Sunday, December 28, 2008


Is he really the bad guy?

Three more days to 2009 meaning one last week full of Internet and reading. I spent most of my time pampering myself with my routine - reading. Fictitious reading may not add much to knowledge but apparently it is to the whole truth. For the last few weeks , Israel has intensified its unjustified, illegal and immoral attack on the Palestinians. Hence, the hatred against non Muslims intensified throughout the Muslim world. Then, what's new?

While the Muslims have been talking about their grievances against the oppression by the West but few Westerners lend their ears and even fewer understand or at least try to understand the root of the problem. Most of them prefer to hurl bias accusation rather than trying to understand and emphatise the reasons behind those acts of terrorism.

The Camel Club by David Baldacci is different whereby the author tries his best to put the misconception and misunderstanding at rest. Instead of lambasting the Muslims (read terrorists who professed Islam) he draws a rather unusual depiction of Islam. Unlike other authors and the Western world he understands why such act of terrorism is rampant in the East.
I am not saying that his view is above criticism but his empathy really amazed me. Never before I read a fictitious story whereby act of terrorism or revenge is somehow justified. Hopefully, there will be more understanding writers and authors who write based on facts after thorough research.

Indeed, Islam is a peaceful and loving faith teaching its follower to love and respect others. At the same time it also reminds the faithfuls to safeguard the sanctity of the faith against outside and vengeance attacks.

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