Saturday, April 25, 2009

Down The Drain

You have failed us!

It seems ages since my last post and for those who is/are frequents? so sorry. I have been very busy and most importantly nothing much interest me these few days. But, yesterday SAPP's Yong Teck Lee's comment really boiled my blood. Not to him all the BN so called people's reps and their so called leaders from Sabah.

Yong lamented that those flag burners were released just like that as if what they did had no consequence whatsoever to the sovereignty of Sabah and Malaysia. If what he said was true than once again the relevant authorities were playing 'double standard' if something happened to be in their favour.

Illegals and foreigners have been known to be ardent supporters of some political parties in Sabah. They are those politicians' lackeys whose allegiance are only for their sponsors and of course their countries of origin. Sadly, some of those flag burners are reported to possess genuine Mykads therefore they are Malaysians whose allegiance should only rest with Malaysia and no longer their homeland. If we compare theirs with other locals who are only trying to uphold their rights as Malaysians are severely punished but for those flag burners, theirs is to voice the interest of a foreign nation to take a part of Malaysia. Being ' Malaysians' they should had been severely punished since what they did was treason!

The Sabah claim for some particularly those in power is a non issue. How can it be a non issue since there are lot of instances and evidences to say that a foreign nation has covertly and overtly act in a way we can only labelled 'usurpation'. They refuses to set up a consulate here in Sabah for the fear that it will damage their claim over Sabah and their lackadaisical and lacklustre response to weed out illegals here mostly from their country.

Any right minded people will see the consequences of such but not for some so called leaders who are more concerned for them staying in power with the help of those good for nothing filth. Defending one's country is an obligation not only under man made laws but most importantly it is enshrined in all religions. It is incumbent upon the leaders today especially if they are Muslims to defend this land of ours with all their might and power bestowed upon them by the People. Their power is not for them to enrich themselves and cling to power as long as they live but it is for them to use to safeguard and defend the People from untoward elements like to foreigners.

- George McGovern

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