Saturday, March 22, 2008

Don't be a Frog!

Suggestion by the coalition front to draft anti frogging law is an act of hypocrisy on their part and such is totally selfish. Once, Sabah's PBS has similar legislation but later on it was annulled by the present coalition who is trying to legislate the same albeit through the judiciary. At that time they claimed such as unconstitutional but when they are up against the wall, they have shamelessly forgotten about the law being unconstitutional. Malaysians should open their mind and eyes to this act of utter hypocrisy and self serving by those who are desperate for power. They realise that their present MPs are not 100% immune and loyalty to the party that chose them to contest in the recently concluded election.

They will try desperately to clung to power and will resort to anything including sinful and illegal means as long as they remain in power. Human in desperation will do anything to remain alive and to survive and thus it is not surprised when some in the coalition suggest such legislation. Sadly, they have forgotten how they accused the then PBS government as being undemocratic by passing such law. At that time, they said it was the rights of the elected Member of Parliament and Assemblymen to cross over to them. They have deliberately forgotten that those MPs and Assemblymen were elected under other political banner. It is interesting to see what will be their reasoning for such legislation this time around. If their YBs want to cross over to the other side, maybe it is unconstitutional but if any of the other side then maybe it is O.K and legal. What a shame!

As for those intending YBs, they should remember that they are elected to their seats by their parties and the people voted for them based on the organisation they belong to. Hence, they should have high sense of responsibility and dignity to stick where they are not be tempted to cross over even if they are not influenced by promises of money or positions. They should fear the wrath of the Almighty and the disappointment of the people who have voted them to power.

To the Opposition and ruling coalition alike stop pinching elected representatives as if they are commodities and do not be blinded by power. It is shameful to gain power if it is due to cross overs, respect the people's decisions. The people know better that's why they voted in such a way, so that there's check and balance. If you want to wrest power than do so in 5 years time in a democratic and clean way and never resort to play dirty by pinching what belongs to others. Learn from what happened in 1994 when PBS lost the government to the ruling coalition. Acts of crossing overs are equivalent to treachery and deserve to be punished heavily.

Having such legislation will not solve the problem instead it will worsen the situation. It is the time to move on and be content with what you have. Do not drag this nation of ours to oblivion just to serve your hunger for power. Being greedy will not bring long lasting prosperity even to you instead doomsday may be the aftermath.
"Menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu."

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