 'menghamparkan' permaidani merah kepada pelontar idea berkenaan mungkin disebabkan mereka sendiri kurang yakin inisiatif tersebut akan berjaya.

"Hati - hati dengan musuh terutama musuh dalam selimut, musang berbulu ayam"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Fool

The last few days have me thinking about good leadership. Many view a good leader to be one who has and full of brilliant ideas and therefore he or she has to come up with novel ideas or at least an innovation the moment he or she comes into office. If he is able to do so therefore many will endorse him or her as being a good leader. But, leader and leadership are not limited to bombastic ideas but they really boil down to how effective such leader in solving problems and seeing the day to day administration of his organisation runs smoothly and effectively.

What happens in the institution should be the leader's responsibility and he needs to be fully knowledgeable of what is happening within his organisation. At the same time also he needs to be proactive and alert in any problems that may arise without waiting for the problem to become worse.

A leader should not only be able to lead i.e giving orders and instructions but he also needs to be with his subordinates to overcome such problem or overseeing the project, program or any of his instructions. Blaming his subordinates or failing to solve problems as quickly as he is aware of the problem is another trait that a leader should have.

A school though with its limited scope is a good place for a leader to train and at the same time apply whatever skills he has to improve his institution for everyone's benefit. A leader in a school is the Principal or Headmaster who needs to fully grasp of his institution's condition. He should not only instruct but most importantly he needs to oversee the situation by working together with his subordinates.

An autocratic leader is not suitable to any organisation as he will only contribute towards dissension with the ranks of his organisation. Having the highest academic qualification is certainly not a prerequisite of an excellent organisation. He may have the best ideas and intention but that certainly are not sufficient to bring the institution to a greater height.

"A leader is trained not merely born"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lose Out

Grouping students into one homogeneous group without looking into their interest and ability is against democratic principle and human rights

Not only they fail to see the significance of resolving the PPSMI issue, they seem to eager to 'improve' on the status of English by proposing that a pass in English as a prerequisite of passing SPM. Admittedly, the move is in a way will spur improvement of the quality of English among students. However, before making such proposal they really need to resolve the issue regarding English as sole medium of instruction to teach Science and Mathematics.

In a way if they proceed with the proposal therefore it is important for them to revamp PPSMI all together since the proposal of making it mandatory for students to pass their English in SPM will certainly improve the standard of English proficiency among younger generations. It has been proven time and again years ago when it is compulsory for the students to pass their Penilaian Darjah Lima and SRP for primary school and form three respectively, before they are allowed to move to higher level. Such moves have improved the standard of education whereby only those who possess the requirements and qualities are allowed to move up. Time has shown that only those with the required qualities have the real chance to shine at least academically.

Unfortunately, everything has changed today not for the best but for the worse. Because of their absurd interpretation of democratisation of education to means equality for all. Many have fallen prey to such absurd policy, those who are academically challenged as well as those who have no desire academically are forced to move up although they have yet fulfilled even the minimum standard. Today, it is common to see secondary students who have not mastered the basic skills and knowledge to read, count and write. Miraculously through such absurd policy they manage to complete SPM though their certificates are deemed worthless.

These students are actually wasting their lives away doing something they are not even qualified for and in certain cases doing something which are forced upon them. Many of them are no longer interested going to school to learn as they are supposed to but more to social interaction - seeing and meeting their peers and friends. In terms of formal knowledge and education it is very unlikely that they have done something constructive.

Many of these students have inclination in other fields such as living skills - carpentry, exterior or interior designs, agriculture and other field which require basic academic skills. Sadly, such paths are not opened to them due to many factors. Basically, it is because of ignorance of such opportunities on their part, parents and to certain extent the schools. Once, technical and vocational schools or institutions become their last bastion of reaping something from the fast moving world. Nonetheless, such has caused some uneasiness on the part of the ministry responsible therefore mistakenly they have removed such opportunity away from those students making making those schools becoming more academically oriented rather than skills oriented. Gradually, those challenged students lost out in the world where academic intelligence takes everything. Finally, they are forced to be part of the system albeit the great disadvantages they suffer.

