Friday, February 13, 2009

For God Will Care

“We know everyone of us, that in the end, all will be well. For god will care for us and give us victory and peace. And when peace comes remember it will be for us the children of today to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.

Princess Elizabeth
October 13, 1940

A soothing and inspiring advice by a Royalty who care much for her subjects. A statement which will forever live anywhere and anytime for all to adhere, for all to share and for all to spread. Peace loving and justice seeker Malaysians should always remember their sacrifice and struggle for a better Malaysia will not be in vain. To those 'reformists', none can compare your contribution than endless and sincere gratitude to us. From being ignorant to one who today and in the future be able to see the truth, to see and to realise that for a long time we have been robbed of our dignity by knaves, charlatans and their underlings. Thank you for your troubles, for the sufferings that you have to endure only for us to have a true meaningful life in the land called Malaysia.
Sometimes being harsh will effectively send the message

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