Monday, August 31, 2009

Runtuhkan Retorik dan Kemunafikan!

Runtuhkan tembok perkauman!

Demikian saranan Perdana Menteri 1Malaysia menjelang Kemerdekaan negara yang ke "46" tahun hari ini, 31 Ogos 2009. Mudahnya seorang yang bergelar pemimpin nombor satu mengungkapkan saranan yang nyata hanya retorik, tidak bernilai, kosong.

Selama ini konsep 1Malaysia yang diwarwarkan sebenarnya hanya omongan kosong berwajah baru umpama seseorang yang menjalani pembedahan 'botox'. Rupanya berubah namun insan dan tabiatnya tetap seperti dulu. Apakah dengan hanya 'memakaikan' kanak - kanak berbangsa India dengan Baju Melayu dan sebaliknya, maka perpaduan serta merta wujud? Hanya dengan mengibar Jalur Gemilang ,kita semua bersatu?

Jika benar ingin bersatu dalam erti kata sebenarnya mengapa Bumiputera di Sabah dan Sarawak yang merupakan rakan kongsi dan bukan penumpang Malaysia masih dianaktirikan? Lihat sahaja borang - borang permohonan, langsung tidak disebut kaum - kaum di Sabah waima di Sarawak secara khusus atau sekurang - kurangnya ruang untuk Bumiputera Sabah atau Sarawak diwujudkan, bukannya susah sangat. Perasaan rakyat Malaysia di Malaysia Timur telah lama terguris namun siapa yang peduli? Sedangkan warga Malaysia yang turun temurun dilahir, dibesar dan akhirnya menghembus nafas terakhir di bumi Malaysia amat terasa dipinggirkan apatah lagi bangsa lain yang dianggap baru di negara ini namun sama - sama membentuk gagasan Malaysia.

Warga beragama Islam di Malaysia Timur turut berasa terpinggir dan dipaksa membuang ras mereka bahana peruntukan Perlembagaan yang jelas bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam sendiri yang jelas mengakui kewujudan dan hak mereka yang bukan berbangsa Arab. Dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, umat Islam secara paksa digolongkan sebagai 'Melayu' sedangkan mereka mungkin sahaja berbangsa Cina, India, Dusun, Kadazan, Iban, Murut dan sebagainya.

Apakah hanya kerana beragama Islam, mereka dikatakan Melayu? Adat resam dan budaya Melayu sebenarnya berlainan dengan Islam walaupun banyak persamaan namun tidak semua Melayu itu Islam, lihat kaum Orang Asli mereka Melayu, Melayu Proto atau Melayu Lama tetapi ramai yang masih mengamalkan animisme waima anutan lain seperti Kristian. Bangsa dan agama tidak wajar disatukan atau membawa erti dan definisi yang sama kerana kini kita melihat di kalangan kita ada yang berbangsa Melayu tetapi merupakan pengunjung tetap kedai - kedai judi dan peminum arak tegar lebih Barat kehidupannya berbanding mereka yang tinggal dan berasal dari Barat. Siapa dia Lina Joy, Nor Aishah Bokhari, Joshua Jamaluddin dan ramai lagi? Mereka berbangsa Melayu tetapi bukan penganut Islam!

Seorang menteri kabinet yang begitu taksub dengan bangsanya tetapi sayang isterinya 'dibintikan' dengan nama suaminya dan anaknya sendiri diberi nama yang asing dengan budaya Melayu! Ramai pemimpin Melayu bergelumang dengan penyalahgunaan kuasa dan rasuah, akibatnya Islam terpalit sama. Inilah akibatnya jika bangsa dan agama diberi konotasi yang sama dan tidak terpisah.

Tulisan ini tidak sama sekali berniat mengapi - apikan kebencian dan perkauman malah ia suatu hakikat yang pahit namun terpaksa diterima sekiranya tembok pemisah yang dikatakan Najib itu ingin dirobohkan. Bak kata orang, kalau putih katalah putih dan bukan dengan panggilan lain!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Passing

1941 - 2009

Senator Prof Datuk Dr Ismail Md Salleh, the first handicapped figure to be appointed to the Senate passed away at the Singapore General Hospital today. He who was 61, was on his way to China. May Allah bless his soul accorded to him a place among those blessed ones.