Time has come for the responsible authorities to rectify such crippling situation fast before everyone is affected. Democratisation of education should no longer be interpreted as equality for all but rather it should mean that we need to look into the interest of the students since they need every skill and knowledge for them to survive in today's fast moving world.

Sunday, June 7, 2009



This evening I watched with intent a documentary about Rosli Dhoby, a young lad from Sarawak who created history being the first to be hanged for his contribution in the killing of the 2nd Sarawak Governor, Sir Duncan George Stewart. It was very touching first of all. How could at such age one could be doing such a thing? How could he had such courage to do such heinous (as some claim) act? Was he justified in doing so? What was his motivation?

First and foremost, he embodies a true spirit of nationalism strengthen by a deep sense of Jihad. Yes, he is a mujahid no doubt. For those who claim that he is a mere thug, a mere killer and a traitor then your ignorance and arrogance can go to hell, yes HELL! For one who died for his country in his quest to free his land from being colonised by others deserves every praise and accolade there are.

I remembered months ago a comment in a local daily about Paduka Mat Salleh. According to the writer he is no more than a local thug, a pirate since he lives on others' despair. The writer then went further by glorifying the colonial power by saying that they were far better than Paduka Mat Salleh. That person belongs to the group that claim RD and few others as traitors, common thugs and many more negative connotations.

For those people the only deserving praises are those who today form the government, Yes, those from the ruling coalition especially from the dominant party within the coalition. Those from the left are regarded as common thugs and do not deserve any recognition for their trouble in the struggle towards independence. The reason? Those people resort to violence or other paths close to it. Those who deserve praise and mention in history books are those who held discussions and look upon the British as civilised people. These people whom some claim never resorted to violence in any kind are the heroes and therefore deserve ALL the praise.

Figures like Burhanuddin al -Helmi, Ibrahim Yaakob, Ishak Hj. Muhammad, Ahmad Boestamam and others have been sidelined and ignored since their approaches. They were different from those who form the government today. Their unconventional approach and method are frowned upon and therefore should not be acknowledge or just a mere mention is enough. They have forgotten that without their unorthodox ways of opposing the colonial power, those who form the government today may not be at their position today. In fact those in power today are opportunists who do not really done anything since they are just reaping the fruits cultivated by the people whom they ignored. They have done nothing other than claiming victory over other people's hardship and hardwork.

The time has come to rewrite the nation's history to include all the true facts and figures involving those who have been unjustly ignored. Sooner or later, the truth will resurfaced and hopefully those who have been ignored will regain their true place in the history of this nation.

“A glorious death is his who for his country falls.” -Homer

EQUALS We are not

It is surprising to see that there are some within the Pakatan Rakyat who are willing to 'sacrifice' their principles to hold talks towards a so called Unity Government. What are their purpose of mooting such idea? If they say it is for the sake of Islam then they are acting like green and immature politicians. The current ruling coalition has done little so far to improve what more strengthening the position of Islam.

Islam is a way of life and unlike other faiths therefore in encompasses everything that we believe and doing. Unfortunately, looking at how some leaders and their followers as well as their family members they seem to believe and hence practise separation between religion and state just like those in the West. It is true that their religions are their concern but remember our religion is therefore our concern. Everyone who has proclaim that he or she is a Muslim therefore must accept Islam holistically and not piece by piece.

Though some view PAS as being a rigid regime but what they are doing and propagating are merely to defend the sanctity of the faith from being liberalised by some who view Islam as very narrow and limited in its practices and approaches to life. SIS for instance has taken too much liberal a stand in their endeavour for equality. To them, equality is to be taken literally, Man and woman are equal in every aspect of life. If a man is allowed or is able to do something therefore the opposite gender should also be accorded the same. This is very much like the west where everyone is equal at least in terms of gender. They seem to forget that man and woman are build up differently with different strength and weaknesses. They claim to believe in the traditions of the Prophet SAW but they are selective in taking his ahadith.

