Thursday, June 10, 2010


'Encik' Chua Jui Meng

Today, another Opposition leader has his Datukship revoked and has been asked to return the award immediately to the authority. Of course, it is the prerogative of the authority to award anyone they please based on their own criteria and for sure CJM, has no grudge against losing his Datukship, if he is sincere in his struggle for the People. The award is only a sign of recognition but most importantly it is the People's acknowledgment that counts first and foremost. Remember the late Tun Ghaffar who until later in his life agreed to accept the Tunship by the Agong. Many figures especially those in the opposition and civil and humanitarian groups died without a Datukship. Nonetheless, they are forever remembered for their long lasting contribution even surpassing the authority who has the prerogative to award such title.

People especially those who are directly affected by one's conduct will remember such help or oppression that they have enjoyed and suffered not because of the Datukship. Nonetheless, it needs to be cleared here that many out there who have committed grievous hurt against so many innocent people through criminal acts like cheating and even serious crimes are still with their titles. Such double standard or ignorance by the authority is like rubbing salt on those who are affected. They continue to suffer in silence looking and observing those who have hurt them are still enjoying the world as if nothing have happened.

Just because those figures are in the Opposition, they should not be deprived of their title and that is the impression of the mass whenever such revocation is known though it may be caused by other reasons. People will start to compare those crooks with title and those who lost their title by virtue of them being in the opposition. Certainly, they will see injustice and and an insult to them. Those who have contributed and still actively doing the same to the society and those crooks who are still doing what they know best yet they still have their title and in some cases are elevated to higher title just because they are close to the authority.

Nevertheless, for what they have done to the society and for the humiliation that they have to endure, the People will always be at their side as now they are free being burdened by such title . Now, they can mingle freely among the mass without others being class-conscious. They have truly become one of us, the commoner. Now, we are back to the old time where leaders are truly reflections of the people they lead without class distinction. Indeed, such augurs well with their struggle for the people.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Zionist in our Backyard!

Lest We Forget!

Lest we forget as many observers correctly put it, while we continue to struggle against the Zionist and their supporters we should never let our guard down in respect to those local 'Zionist' (Read oppressors). Many know who they are since they are the ones who hold the authority and power of this nation.
Most of the time and maybe all the time , they openly abuse their authority to put the People at ransom, threatening them subtly with promises of development and progress with the condition that the People continue to support them just like what happened during the last by elections in Hulu Selangor and Sibu.

In desperation to wrestle back and to retain the seat, they unashamedly resorted to political threat and enticing or whatever you call them, promising development but with the condition of that the voters vote them to power. In fact, this tactic has been the practise all over the country ever since they are in power more than 50 years back but today People are no longer that gullible and naive as they know their rights and the difference between sincerity and political ransom.

In fact most of their conducts are no less shameful as those done by the Zionist - to remain in power becomes their shared objective and goal. Everything started in the early 80's when the 4th PM took over. Unlike his predecessors who are legally trained and therefore are well aware of both legal and moral implications of their actions, the fourth one is not known for subtlety and wisdom , all he wants is result and he is really a result maniac. He wants result there and there and the aftermath is least of his concern.

Lallang Operation and the sacking of the Lord President in the middle of 80's are only few examples of his apparent impatience and disregard of the law.
What is happening today is only a continuation of his doings or rather his undoings. His two successors are only following his steps in ensuring that power remains in their hands whatever it costs in blatant disregard of the sanctity of the rule of law. True loving and responsible Malaysians need to be aware of the existence of Zionist copycats in our own lawn.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Real Hero

The real Rachel Corrie- True Hero

Once again Malaysians show their true colour instead of focusing on the real issue they tend to be sidetracked by minor things which of course lead to glorifying themselves as if they have achieved something out of the ordinary. Of course being on the ship MV Mari Marmara and Rachel Corrie is itself a brave thing to do as not everyone has the courage and determination.

Nonetheless, glorifying those people by calling them the heroes really defeats the purpose of them being on the ship and most importantly their purpose is actually reaching Gaza and distribute the aids to those poor souls in Gaza. Have they achieved that objective? Far from it, in fact what happen to the aid? Worse if the aid are being distributed among those illegals in the illegal nation they call Israel. If those Malaysians manage to achieve their main and only objective then they truly deserve to be upheld as true heroes but in reality they don't even managed to reach the Gaza shore.

But then again, it is not their fault of not being able to reach their destination and thus disperse the aid, the real fault is on the Malaysians who are taking advantage of the volunteers by glorifying them as heroes and other glorified titles. Malaysians are easily deceived by minor things especially when it comes to glory and not any glory but glorifying themselves though it really does not mean anything. Building the highest structure, having state of the art facilities is only a few examples of how Malaysians love self-glorification.

Malaysians need to learn from the Green Peace or any other volunteer organisations from the West where they are committed to their objective of helping others in need and they strive at it ,trying their best to achieve their objective though it may cost their life as exemplified by the young but determined Rachel Corrie, an American student who died in her effort to stop the illegal Zionists from demolishing the Palestinians' home. That is the real hero if we are desperately looking for a role model.

Alas, she won't get the same treatment as those 12 survivors of MV Mari Marmara because she is not Malaysian!
It is a sad occasion to see the whole nation glorifying those 12 volunteers as I am pretty sure they don't feel like heroes since they actually failed in their missions and millions of ringgit worth of aid for the poor souls in Gaza are now rotting or even worse enjoyed by the illegals in Israel.

The Malaysians conduct reflect their mentality of glamour-seeking attitude though they themselves realise that they have not really achieve what they have targeted for.
Calling those survivors heroes is really an insult to those Palestinians and those who have departed because of the Israelis' inhumane actions. It is a shameful act and indeed we need to be ashamed of ourselves as out there many have lost their lives in pursuing the same objective as those 12 survivors. The differences are they have lost their lives and many have achieved their objective though they have to pay costly with their precious lives!


