Friday, February 29, 2008

Beware of Twisted Tongue

I discover the following excerpt today and the contents should explain itself clearly for usto ponder and take preventive and precautionary actions. We shouldn't take things for granted as the following is indeed concerns ourselves as loyal Malaysians.

Presiden PAS, Tuan Guru Datuk Seri Haji Abdul Hadi Awang berkata, "tidak salah mendedahkan keburukan-keburukan" parti lawan.

Untuk memudahkan perkara itu difahami, ambil contoh dua kenyataan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Kenyataan pertama dilaporkan oleh Utusan Malaysia 5 April 2007.

Akhbar itu melaporkan, Perdana Menteri mengarahkan semua wakil rakyat Barisan Nasional membuat pengisytiharan harta. Beliau menegaskan, pengisytiharan perlu dibuat meliputi harta-harta yang dimiliki oleh wakil rakyat serta ahli keluarga masing-masing.
Kenyataan yang kedua pula dilaporkan oleh akhbar yang sama pada 30 November 2006. Perdana Menteri menegaskan, beliau tidak bercadang membuat pendedahan tentang harta yang dimiliki oleh anak-anak mahupun menantunya.

‘‘Itu (harta) adalah hak ahli keluarga saya, tak payahlah saya umumkan harta yang mereka miliki,’’ katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno. Tambahan pula, katanya, tindakan ahli keluarganya untuk memiliki harta bukanlah satu perbuatan yang salah.
Perdana Menteri berkata, begitu juga dengan anak-anak dan menantunya, mereka tidak perlu mengambil tindakan mengisytiharkan harta mereka.
Adakah kita akan mendapat pahala jika kita mendiamkan sahaja dua kenyataan Perdana Menteri yang bertentangan itu?
Dan, adakah kita akan berdosa dan disiksa api neraka jika kita mengumpat di hadapan rakyat Malaysia tentang dua kenyataan berlawanan Perdana Menteri mereka?
Mengulas kenyataan Presiden PAS itu, Bernama melaporkan Perdana Menteri berkata: "Buat apa kita nak ikut...tak pernah (kita buat begitu).
"Tengoklah apa yang saya cakap selama ini, tak kan saya pi (pergi) maki hamun, pi mengata orang. Kita hormat pada orang lain yang tidak sama dengan kita, mesti ada kesopanan dalam hubungan sesama manusia".
Sedapnya lidah tak bertulang berkata-kata. Bagaimana pula laporan Berita Harian 11 Ogos 2006 bertajuk "Pak Lah tak layan sikap macam iblis"?
Berdosakah kalau diceritakan bahawa pemerhati dan penganalisis politik menganggap kenyataan Abdullah itu ditujukan kepada bekas ketuanya, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad?
Jika tidak, mengapa bekas Perdana Menteri menyifatkan pemimpin-pemimpin Umno membawa budaya kurang ajar, menjadikan beliau pariah dalam parti itu serta memanggilnya beruk dan iblis.
"Itu budaya kurang ajar. Ada yang panggil saya beruk, ada panggil iblis, ini budaya Umno yang baru," kata Dr Mahathir.
Menuduh orang lain iblis bukan maki hamun? Bukan mengata orang? Tambah Lah! Tambah!
Tambah lagi koleksi pembohongan dengan memuji-muji diri kononnya "tak kan saya pi (pergi) maki hamun, pi mengata orang".
Bernama juga melaporkan Perdana Menteri mendakwa tentang "pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kukuh, 6.3 peratus pada 2007, iaitu kadar tertinggi sejak pilihan raya umum 2004, hasil daripada amalan perbelanjaan domestik yang ampuh dan peningkatan jumlah pelaburan".
Jangan mudah percaya. Dr Mahathir pernah berkata: "Everybody says things have slowed. Of course, the figures that are trotted out says that everything is fine, but figures can hide a lot of things".
Dalam berita bertajuk "Jangan biar pembangkang jadikan negara sebagai bahan eksperimen," Bernama juga melaporkan, Perdana Menteri menasihatkan rakyat supaya tidak terpengaruh dengan rayuan pembangkang yang meminta mereka diberikan peluang selama satu penggal untuk memerintah negara.
Beliau berkata soal memilih kerajaan bukan merupakan satu perkara yang boleh dijadikan bahan eksperimen atau percubaan kerana jika tersalah pilih rakyat yang akan merana.
Kalau eksperimen berbahaya, bagaimana pula tindakan mempersembahkan kedaulatan negara kepada Singapura?
New Straits Times (NST) 2 Mei 2006 melaporkan Dr Mahathir berkata: ""If you surrender your sovereignty to Singapore ... I think this is a half-past-six country which has no guts".
Orang yang mengangkat Abdullah sebagai Perdana Menteri itu juga berkata: "I promised not to interfere in politics and I have not said anything about many things done which were wrong.
"But this is the limit - to surrender your sovereignty to Singapore as if you are scared of them".
Kalau eksperimen berbahaya, bagaimana pula Perdana Menteri yang jual negara?
Dalam sidang media selepas ucapannya di Universiti Teknologi Petronas, ketika wartawan bertanya adakah Perdana Menteri sekarang diberi tempoh yang lebih panjang, Dr Mahathir mengingatkan: "Itu terpulanglah pada rakyatlah…kalaulah kita dapat seorang Perdana Menteri yang menjual negeri ini, adakah kita nak tunggu lima tahun…kita kena ambil tindakan awal sikit".
Kata-kata "Perdana Menteri yang menjual negeri" itu jelas ditujukan kepada Abdullah kerana selepas itu Dr Mahathir terus menyambung jawapannya dengan berkata: "Kalau dia ada buat perancangan yang kita tidak tahu ia akan berjaya atau tidak, seperti perancangan SJER di Johor, pendapatnya tersendiri…tak dak siapa pengaruh dia…tapi tunggulah lima tahun lagi".
Mengenai SJER (South Johore Economic Region) yang juga dipanggil Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar (WPI), Dr Mahathir menyatakan: "Kenapa kita harus bergantung sangat dengan penyertaan Singapura untuk membangun WPI? KaIau pun mereka bersetuju untuk terlibat dalam WPI mereka nanti akan membeli rumah atau kilang dan menginap di situ.
"Singapura dikatakan ada rancangan untuk menambah jumlah penduduknya sehingga 8 hingga 10 juta orang. Dan sebahagian besar orang-orang itu akan diimport dari tanah besar Cina. Oleh kerana di negaranya sendiri hanya boleh memuatkan setakat lima hingga enam juta maka baki penduduk itu mungkin akan ditempatkan di WPI. Jadi kalau kita kita tidak berwaspada, WPI akan akhirhya dipenuhi oleh penduduk warga Singapura.
"Pengalaman silam telah mengajar kita bahawa kita kehilangan Singapura dulu, kerana penduduk Cina lebih ramai dari orang Melayu. Dan esok jika kerajaan membiarkan warga Cina Singapura ramai menduduki WPI (dengan berniaga, bekerja dan membeli banyak hartanah di situ) lebih dari penduduk Melayu, maka WPI akan dikuasai oleh orang Cina Singapura kerana orang Melayu tidak mampu membeli rumah di wilayah itu".
Pertubuhan Profesional Melayu dan Pewaris Bangsa (ProWaris) pula menyatakan Akta IRDA 664 bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang bercirikan demokrasi berpelembagaan kerana Akta IRDA 664 dan Pembangunan Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar (WPI) mengenepikan hak Bangsa Melayu, menggugat kesucian agama Islam dan mencabar kedaulatan Raja dan Negara.
Akta IRDA 664 diwujudkan untuk memudahcarakan pengwujudan WPI.
Semalam, PM juga mengingatkan, rakyat tidak harus mempertaruhkan masa depan mereka kerana tempoh lima tahun itu merupakan satu jangka waktu yang panjang.
Ingat kata-kata Dr Mahathir, "kalaulah kita dapat seorang Perdana Menteri yang menjual negeri ini, adakah kita nak tunggu lima tahun…kita kena ambil tindakan awal sikit!"

