Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ikut Suka Aku....

On Friday, three more Malaysians were arrested under the ISA. One of them was RPK and few days before the arrest the ban on certain blogs including Malaysia Today was lifted. A very ironic twist since the latter effectively cancelled the former.
ISA has been the subject of criticism lately and the government is adamant on keeping the draconian law for national security reason as they claimed and to prove that they are doing the right thing America's Patriot Act becomes their example though the former is in existence earlier than the latter. Furthermore, the U.S itself is not above the law and by having ISA like law they are not setting the best practise for democracy. Again, that's politics when it suits you then you agree you support but when the U.S criticises them then it's o.k to go against them.
Under Section 117 of the CPC, the Police has the right to detain a person for a period of time for investigation purpose and it can be extended provided that they have justifiable cause. Afterwards, the detainee will be either release or charged in court. Since gaining Independence, we have voluminous laws to safeguard national security. Sedition Act, Official Secret Act and other regulations are enough to cover any offences including the allegation under which RPK is accused to have committed. Why resort to such undemocratic and unIslamic law?
To restrict and limit freedom of a person is against Islamic tenets of which the government is trying to promote under the Islam Hadhari concept. In Islam, one is guaranteed of his freedom and will only be punished after undergoing strict process of law and not up to the pleasure or opinion of the authority. If there are ample proof of the three undoings then be a gentleman and civilised by charging them in court. Please do not hide behind 'Ikut Suka Aku'!

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