Friday, June 4, 2010

Alahai judi halal

Sanggup bersubahat gara - gara politik hingga lupa hukum!

Sedih dan gundah gulana bila nampak kain pemidang di atas. Sebuah parti yang majoriti ahlinya beragama Islam dan juga tunjang parti memerintah menyokong 'halal'nya judi. Ada yang memberi alasan untuk mengelakkan judi haram namun mereka umpama lupa perkara asas atau pokok yakni berjudi itu haram dan ditegah dalam Islam. Allah berfirman dalam surah Al - Maidah ayat 90 yang bermaksud:

"Sesungguhnya (meminum) khamar, berjudi, (berkorban untuk) berhala, mengundi nasib dengan panah, adalah perbuatan keji termasuk perbuatan syetan, maka jauhilah perbuatan-perbuatan itu agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan."

Apakah tidak mencukupi bagi mereka frasa 'adalah perbuatan keji termasuk perbuatan syaitan' untuk menimbulkan rasa takut dan faham bahawa judi itu sesungguhnya perbuatan yang merosakkan? Pada masa yang sama terdapat golongan yang mengakui judi itu haram namun memberi alasan di kalangan bukan muslim judi itu tidak haram, maknanya 'judi halal' itu terpakai untuk golongan bukan Islam sahaja!

Pendapat dangkal yang disokong mantan PM ke-4 ini juga amat bahaya dan menyimpang dari perkara asas iaitu judi hukumnya haram.
Tugas pemerintah beragama Islam ialah mendokong dan menegakkan hukum Allah dan bukannya membeza - bezakan antara mereka yang bukan Islam dan Islam. Hukum dan larangan dalam Islam mempunyai hikmahnya yang tersendiri dan ini diakui oleh bukan Islam sendiri malah disokong oleh bukti - bukti saintifik. Mereka yang bukan Islam turut menentang 'penghalalan' judi atas bukti bahawa ia memudaratkan misalnya ia boleh menyebabkan ketagihan sama seperti arak dan ini pasti memudaratkan seseorang terutama mereka yang telah berkeluarga. Mereka lupa tanggugjawab untuk membesar dan menyara anak - anak bahana obsesi pada judi - sanggup bergolok bergadai untuk berjudi.

Pada masa yang sama mereka yang beragama Islam akan turut terjebak dalam judi memandangkan ketika ini pun judi 'halal' seperti 4D, 6D dan sebagainya turut dilanggan oleh mereka yang beragama Islam dan penguatkuasaan untuk menghalang mereka berjudi amat lemah dan ia tidak akan mampu dilakukan 24 jam ,7 hari seminggu dan 365 hari setahun! Kerajaan yang menghalalkan judi nyata bersubahat menggalakan maksiat dan dosa dan sesungguhnya mereka yang arif tentang hukum Islam dalam kerajaan terutamanya kabinet persekutuan yang menghalalkan judi bola sepak pasti akan dituntut dan dipertanggungjawabkan lebih berbanding mereka yang jahil. Di manakah rasa takut dan tanggungjawab mereka?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Buta Hati

Acapkali dunia dikejutkan oleh keangkuhan dan keganasan Zionis dan tatkala itu dunia termasuk buana Islam turut melenting sebagai respon kepada keganasan umat 'buangan' itu. Ia seperti roda yang berputar tanpa henti dan silih berganti persis putaran karbon dioksida dan oksigen. Malang sekali umat Palestin yang terbelenggu di bumi sendiri, mengharap ihsan. Sehingga kini, dunia Islam khasnya dan dunia seluruhnya gagal bertindak proaktif dalam menangani tingkahlaku 'syaitan' bergelar Zionis, sekadar mengutuk dan membentak namun kesannya pada susuk tubuh bangsa hina Yahudi langsung tidak kelihatan.

Dunia Islam terus hanyut dan terpenjara dalam misi mencari identiti sendiri, namun ia terus - terusan gagal seolah - olah suatu kembara tanpa noktah dan penghujung walhal kitab dan ajaran tinggal insan terunggul sentiasa di samping.
Lebih malang susuk - susuk yang bergelar Muslim seolah - olah buta dan membiarkan Zionis terus menjarah Palestin malah kadang kala menggalakkan keganasan sepertimana perbuatan Mesir menutup sempadan bahana takut dan akur mereka pada Zionis dan Yahudi. Negara - negara Islam lain seperti Turki, Indonesia, Mesir dan banyak lagi bukan sahaja buta sejarah malah buta hati dengan mengadakan hubungan langsung dengan negara haram Yahudi walaupun ketika ini Turki kelihatan mula sedar dari kesilapan.

Bagi negara - negara yang tiada hubungan diplomatik dengan negara haram Israel, nikmat dan keuntungan dunia membutakan mata mereka yang celik, menggelapkan sanubari mereka. Malaysia sendiri konon atas rasional semangat kesukanan merelakan buminya dipijak manusia - manusia terkutuk Yahudi suatu ketika dahulu. Kini, mereka turut menghalalkan hubungan haram dengan syarikat berkaitan Yahudi, kali ini atas pertimbangan kuasa - mengekalkan kuasa walau apa cara sekalipun. Pemimpin mereka di saat seluruh dunia termasuk mereka yang berlainan agama sekurang - kurangnya pantas mengutuk perbuatan gila Zionis menyerang kapal misi bantuan ke Gaza, namun Malaysia hanya mengeluarkan kenyataan 'copy and paste' selepas berjam - jam Zionis mengganas!

בבילון מציעה מילון ותרגום בקליק אחד בלבד