Friday, July 31, 2009

Right Path to Hell

Dear Leader: Is he on the Right Path?

It is amazing to read and to listen to others when they boast that since they are the majority or their popularity is up therefore they are on the right path. Right path for them really means they are the majority or they are in power therefore they are right i.e they have legitimacy in their actions be it detrimental to themselves or others.

Such shallow and false analogy therefore means that Kim Jong Il's dictatorship for instance and other dictatorship around the world are legitimate since they have the majority or rather the people are behind them. The fact that such support is artificial and bogus since they are coerced and not given voluntarily is irrelevant. For those fools, what ever decisions made or taken which are supported by the majority are deemed on the right path again not considering the reality that such may be hazardous to themselves and others.

Being on the right path for them can be measured easily through the increasing or decreasing of approval rate of their 'Dear Leader'. They seem to forget that numbers do not reflect truth in fact most often than not, bigger numbers mean high risk of corruption and such 'huge' support itself may be solicited through illegal means such as corruption and abuse of power.

Take the Holy Prophet for instance, he propagates Islam in a time where deities worshipping is the norm of the day, women are being mistreated and treated as mere commodities without any visible legal rights of their own and many other wrongful acts but are being steadfastly adhered by the majority. Now, are they saying since those constitute the majority therefore they are on the right path? Such is an extreme analogy but since they attribute increasing popular rating to mean right therefore the extremity of this analogy is negligible.

Being on the right path necessarily means that one is uphold not only his interests but he also takes into consideration the interests of others. Being right therefore means being righteous since righteous implies justice and fairness to others including those who are in the minority.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cuci Tangan Bersih - Bersih

Semua orang sibuk dan gusar tentang Selsema Babi, sana sini orang sibuk memperkatakan tentang wabak yang sungguh aneh lagi menakutkan. Televisyen, akhbar, radio dan pelbagai media begitu tekun melaporkan sebarang kes baru atau petunjuk baru berkenaan wabak itu.

Sayang seribu kali sayang dan menghairankan bila golongan cerdik pandai agama hanya berdiam diri tanpa mengeluarkan walau sepotong bicara berupa nasihat dan peringatan kepada umum tentang apa sebenarnya yang sedang berlaku, lebih tepat yang tersirat di sebalik penularan wabak. Hanya yang kedengaran langkah berjaga - jaga dari segi fizikal, dari luaran atau kulit semata. Penularan wabak itu sewajarnya disusuli oleh peringatan dan nasihat yang lebih meluas akan tanda - tanda kemurkaan Yang Esa akan kemungkaran dan kebinasaan yang giat dilakukan.

Manusia sering lupa sejarah sedang sejarah merupakan diari terbaik dalam mengingati tingkah laku songsang generasi terdahulu. Umat Nuh, Hud, Luth dan ramai lagi umat dan bangsa lampau musnah akibat wabak dan musibah yang melanda. Apakah cukup sekadar menutup mulut dan membasuh tangan bagi mengelak jangkitan? Sudah pasti ia jauh daripada mencukupi malah ia hanya luaran dan tidak ke dalam - hati dan jiwa manusia yang sememangnya telah kronik. Kita terlalu melihat ke luar, pada dunia namun kita lupa bahawa virus yang menyebarluas H1N1 sebenarnya juga makhluk Allah SWT yang hanya menurut perintah dan suruhan-Nya, tidak lebih dari itu. Suatu hakikat yang jelas dan nyata namun sering dipandang enteng dan diperlekehkan memandangkan manusia beranggapan bahawa mereka memiliki segalanya - virus perlu ditumpaskan dengan vaksin. Mana mungkin virus boleh tewas dengan doa dan munajat?

Surau dan masjid sepi tanpa jemaah yang sewajarnya bermunajat dan memohon agar umat dilindungi dan dijauhi daripada bala dan musibah. Khutbah Jumaat tidak pula diutilasi sepenuhnya untuk mengingatkan manusia agar kembali pada-Nya. Menjaga dan melindungi kesihatan fizikal tidak dinafikan amat perlu namun kesihatan rohani perlu juga dititikberatkan. Mungkin ramai yang lupa namun inilah sebenarnya tugas dan peranan cerdik pandai agama untuk mengingatkan umat agar kembali kepada fitrah kejadian - beribadah dan beriman kepada Yang Esa.

"Sesungguhnya manusia amat pelupa"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Humming the Melody

Its been awhile after my last entry and today I'm feeling melancholic.At work for the past weeks, there is one Dusun oldie hummed by my colleagues. A song by the late John Gaisah, a budding singer who like James Dean met his Creator at the height of his career. His songs today are treasured by many not only among his people but anyone who are into music including yours truly.

Sadly, his death and thus his songs are unfairly linked with drinking sessions. One of my fav is "Miniagal oh Sinsing". I first listened to this great song few years back. I remembered my parents played a karaoke CD containing this particular song. The moment I heard this song I immediately fall in love. A song which is not at all relates to drinking but rather about a father longing for the birth of his first child. He has so many plans for his first and I wonder whether the late Gaisah had the chance to see his first born since he died at relatively young age in early 80's.

Few weeks ago, one politician suggested that he should be awarded for his contribution which I think is very appropriate since his songs today have huge followings from the old to as young as toddlers. Further, as in the song "Miniagal Oh Sinsing", there are a lot which we can learn from. Wisdom which could really guide us to better if not greater life. If the government can bestow a Datuk on a figure who remotely knows Malaysia therefore time is ripe for them to honour one of the land's offsprings. Salute to the late Gaisah!

" Appreciate those who are still with us"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wither Justice and Trust

Could We Ever Trust Them?

