Sunday, November 23, 2008

What Have We Become?

Ya Allah, protect and safeguard our faith to You

As I expected, many view the move by the Fatwa Council to ban pengkid and
yoga are opposed by many but then we have to accept this differences though it is very regretful and disappointing. The former Malaysia Aids Council? herself shares her disappointment over the fatwa by saying that there are other glaring and obvious instances where the Council can function or contribute effectively instead of grandiosing over matters like yoga for instance. She further adds that malaise such as bribery and abuse of power are instances where the Council should be more proactive.

Yet, the examples she provides are clearly banned and prohibited in Islam thus the Council in my humble opinion need not divulge on them anymore than it is necessary but issues like pengkid and yoga are still considered new and thus necessitates further counter measures. Nonetheless, the statement by the dreaded SIS by questioning some part of the fatwa which is obscure like is wearing pants by woman considered as against Islam is certainly welcome to make the fatwa impeccable and hence acceptable to all.

Nonetheless, questioning the credibility and qualification of the Council and by saying that the ban on pengkid as something uncalled for by well-educated members of the SIS. For sure the Councillors are qualified particularly on matters pertaining to Islam as compared to those in the association who does not even see covering their aurah as necessary. Who should we believe and trust - those who are well versed and at the same time practised steadfastly what they know and preach as compared to those who are well versed in Islam (doubtful though) but seems to be selective in practises? I don't think they are even qualified to speak in such matter as they narrowed the issue as being discriminating against woman.

This is not a gender issue but this is an issue of vital importance transcending everything - the issue of safeguarding and promoting one's religion. We need to remind ourselves that Islam looks and treats male and females justly and by justice I mean putting the thing at its rightful place and not to be confused with equality. Equality itself is not just and what we need is justice. Just take this analogy as an example - two persons are asked to share a plate of fried rice but only one of the two is hungry while the other is full, based on equality both will be given equal share of the meal but that is not justice since one of them need the meal more than the other. If we divide the food equally it may lead to waste and this is again unjust especially to the one who is hungry.

These are only the tip of the huge iceberg when we think too liberal. We tend to give excuses to the extent of sacrificing the only thing that makes our lives proper and systematic. It is very unfortunate and scary when common people questioning the wisdom of the experts. Suddenly, I remember a hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW in which inter alia he said that one of the signs of the imminent Judgement Day is when people start to question the knowledgeable and when the trust on safeguarding the religion is shouldered by those without knowledge. It is happening!

"Contrary to some Beliefs, Religion is not intoxicating it is a way of hollistic and blessed life"

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