Tuesday, October 7, 2008

PPSMI - A Revisit

This afternoon just before I went home, while discussing of the fate of Etems or PPSMI a friend said there were teachers who didn't agree with the continuation of teaching both Science and Maths in English but were afraid to voice out their disappointment and disagreement as they fear their stance to be construed as against the government. I tend to agree with his as well as their view since any disagreement or opposing ideas is seen as going against the government. In fact, we are still living in the Dark Ages as we are not free to voice anything although we mean well - to improve any weaknesses the government may have overlooked.

Just like the PPSMI issue, many have voiced out their opinion but those who are directly involved with its implementation and enforcement are rarely sought after as government servants including teachers are expected to tow the line - following orders though it may not be feasible as the higher ups think it to be. The motto "Saya yang menurut perintah" speaks for itself, the government servants need to follow everything without asking any questions as questions tantamount to 'treachery'.

Mathematics and Science have been killer subjects since time immemorial as many perceived both to be very difficult and hard to master, only those with high intelligence and not for those ordinary brains. Indeed, many of us face some kind of hardship dealing and coping with the subjects. Therefore, what need to be done immediately is to improve the pedagogy and teaching strategies not the medium of instruction though undeniably English is the main instruction for both at higher levels. The move by the Education Ministry to improve the learning process by introducing ICT is commendable but having English to deliver the lessons is anti climax to say the least. It defeats the purpose i.e making learning of S &T interesting and exciting for the students. The Ministry in its countless papers, policies and strategies has stressed that students are one of the Ministry stake holders but the move to teach S &T in English is never discussed with their main stake holders.

For students at least in Malaysia there are three most feared subjects as mentioned above plus the language now being the medium of instruction for the other two subjects. Such move by TDM back in 2001 is really mind boggling and confusing and unheard of particularly by one who is considered as an icon!

What is need to be done actually is to improve the quality of teachers, pedagogy , approaches and strategies of educating the young minds in English - to discard their fear and apprehension and gradually make them attracted to English. Now, English teachers not only have to teach and educate the 'real' students but also those 'matured' students who are not proficient in English. They may be excel in their field but English has become such hindrance and weakening their interest to teach Science and Mathematics. Ultimately the students will severely suffer. Once they like Science and Maths but now they have bad dreams involving three (previously none?) subjects.

Being a responsible and alert, as they claim to be, the government need to quickly ameliorate such problem before it is too late and students who are supposed to enjoy their learning experience may feel the opposite.

"English is supposed to be the door to the world not a window to the world"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Orang-orang Inggeris pernah dijajah oleh kuasa asing. Pada ketika itu mereka menggunakan bahasa Latin sebagai bahasa ilmu. Orang-orang Inggeris meninggalkan bahasa Latin kerana ia bahasa penjajah dan ia tidak dapat membantu memperkasakan orang-orang Inggeris. Orang-orang Inggeris mula maju selepas mereka menggunakan bahasa mereka sendiri sebagai bahasa ilmu. Di Malaysia agak pelik sedikit kerana ramai yang suka mengambil langkah mengundur ke belakang. Orang Melayu meninggalkan bahasa Melayu dalam mengajar sains dan matematik supaya kedua-dua subjek itu diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ada yang mengeluarkan hujah dangkal di mana PPSMI perlu kerana banyak sumber ilmu dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ini termasuklah buku-buku, jurnal-jurnal dan sebagainya. Idea sebegini amat ganjil kerana ia tidak menyentuh langsung tentang menterjemah buku-buku, artikel-artikel jurnal dan bahan-bahan lain yang berbahasa Inggeris ke dalam bahasa Melayu. Ada orang Melayu yang mempunyai kelebihan mahir dalam bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu di samping sains dan matematik. Mereka inilah yang perlu dipertanggungjawabkan untuk kerja-kerja menterjemah. Dimanakah pula galakan kepada cerdik pandai Melayu untuk menulis lebih banyak bahan ilmu dalam bahasa Melayu? Kita meragui kejujuran orang yang mula-mula mencanangkan idea PPSMI. Dia menyimpan niat yang tidak baik kepada orang Melayu.