Sunday, November 16, 2008

Terkenang Semasa Dulu II

Most realise and know that we need to learn from the past to build a better and brighter future but oftentimes we forget the statement and thus we keep on repeating the mistakes all over. Often, we are too lazy to refer to history and the people who create history though we used to say their names. This happens to one of greatest talent in our music scene in the 1950s.

Music is really not my field as I just listen to them but seldom remember the singer or even the titles but when it comes to little known personality then I'll try my best to find out more about that personality including those in the music scene. We used to listen to songs by R. Azmi but little or none is known about him.

What is so special about him? None actually except for his tragic life story. Born into a royal family, R actually is Raja in Perak. He travels up to Singapore to pursue his dreams in music. He's a contemporary of P.Ramlee but fate or is is his undoings lead them separate ways the latter achieves greater height in his career but the former succumbed to life of the insignificant and forgotten though his contribution is as important as the late Tan Sri.

His immense love for arts and music lead to his poor life towards the end and this is one thing that we should remember and always remind ourselves to prepare for the uncertain future. We should not become too obsess with something though we love it very much just like the late R.Azmi. He is too me is a true lover of music since if we look at his lyrics they are very poetic and his voice strengthen his songs.

Though he and many others died an unsignificant deaths but their uncomparable struggle and drive to achieve and gradually die for the things that they love is something that we need to remember and emulate to achieve greater height. Al - Fatihah for Raja Azmi Raja Ambiah (1923 - 1974).

Terkenang semasa dulu, hati ku merasa rindu

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