I have always been impressed by him, a figure in his own class surpassing even those who are physically better. He is believed to be the first handicapped person to be warded with a Doctorate, a feat I am trying to achieve, Insya Allah.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Look familiar?

One the right is Osman Jailu and on the left is Radzhi Salleh

  1. Both were PKR representatives before suddenly realising their true calling
  2. Look at their faces, aren't there something?
  3. Both are Muslim Malays but those in DAP are better off (except for Hee Yit Fong)
  4. PKR needs to look into their candidate selection procedures
  5. May 'something' befall on these scums!

Thank You!

We can't really trust politicians, can we?

Yet another Champion of the People declares his true allegiance by stabbing and turning against the People just because he no longer relates to his superiors. He seems to forget that it is actually the People who vote for him and not his superiors. It is the People who put their trust in him so that they will have proper representation and hence their welfare and well-being are taken care of. Nonetheless, now that he has shifted his allegiance to the ruling coalition, hopefully the People and his constituency will get the benefits they deserve more than anything else.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Another huge win for PAS@PR...Insya Allah

heir leaders and supporters oftentimes call for transparent and just media reporting and by just and media reporting they only mean reporting nice things about them though that is not entirely the case. It also covers misreporting if the matters involve the Opposition and other dissenting views. As long as the reports are in their favour then everything is bright if not shiny.On the other hand, if the matters and sources come from the other side of the road than different sets of rules apply, everything from them should and need to be overly scrutinised and finally set aside as libelous and lies.

Their reporters have the usual and excellent skill to turn everything up side down, to turn back to white and all other unimaginable facts manipulations. Their news whoring skills are second to none, the best of the best. Sadly, their poor and bias penship are acknowledged as the truth by none other than our so called leaders. When Tuan Guru Nik Aziz purportedly said that their Islam is fake and comes from the Palestine whereas the real truth is TGNA has indeed say that their Islam is fake but he never once uttered the phrase coming from the Palestine, the land of the Anbiya! He said that their Islamic faith is liken to a flower made from plastics not Palestine!

Itulah kalau dah kalut sangat nak memburukkan orang, tuhan akan tunjuk kebenaran. In san yang nak diburukkan itu pun bukan calang - calang orang, bukan manusia biasa yang jahil tidak berilmu. Memang benar kata Tun Mahathir Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz bukan sembarang orang, manusia luar biasa - Super Human! Walaupun beliau berkata demikian dengan nada menyindir namun hakikatnya memang terbukti Nik Aziz itu seorang yang luar biasa, seorang ulama yang berilmu dan bukan tin kosong seperti sesetengah pemimpin mereka yang kononnya berpendidikan tinggi agama tetapi 'menghalalkan' pelacuran, misalnya.

Beliau tidak melampau bila melabel Islam sesetengah penyokong parti tertentu sebagai tidak tulen, palsu, plastik dan sebagainya kerana terang - terangan dengan jelas interpretasi dan amalan Islam mereka jauh menyimpang dari Islam yang dibawa oleh junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW. Islam tidak pernah liberal, tiada pemisahan antara politik dan Islam malah politik itu sebahagian dari Islam bukan sebaliknya. Tiada istilah liberal dalam Islam cuma yang ada hanya kelonggaran dalam situasi - situasi tertentu. Arak tetap haram hukumnya dan tidak ada liberal tatkala arak digunakan dalam situasi tertentu, itu bukan liberal tetapi hanyalah kelonggaran yang diberikan demi maslahah.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Praise be to HIM!

The question is not will he win but will he able to reduce the majority?

It is indeed bewildering when the Opposition in Pulau Pinang decided to put forward a disbarred lawyer as their 'most eligible' candidate in the Permatang Pasir by election on August 25. Although they vehemently claim that he is innocent of the breach hurled at him but both the Bar Council and the High Court have both tacitly and openly declared his guilt - by revoking his license to practice!

It is easy to understand the aftermath of such conviction though he with the help of his party has settled the amount he has misappropriated but the damage and wrong have already been done. A trust has been broken between him and his client. Now, his former partner, who is by the way is not charged with anything has claimed to be made the scape got for the debacle.

