Friday, September 11, 2009

Ungrateful Scums


Once upon a time in a far, far away land people vent their anger on their neighbours accusing them of stealing their ethnic dance. Later, it is discovered that it never happen since the identity theft is actually committed by others, a private organisation which foolishly and irresponsibly portrays such dance to belong to the neighbours. Interestingly, the private company is stationed in another neighbouring state.

Many views such as a political ploy by interested parties to gain popularity with a view of wresting power or at least clinging to it. Such view may be far fetched but its significance can't simply brushed aside. The tourism advertisement is produced in a neighbouring country which since its separation from its neighbour, has had a bittersweet relationship ranging from trade to politics. At the same time the neighbouring state which claim the theft might also have other hidden agenda since many of their citizens are living freely and perhaps too free in the neighbouring state.

Their citizens are notoriously known for their high and deep involvement in crimes causing their hosts great suffering. Just like parasite, that is they really are.Because of some of their citizens are ill treated they quickly declare a crusade against the host who after all these while have been very generous. They seem to forget or deliberately choose to turn a blind side towards the crimes committed by their own at their host expense and sufferings. A few of those belligerent fools go to the street carrying sharpened bamboo harassing motorists trying to identify and pick out citizens of the neighbouring state. This happens during the holy month of Ramadhan and believe it or not those vigilantes are Muslims themselves!

Nevertheless, to totally blame them is itself unfair since they have genuine issues against their neighbours. Well, not the ethnic dance of course. Meanwhile, such incident might also be sponsored by quarters from the neighbouring nation - power, that might be their intention since the last election has seen the ruling government is besieged from all directions as scandal after scandal begins to unravel itself. Hence, they need diversions to sidetrack the public from the real issue - severe corruption, mismanagement and power abuse. The neighbouring nation also known as Bolehland, for the very first time seen their number one leader being accused of various misconducts.

Being a citizen in Bolehland as the name indicates therefore, such farfetched imagination may not be farfetched after all. Remember, this is the land where everything is possible as long as you are in or the government itself!

"The People are no longer gullible as they seem to be years ago"

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