Monday, March 2, 2009


"Bagi memahami konteks yang disebut Menteri Besar (Kelantan) dengan lebih jelas kita kena memahami maksud surah Al Ikhlas iaitu Katakanlah (ya Muhammad), Dialah Allah yang Maha Esa, Allah yang dituju (meminta hajat). Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada satu pun yang menyerupaiNya.

Alhamdulillah, Praise be to Allah! Finally, I come across a clear and authentic proof to rid any doubts on the issue of Allah in Catholic Herald. This is what we can unconsciously doing something which have become routines. I am aware of the meaning of Surah Al- Ikhlas but it never dawn to as the answer to the issue.

I am in no way disrespect of our fellow Christian friends since "to me my religion, to you yours" and "there is no force in religion". However, I am disturbed with the 'trinity' concept which to my understanding combining three elements into the embodiment of God. There is God Himself, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. In their prayers, they invoke Christ's name to get through to God and since Christ is the embodiment of God, therefore it is alright since by invoking Christ's name they are in fact calling upon God Himself.

However, since both Christ and the Holy Spirit (Ruh al - Kudus) are His creations therefore being the Superior Being and the fact that none is His equal then such concept is totally rejected in Islam since Allah is One and never He begets nor begotten thus none is similar to Him. We learn from His 20 Attributes among others He is the Only One and none is His equal. How come a Supreme Being be equated or embodied in His lowly creations? He is on His own (Qiyamuhu Binafsih) but according to the Trinity concept, there are other elements besides Him!

On this issue, I for once is totally behind the Government based on the first aya' of al - Ikhlas. Qul Hua Allahu Ahad. Say that He is Allah, the Only One. Clearly, this negates the trinity concept as He, according to Christianity is the embodiment of two other elements besides Him and furthermore those two are His creations. Thus, they cannot use the word 'Allah' in any form whatsoever.

The issue that the word has been used since time immemorial to connote God cannot hold since Allah Himself has clearly states in the Al-Quran that the only blessed religion or faith is Islam therefore it effectively renounces and invalidates any usages of Allah previously since the usages are tainted by equating or placing lowly creations at par with Him.

Nonetheless, if they insist to use the term in their sermons within the four walls of their place of worship, we cannot do anything. However, it is different if they are using the term in their publication though it is marked with the phrase 'FOR NON MUSLIM ONLY' or 'FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY' since such publication is still accessible to Muslims and thus it will create confusion and confusion will gradually leads to many to abandon or renounce Islam.

Under Article 3 of the Federal Constitution Islam is declared as the official religion of the Federation of Malaysia and it is prohibited to propagate other religions to Muslims. This later part is really what concern many since such publication if it somehow accessible to the Muslims, it it similar to propagating other religions to Muslims which contravenes Article 3 mentioned above.

It is unfortunate that this issue only arise today and such has been unduly manipulated by unscrupulous people. It is not merely an issue of religion but it covers everything including politics since politics is itself part and parcel of religion. Though, the issue whether Malaysia is an Islamic or secular country is blurred but the fact that Islam is protected and pronounced as the Official Religion of Malaysia should be respected and acknowledged by all. Incidentally, such provision clears part of the issue whether Malaysia is an Islamic country since such provision clearly establishes the status of Islam in a predominantly Muslim populations.

Again, I am in no way insinuating or inciting hatred among Malaysians of different faiths but merely stating what is obvious based on my limited capacity.

To me, my religion and to you, your religion

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