Luck surely is not at their side right now, or maybe it has nothing to do with luck. While they are rejoicing the concocted fact that voters are gradually returning to their side, out of the blue someone died in the vicinity of one of the government enforcement organ, long has been tainted for their unorthodox way of doing their works.

For now, only the Almighty knows what really transpired there but everyone and surprisingly one of the newspaper owned by one of the coalition party, seem to have doubts in the circumstances of the unfortunate death. His passing on the eve of his marriage is certainly warrants suspicion. Logically, one who is getting married should be in cloud nine or should one be in it? It is reported that his fiancee is carrying his child but again according to report he does not even know about it yet.

It is hard for the police especially to come up with a satisfactory findings since they too are caught in the midst of confidence scandal together with many other agencies. One can certainly comprehend their predicament. Coming back to MACC, today one of Sabah's opposition party laments their action of selective investigation which is sadly quite apparent.

While the Opposition has time and again lodge countless reports against the government (read the ruling coalition), MACC has so far been dragging their feet and seem reluctant even to open a file but when it comes to reports against the Opposition , they seem to possess extra strength and speed to investigate and subsequently come out with guilty verdicts most often than not. Admittedly, such scenario may not be their fault since they are merely following order from higher ups. Nonetheless, they should remember that there is one who is mightier than the bosses up there, the Almighty Himself.

Whatever the government agencies are doing though they are on the right track but damage has been done and once trust is betrayed oftentimes it remains as such and they will never again regain the lost trust. Look at what happens to the Lingam tape, although the Royal Commission has come out with a guilty verdict but so far every government agencies including the one which is supposed to try the matter, so far has done nothing.

Malaysians need to remind themselves that mere physical development in the forms of bridges, schools etc aren't enough for a good government. As mentioned above, trust is one of them without which a government is merely a tool for unscrupulous people to enrich themselves in place of the mass. Time has come for Malaysians to take a bold step in changing a government which no longer has our trust. Be Brave!


Friday, July 10, 2009


I am back but lets go on to bussiness...PPSMI

I am grateful that the government has come to its sense by abolishing altogether the dumbest policy it ever made all thanks to the then PM who until today is still barking though from outside with less and less followers. Someone should have him checked into one of many mental facilities. He seems obsesses with power and cannot remind himself that he is only the THEN Prime Minister.

Coming back to PPSMI or ETEMS, finally the government acknowledges reports saying that the standard and performance of students in both subjects are on the decline particularly in the rural areas. What is the then PM's intention anyway when he bulldozes the idea without proper planning, caught everyone by surprise so much so they only had to comply. But that's typical of him since he is the MIGHTY OLD MAN!

The problem among others is the students' weaknesses in English which severely limit and affect their employability. At the same time, many of them are also weak in both science and mathematics. As the wise man he exudes himself to be, he hatches the three-pronged idea of combining the subjects. He being the fixer just like his training is not bothered about the impacts. He is just being naive and idealistic; thinking that by doing such, the students will be better. Sadly, the results do not really agree with his utopia. Students, his guinea pigs become his latest victims. Students today are only familiar with the terms but they still fail miserably to comprehend its meaning and usages what more applying the concepts because their English is limited. English has become the blockade to full understanding.

If others see such as being apolitical then they are correct this is politics since politics itself covers a vast area including the welfare of the students. At least on this matter I am with the government.

Can't you retire gloriously?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rain and Books

I always like it when it rains

It never occurs to me before to download books and read them from the screen, its just not the same with holding the books and smelling the 'sweet' smell of new and old books. Nonetheless, now I have been busy downloading such and now I have special folder in my desktop dedicated for such purpose. Inside, I have Dan Brown's, Stephanie Meyer's, Jeffrey Archer and my all time favourite, Ms. Agatha Christie. I never thought that downloading them will only be a matter of few minutes, maybe because thinking them as voluminous bulks. Hehe...

Last night I tried a few pages of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, it was not as interesting as holding the book but since the story itself was interesting, I really don't mind and I will try my best to read all of them. It might take me forever but again reading fictions is to be done leisurely unlike reading academic or factual materials which need to be done speedily (or is it?). Before going a for almost a week to KM, I am thinking of 'bringing' Angels and Demons with me on my newly acquired MP4. Still for the trip, I will bring along a 'real' book, maybe the autobiography of Prof. Sidek Baba.

Reading has been my passion since I was still in primary school and I remember my passion at that time was Malay books published only by DBP and non other. Well, I may be naive but at that time in the 80's and early 90's, there are very few and limited publishers available and most of them are not as attractive as books by DBP. Sadly, nowadays it is the opposite, private publishers are mushrooming with more attractive books while DBP seems to be on the decline

Fortunately, since then my interest is English and thus I have never been short of English reading materials but sadly I am short in terms of time to read them as much as I would like to do. Talking about time, after my trip to KM, I'll be busy with my dissertation preparation. In a few weeks I intend to submit mine to the U after my supervisor gives me the green light few weeks ago. Since then, I only managed to inform the U of my intention to submit mine but that's about it.

I am not as intelligent as I want to be but I am very fortunate to have affordable hobby - reading compared to others who are into cars, computers and all sorts of expensive hobbies. But, perhaps the thing that I 'm grateful most is the fact that my hobby lets me to be at home unlike others who have to go out for theirs.

This post may be the last before a long pause since I will only be back on Thursday next week. Till then I will miss my time with my books and computer. Hopefully, all my and my students' hard work will be fruitful and we'll be able to achieve our goal! Insya Allah..

If you can read this, thank a teacher.