Thursday, January 29, 2009


Do they hate Kermit?

When they seem fit, they allow it

Once they said it was unconstitutional
Since others long for their painful yet sensuous touch
but not for others
only for them
for others it simply unconstitutional

they are facing the reality
the eventuality they once denied
under the guise of the Constitution
it was against human rights
it was wrong to deny freedom of choice
every facet of freedom

when they become the victim
again it is wrong, evil
it is against the wish of the people
it is an act of treachery
it is absolutely unacceptable

until today they are still saying
it is wrong, it is an abhorrence
but sadly it is for a different reason

their mind, their tongue
they are the knaves
waiting for the moment
to usurp the wish of the People

Is it wrong to be a F.R.O.G?

Machiavellian to the core

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