LGE is in his own class while CSL deserves to be among the idiots
I am not that knowledgeable and pious when comes to faith related issues but reading what Soi Lek said about Hudud triggers my anger. One who openly admitted extra marital relationship talking nonsense about others' faith does not command respect but merely attracts hatred and further widening the gap between him, his party with the rest of Malaysia.
UMNO being the backbone of the ruling coalition should from the very beginning of the formation of the coalition educate and share with the others about the reality of Islam and not just proclaiming Islam as the official religion of the federation. They have the utmost and heaviest of responsibility to educate and disseminate the beautiful teachings of Islam of which they fervently declare to its defender. Instead of letting things go out of hand due to total ignorance they should do what PAS has done to their partner, DAP in PR.
It may not be direct nor complicated as by forcing others to believe in Islam but through exemplary conduct as excellently portrayed by their spiritual leader Tuan Guru Nik Aziz and the rest of PAS' upper echelon. Through their partnership, DAP slowly but gradually is being 'educated' of what Islam really is. Now, it is not surprising when leaders from DAP about Islam as Islam really is not the self-taught version that they for so long believe in.
Malaysians and in particular our non Muslims borthers and sisters should never fear hudud as there is no PAS based or even UMNO based hudud as hudud comes and enacted by the Almighty Himself. It is not the creation of mortals but the holy words of the Creator Himself. Even if hudud is to be implemented it never applies to people of other faiths and therefore why the fuss on its implementation? If their concern is on their Muslims brothers then again their fear is unfounded and baseless since the burden of proof is much higher than man-made law which we currently practised. If under the present criminal law one is convicted based on reasonable doubt under Islamic law it goes further- beyond any shadow of doubt. Literally it means one is absolved from crime if there 's even a 'shadow' of doubt and not reasonable presumption of it like under Common law.
Being a leader in a multi racial country Soi Lek should know better than to talk about others' faith and he needs to immediate retracts what he has said about Islam. But then , perhaps it is a clear sign for all especially the Muslims to reject the ruling coalition since they themselves have no respect for others. This is a very strong sign that we need to 'UBAH' and 'TUKAR' the next government to one which is more responsive and responsible
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