Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bad Apples

Maybe they deserve it for being bad neighbours

They almost everything that we once treasured but we keep coming to them, not just courtesy visits but we offer our generous help in time when they need it most. There are thousands of them here on the pretext of earning their life but back home their ungrateful brethren call us names even threaten the lives of our people on their soil.

Yet, again we keep helping them just like good neighbours though we know they will not reciprocate. We send our people to help them in any ways that we could , particularly when they suffered calamities in the calamity-prone homeland. How many of those realise that they have been bad neighbours? Most probably just take the help for granted as something they truly deserve since they are in need but less are grateful for their neighbours still care for them.

This may not the time to begrudge our neighbours but when is the time? It may never come since they are obsessed with feuding with us. Now, they have batik to call their inheritance but fortunately theirs are not as lively as ours here and in fact batik certainly does exclusively belong to them since even the West have their own kind of batik like the Hawaiian shirt.

Maybe I am being irrational and bitter but sometimes it is better to fight fire with fire. Certainly we do not to be in war with them but perhaps it is the time for us to 'wipe' their kinds here from the land they named "Malingsia", Malingsial" which in reality they are the sials and the malings. They are just the ungrateful dogs which bit the hands of those who are trying to help them. Perhpas, it is time for us to stop caring since they are not even care about hurting us. Perhaps, it is time to stop every kindness and assistence when they in dire need of it, just to make them realise how much they have hurt us in many ways. Who need bad neighbours anyway?

"Kamu tu yang MALING dan SIAL!"

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