Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lidah Bercabang Penuh Berbisa

Datuk Hj. Asri Muda, Pelopor Kerajaan Perpaduan Pertama tersungkur dek Lidah Bercabang

Bila ada kemelut lawan
dikata lawan bermasalah

walhal masalah itu
kerana anasir - anasir mereka

konon lawan kini berantakan

namun ia hanya sandiwara
rahan mereka

lakonan hebat pelakon mereka

Apa ertinya Perpaduan

kalau ia berpaksi kehancuran suatu pihak
pihak yang menang menang semua

tiada istilah menang - menang

yang menang, menang semua

indah khabar dari rupa
dulu Perpaduan yang dicanang

akhirnya tersungkur jua
di kaki si Lidah Bercabang
Ingin berkongsi kononnya

akhirnya semua dirampas

Pelopor Perpaduan akhirnya
berkelana membawa diri

membina rumah baru
yang goyah
tanpa penghuni

Hati - hati duhai Pejuang

Semangat Rakyat jadi perangsang

jangan nanti jatuh terlentang

maruah habis ditelanjang

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chasing Shadows

Nowadays, topic of the day is 'Change' particularly by political parties clinging to power. In fact their main and perhaps only purpose of propagating changes is none other than their fear of losing power which is slipping either gradually or at a faster rate depending on the People. We heard of the 'Cari Makan' party and indeed the dominant parties existing today are sources of living of many particularly those leaders who today are calling for changes. Changes for others but certainly it is not applicable to them.

During the height of the fuel crisis months ago, they are the ones who call upon the mass to sacrifice, to change their life style while they themselves continue to lead a wasteful life. In fact, long before they call on the People to sacrifice, the latter have been doing the same much earlier. Some have to sell their cars and opt for unreliable public transport, some no longer enjoy eating outside but instead they opt to cook and bring their breakfast and lunch from home.

Changes, for those good for nothing opportunistic scums merely serve as a rhetoric and to shield themselves from criticism for their wasteful and extravagant life style. From as low as being a branch head till the highest ranking official, they are involved in politics merely to serve their own interest reaping everything they can from the office they held which supposedly for helping and serving the mass. It has come to a new height even for those aspiring contractors, if they are not party officials they need to be close to those in power. Hence, we have shoddy works all around since they do not possess the required skills.

People view the changes as none other than the leaders attempt to hold on to power as long as they can while they continue to fool the People behind their backs. Sadly, many fall prey to their awesome oratory skill, promising yet another phantasmagoria to deceive the mass while they drain the nation resources dry and thereafter leave in unimaginable luxury.

It is comical to see how exited those leaders and their supporters in viewing the recently concluded BP by election. They are saying that the People are returning to them but as some political analysts observed it is merely retaining the status quo since BP originally belongs to them. I still remember the Ijok by election just before the 12 GEin 2008, the voters there opted to retain the ruling coalition but later in the 12th GE, they turned the table around kicking the ruling coalition out though the candidate was the same person before the 12th GE.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bagan Pinang II

Pilihan terbaik......Anda memang BIJAK!

Visit to Bagan Pinang

Malaysians in Bagan Pinang will have their hands full when they cast their votes to choose their representative in the State Assembly. A simple yet daunting task since they need to choose one who really appeals to their aspiration, to see that their home fill with progress instead of lagging behind.

One of the aspirants is their own former Menteri Besar who has ruled them for over 20 years and now he is trying to make a spectacular come back, a feat which he has greater chance of realising it as compared to the other aspirant. For 22 years, he leads the state to memorable heights but perhaps one of his memorable contribution is the unprecedented Nipah Virus outbreak which leads to 105 losing their life. What saddened most Malaysians is the fact that despite being a Muslim majority state, his state is reported to house the biggest and the most number of pig farms both legally and illegally.

Then, he won the UMNO VP post and he proudly proclaims that though he is unknown but he still he manages to win. He is later discovered to be involved in money politics a.ka corruption during the party campaign and election, causing him to lost both his VP and Minister's posts. He then retreats into the background until he resurfaces few weeks ago and now he is on the verge of victory. Yet, again his victory if he indeed win, is tainted by unjust practice through the postal votes line. While the Opposition is denied the access to postal voters he, on the other hand, enjoys the privilege to unlimited access to those voters.

Anyway, nothing is lost until the result is out. In the meantime, Malaysians in BP need to remind themselves that they are involved in creating another history for their homeland but this time around they savour the grandeur of defeating Goliath and rid their home of corrupt leader whose only presence is to rob and shame them further. This, certainly is not intended to insult and shame them but a sincere plead for them to change for the better. Do it for their faith and nation.

Vote Pas, it is never too late for change
Undilah Pas, masih belum terlambat untuk BERUBAH

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Anjing Kurap

Kenapalah ada insan - insan bodoh, tidak tahu mengenang jasa mereka yang ingin membantu? Ya, saya maksudkan jiran - jiran seberang laut yang saban ketika sering dilanda musibah namun masih tidak sedar malah kian giat mengganyang jiran yang cuba membantu di saat jiran tetangga ditimpa musibah.

Hoi! Bahalol!! Orang nak tolong, berbahasa la sikit, ingat jiran tetangga ini jugalah yang sering menghulur bantuan dan menyuap kerabat kamu yang perangai seperti pelesit dan berlagak seperti anjing yang menggigit tangan mreka yang melepaskan diri dari tersepit. Memang grup BENDERA dan penyokong mereka itu manusia berhati busuk, lebih busuk dari bangkai.

Sedarlah negara awak tu sering kena musibah, elok - eloklah melayan mereka yang datang berkunjung membawa bantuan. Jangan bersikap biadab dan kurang ajar umpama anjing. Anjing pun mungkin lebih baik dari kamu yang tidak betah ingin terus berseteru.

Malaysia juga jangan terus - terusan berlagak malaikat walau maruah dipijak - pijak seperti Arab Saudi yang kekal tunduk pada Amerika. Maruah perlu dijaga walau apapun. Hentikan bantuan dan halau mereka yang ramai merempat di bumi Malaysia secara haram. Dahlah status haram datang merempat buat lagi perkara haram.

Buluh runcing kalau dibakar, hangus jua

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bad Apples

Maybe they deserve it for being bad neighbours

They almost everything that we once treasured but we keep coming to them, not just courtesy visits but we offer our generous help in time when they need it most. There are thousands of them here on the pretext of earning their life but back home their ungrateful brethren call us names even threaten the lives of our people on their soil.

Yet, again we keep helping them just like good neighbours though we know they will not reciprocate. We send our people to help them in any ways that we could , particularly when they suffered calamities in the calamity-prone homeland. How many of those realise that they have been bad neighbours? Most probably just take the help for granted as something they truly deserve since they are in need but less are grateful for their neighbours still care for them.

This may not the time to begrudge our neighbours but when is the time? It may never come since they are obsessed with feuding with us. Now, they have batik to call their inheritance but fortunately theirs are not as lively as ours here and in fact batik certainly does exclusively belong to them since even the West have their own kind of batik like the Hawaiian shirt.

Maybe I am being irrational and bitter but sometimes it is better to fight fire with fire. Certainly we do not to be in war with them but perhaps it is the time for us to 'wipe' their kinds here from the land they named "Malingsia", Malingsial" which in reality they are the sials and the malings. They are just the ungrateful dogs which bit the hands of those who are trying to help them. Perhpas, it is time for us to stop caring since they are not even care about hurting us. Perhaps, it is time to stop every kindness and assistence when they in dire need of it, just to make them realise how much they have hurt us in many ways. Who need bad neighbours anyway?

"Kamu tu yang MALING dan SIAL!"