Saturday, November 22, 2008


Look at her

Power can really intoxicate especially when we forget that it comes with heavy and onerous responsibility and for the Muslims it is one of the things that we'll be accounted for during the Day of Judgement.

We have seen instances where people cling to power until the very last of their breath like Hitler, Mao Tze Dong and countless others who rather die than transfer the rein to others. Our leaders too have suffered from similar malaise though there are apparent and obvious signs that they are past their time.

MIC President and UMNO Wanita Chief perhaps the latest addition to countless number of leaders who are intoxicated by power. After losing his Parliamentary seat which he claims he'll never lose, to an unknown minnow, the 'mighty' President is still claiming to power though many of his contemporaries have long gone. While for the Iron Lady she is so stubborn and now she wants to be there until 2011 and maybe beyond since the transition plan is off. Well, once she sarcastically says that she is still an MP and the BN Wanita Chief but she has been left out cold from the Cabinet while those who lost in the last GE or those who do not even contest are instead appointed to the Cabinet. What a power- crazy statement from a maybe senile lady.

Fortunately, not all posts are elected therefore not all of us are infected by the power craze bug. But if we realise that any posts be they elected, tenured or until retirement, come with responsibility to the public we shouldn't worry to much of being power crazy.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton

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