The ruling coalition seems to favour this so called Islamic NGO as among themselves they are those who align themselves to what the NGO believe in. Therefore it is not surprising that such NGO are given special treatment by appointing some of its members to important post. Admittedly, they are selected based on their merit but since what they practice and propagate pose danger to the belief of the Muslims, the government should tread carefully on the issue.

Banning them outright should never be done but the government who proclaims that this nation is an Islamic state should therefore take into consideration the stand of the NGO carefully to safeguard the sanctity of Islam.

“He who dies without having fought or having desired to do so will die guilty of a type of hypocrisy.”
(Sahih al -Bukhari)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Jangan Tertipu

Ceria tetapi jangan tertipu

Kini setelah berakhirnya Muktamar PAS, Presidennya TG Hj. Hadi Awang 'kdengaran' masih mempertahankan idea Kerajaan Perpaduan yang diutarakan oleh beliau sendiri setelah usai PRU 12, 8 Mac tahun lalu. Kerajaan Perpaduan yang menggabungkan PAS dan BN menimbulkan pelbagai polemik di kalangan umum bukan sahaja di kalangan ahli politik.

Apakah sebenarnya Kerajaan Perpaduan ini tidaklah diketahui secara jelas. Kedudukan PAS dalam gabungan tersebut juga samar namun ramai berpandangan bahawa ia adalah langkah bahaya yang bakal menjahanamkan PAS sendiri. Ia pernah berlaku pada tahun 70an di mana PAS di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Asri Muda 'bergabung' dengan UMNO/BN, namun akhirnya ia gagal dan Datuk Asri berkelana membawa diri dan lahirlah Berjasa.

Idea berkenaan timbul di saat pakatan pembangkang muncul sebagai alternatif terbaik selepas keputusan pilihanraya umum ke 12 lalu. Mungkin Haji Hadi berpendapat memandangkan pakatan pembangkang amnya dan PAS khasnya kian beroleh sokongan maka wajar PAS mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengukuhkan kedudukannya. Kesempatan ini juga dilihat UMNO yang pantas melihat gagasan tersebut sebagai platform baginya untuk terus berkuasa di samping cuba melemahkan Pakatan Rakyat yang kian mendapat tempat.

UMNO/BN sebagai parti pemerintah dan antara yang tertua sudah pasti kaya dengan pengalaman dan muslihat politik yang licik. Alasan kononnya gabungan tersebut bakal menguatkan lagi Melayu sukar diterima memandangkan selama ini UMNO sebagai tonggak utama parti memerintah berhempas pulas menggembleng segala kuasa dan pengaruhnya untuk kekal berkuasa seperti yang berlaku di Perak walaupun ia digambarkan seolah - olah benar dan tepat selaras Perlembagaan Negeri.

PAS wajar belajar dari sejarah di mana kesungguhan mereka untuk bersama - sama UMNO akhirnya bertukar menjadi pengalaman ngeri dan hampir menenggelamkan PAS. Sentimen sebangsa dan seagama mungkin menjadi perkiraan Presiden PAS dalam idea 'Perpaduan'nya itu namun dalam politik dan kuasa segalanya mungkin hanya kulit semata. Apakah UMNO selama ini berjaya dalam misinya untuk memartabatkan agama? Kes - kes murtad semakin berleluasa dalam diam mahupun terang - terangan sambil bangsa Melayu itu sendiri masih terkial - kial. Laporan ASLI tahun lepas menunjukkan ekuiti Melayu dan Bumiputera gagal mencan yangpdalah suatu tindakaai tahap 20 peratus sebagaimana yang disasarkan dalam DEB sebanyak 30 peratus. Kemunculan teknokrat dan usahawan bumiputera boleh dibilang dengan jari itupun mereka adalah segelintir yang mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan parti memerintah.