May it is fate that while the ruling coalition is trying very hard to portray itself as clean, good and responsible entity but still they fail miserably in their quest to cleanse themselves. It is mind boggling when they decided to pick someone like him to be the candidate in a by election so important as the Permatang Pasir after series of humiliating defeats. It is an insult to other party members whom I believe to be many who possess better image compared to the candidate. Out of thousands of their members in Permatang Pasir, the party has decided to field someone who is morally tainted only because he is considered ' people friendly', which by the way is a misnomer since he has been convicted of a breach of trust against others whom he is supposed to look after morally, ethically and professionally.

Praise be to God that He has indeed exposed the truth , the real face of the party through such humiliating fumble and let it be a lesson to all particularly the voters in Permatang Pasir to choose the right person to be their representative, not a person who later will embezzle not only their trust but also the allocations meant for them. Send the other candidate to the State Assembly with a resounding victory never achieved before! Insya Allah

"People friendly should not be interpreted literally but figuratively as well"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Liar! Liar! Liar!

They try to gain popularity through the sufferings of others

As usual when it comes to others than the ruling coalition which control the government will act and pretend that they are the people's champions. Nobody is better than them and they, since they are in power are free to dictate whatever they deem appropriate. Within the country, they blatantly bend any rules, laws and regulations to serve their purpose- to remain in power. Any dissents will be treated with utmost prejudice and hostility.

Now, they are thinking of censoring the Net, the only source available for free and open dissent in this beloved country of ours. Though, their mouth piece the Ministry of Information Minisr vehemently denies any plan to censor the Net but being them, nothing is impossible. Everything is possible in Bolehland. Today they say they will not do such thing but tomorrow it will be a totally different situation
. They come up with thousand or even millions reasons to control the people as long as the people are deceived into believing that the only truth must come from the ruling coalition than, everything is fine as the clear blue sky.

When Aung San Suu Kyi is detained under house arrest after a sham court process, as the hypocrite they are, they urge to junta to immediately release her but for any right thinking people, such is totally unacceptable since they themselves are just like the military junta which imprisoned Ms. Suu Kyi. They have long cease to be credible and hence whatever come from their filthy mouths should never be taken seriously as they are also cosmetic- mere lip service but in effect do not hold even a scintilla of truth.

They brazenly demand others to uphold democratic principles but at the same time they are also actively indulging in undemocratic practices. They openly condemn the Israelis but behind the scene, they openly hug those criminals. They openly criticise the US but in reality they are no different from the Americans. They will act according to situations which favour their selfish interests. They say that the laws are sufficient and adequate to control terrorism but they oppose any moves to scrap unjust laws which enable the authority to detain someone without trial for as long as they want, just by screaming NATIONAL SECURITY!

They need to wake up and remind themselves that we living in the advanced age no longer the 50's where they can act like the colonialists they openly detest but secretly admire.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anwar The Traitor

The real instigator

Anwar Ibrahim, a traitor
a racist perpetrator
an enemy collaborator
other races solicitor
a debt collector
the Jews contractor

What about their beloved Nun alif jin ya sin?
a born hypocrite
robbing the people by the crates
just like the Somali pirates
he hikes he rates
he is a rich man
the submarine salesman
deals in lies, hatred he fans
as if it is the most natural
like the undersea coral
he accuses others of something he concocts
to remain in power as long as he pleases
easily he calls another a traitor
through his loyal minions
in reality he is the thug
longing for a hug
from his hatred loving gang of thugs

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tiada Jalan Pulang

1968 - 2009?

Al - Fatihah untuk Dr. Noordin Mohd Top dan 'mangsa - mangsa'nya.
Mengapa perlu dihirau si Pengganas?
Mengapa perlu dikasihani si Pembunuh?
Bukankah dia telah membunuh ramai saudara seagamanya sendiri?
Bukankah membunuh itu suatu dosa, apatah lagi membunuh saudara seagama
Mereka yang tidak berdosa, tidak berhutang walau sesen pun pada si Pembunuh