Langkah merealisasikan Kerajaan Perpaduan di saat Pakatan Rakyat kian disenangi dan matlamat parti memerintah yang samar - samar adalah suatu tindakan ke belakang dan ia juga membelakangi aspirasi rakyat yang dahagakan perubahan corak pemerintahan yang selama ini masih gagal memenuhi aspirasi rakyat terbanyak.

Pakatan Rakyat dan PAS khasnya harus lebih peka dan fokus ke arah menubuhkan kerajaan baru sesesai PRU 13 kelak. Perjuangan memartabatkan Islam tetap akan subur sekiranya PAS sendiri benar - benar ikhlas dan istiqamah dalam perjuangan. Islam kini semakin difahami (Insya Allah) di kalangan mereka yang bukan Islam. Harus diingat dengan ketentuanNya juga kini dua aliran ekstrem berupaya duduk semeja bejerjasama dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang dilihat lebih terbuka kepada musyawarah berbanding dalam parti pemerintah itu sendiri. Pujangga agung, Buya Hamka pernah mengungkapkan;

Tanpa ISLAM layulah Melayu

Monday, June 1, 2009

Enter The Faith

Interfaith dialogue is necessary for Islam to progress

Yesterday was a very tiring day for one who is not used to long journey and lots of mental thingy to digress. Yet, it was worth the trouble of waking up so very early for the journey to K.K to a rendezvous down memory lane with all IIUM alumnus.

Nonetheless, what attracts me most is the talk by 'Cikgu' Sidek on Islamiphobia. It was very enlightening and inspiring. Thanks to Cikgu and the organising committee for the session. During the Q & A, one attendee inquires about the need of reciprocal approach to counter misconception which brings about Islamiphobia among the non Muslims particularly the West.

Pardon me for I may have misunderstood Cikgu's reply and intention, but to me his reply is a bit defensive and offensive at the same time. He argues that since Islam has been oppressed for ages and because during that time nobody has tried to understand the real situation encircling Islam and Muslims, there is no need for us to reciprocate to whatever befalling the West or the non Muslims. Reciprocal, according to the Brother is by condemning acts of violence on non Muslims.

I personally believe that respect and understanding is not a one way street. Everyone to gain respect needs to do the same so that respect and understanding are genuine. To cultivate wider and genuine understanding we need to act accordingly by following traditions of the Holy Prophet. He in his lifetime practises above mere human approaches when dealing with unruly behaviour of enemies of Islam. Instead of retaliating to the abuses, the Prophet acts the opposite by responding positively to the harsh treatments he receives early.

Nonetheless, in his reply Prof Sidek also stresses on the need for an open dialogue to disseminate the true face of Islam and not by resorting to violence though it is done to reciprocate what the Muslims have been forced to endure.

His idea of an open dialogue is unique considering that such proposal is a taboo in this nation. Open dialogue for some narrow minded people is an act of degrading and downgrading the status of Islam. By having an open dialogue, they aver that it is against the Federal Constitution. Being the official religion of the federation therefore Islam is above other faiths. In a sense, it is correct but to disallow an interfaith open dialogue is just like an overprotective mother. Islam is supposed to a progressive faith except for matters related to faith or Aqidah and Tauhid. As for other areas, Islam has been very accomodative since its official birth more than 1400 years ago.

Having an open dialogue with other faiths will in fact makes Islam a dynamic and progressive religion in its own stature. What will make Islam unique as compared to others is the fact that it is based on belief in one god but at the same time it does not prohibits its followers from living a life in this temporary world. Its followers are constantly reminded that one is free to do anything as long as it follows the commandments strictly. In the west, it is separation between world and religion as to them what one is doing in the privacy of his home is his rights and religion has no right to interfere. It is bewildering since they too believe in the life after death but they seem to be ignorant that to have a blissful after life, one needs to look after his life in this world hence the notion of separation between government and religion is certainly absurd in view of afterlife.

"We will enjoy what we sow in this life in the After Life"