Sebelum 'menghukum' si Pembunuh
Telusuri dahulu sejarah asal usul perjuangan
Mengapa seorang cendikiawan berubah wajah dan watak menjadi Pembunuh?
Benarkah dia sang Pembunuh yang selama ini diburu?
Puluhan nyawa malah mungkin beratus dan beribu gugur tanpa secubit pun dosa pada si Pembunuh

Segala bermula tatkala
Musuh - musuh Islam mengganyang, merobek , merogol
kehormatan dan kesucian Islam
Keberanian si Pembunuh dan rakan - rakan
Rela berkorban meninggalkan yang tersayang nun di bumi Malaysia
demi melengkapi
Perjuangan yang dianggap luhur, di jalan benar
Walau apa yang dikata
Allah, Sang Pencipta
Lebih berhak menghakimi

Perjuangan tanpa noktah
Tidak kenal sesal, jalan pulang
Istiqamah yang menebal
Wajar dihayati

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rightful Owner

They deserve it more

Justice according to Islamic tenet means putting a thing in its rightful place and justice is not merely about equality since the latter is not just if it is not assigned to its proper place. Thus, to be just, those in power particularly the government needs to look at prevailing situation to put everything particularly the interest, rights and privileges of the people are taken into consideration. Denying the people of something which are their rights and not just privileges is unjust.

Oil royalties are basically the rights of the people from which it is excavated therefore any states in Malaysia which produce oil and gas have the rights to the royalties irrespective of the government which administer that particular states. I may be ignorant of the prevailing laws regarding oil and gas royalties but laws which are unjust and oppressive certainly deserved to be repealed and if not repealed ,amended to suit justice.

The government's decision to review and consider awarding royalties to Kelantan raises questions as to the reasons why the state has been deprived of such money for so long. The government in agreeing to consider the royalties is an admission that all these years Kelantan indeed is a producer of oil and gas albeit in small quantities. Dragging and prolonging the matter is unjust to the deserving state since it is in dire needs of funds to develop the state although time and again the Federal government under the ruling coalition denies it has been sidelining the state but in reality it is indeed the case as what happened to all the states under the opposition as what really occurred to Sabah between 1985 to 1994.

Any Kelantanese or Malaysians should be united in asking for something that belong to them. I t is surprising when those Kelantanese MPs in the ruling coalition or those aligned to them are keeping mum on such matter. By acquiescing to what the Federal government is doing is a sin to their people and state since the royalties are in the first place originate from their state therefore they have the right to ask for it.

This entry is not trying to tell them what they need to do but this is first and foremost is about justice , integrity and good governance. Dragging their feet on such matter means the federal government is openly robbing the state or any other states in the same mould of their resources and rights to development. Such is not augur well with democratic principle and those in the ruling coalition need to reminded of such sacred foundation of democracy.

Thinking Tree

A typical view in any autocratic nation

Human, His best creations, are bestowed with the best ever computer, the mind with the brain, a fragile looking organ but with tremendous ability. In the Holy Quran , Allah SWT has time and again urges His servants to think for the better as clear from the first aya' revealed to His beloved prophet. Thinking, a process which human need to prosper but many are simply ignorant of its potency and many also fear for its inherent power.

Government of the day, in its quest to retain power but announce to the world and for those foolish enough to believe, curbs critical thinking among the citizens particularly when it comes to human rights. Draconian law and force are used extensively and oftentimes are utilised hand in hand to curb dissidents.

Internal security Act or the Patriot Act is nothing but the same - to curb dissidents and dissenting ideas. All for but one purpose - national security but in reality it has nothing to do with national security other than a tool of oppression. We have ample laws to curb and prevent any untoward incidents , it really boils down to will power and commitment. Sadly, those in the government anywhere throughout the earth prefers to take the short cut, the easy way- generalising or blanketing offence though remotely related to security through such demeaning law. It really makes their job easier, detain and throw presumed offenders without trial as long as they think appropriate at the expense of the detainees and the tax payers.

Any issues certainly attract pros and cons , thus the best way is to allow those with dissenting views to express themselves in an orderly manner rather than curbing their basic right to express themselves. Why not allow both sides to air their views separately and let the public be the judge of their views. Let the public have educated decision as to what is or are best for them. After all, we claim to be a democratic country so why curb and prevent the public from getting all sorts of views. Alas, such really atypical of a third world nation.