Hopefully, the above could at least shed some light on many things pertinent to us.

"With Power Comes Responsibilty and Without Check Power Corrupts the Holder"

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Day To Remember

On February 22 last week I brought a public speaking team consisting of two speakers and one reserve but again we didn't gain anything tangible except for experiences and maturity and for the first time I wasn't selected to be the adjudicator like previous years.

Again, the defending champion won this year's competition but at least this year I could see strong and able contenders from other schools including mine and as I repeatedly reminded my participants that the second round i.e the impromptu speech will be the deciding factor. I have drilled them as to the ways to get proper points for their speech but again their mental preparedness failed them, they became too nervous and as a result their speeches lacked quality contents.

Nonetheless, I had to be content as rural students like mine face similar problem, they fail to see the usefulness of English in their daily life thus fail to appreciate its significance. They are able to memorise a text with excellent pronunciation, dictation and style but spontaneity is not their best strength. This quality is something that I"ve been searching for but so far only one of my former participant had the quality. She was a natural debater who was able to express herself spontaneously. This year, I didn't have such luxury although we managed to get ourselves among the best 5. I was impressed with the contestant from Kundasang who emerged as a strong contender but at the same time felt relieved as she won't be able to contest next year whereas mine should be there if she's still here next year.

"I am sure everyone here has experienced failure but for those who see such as delayed success will not stop and sulk thinking over a glass of spilled milk since they already see gallons of fresher milk ahead of them. "
The above is an excerpt from a sppeech I prepared for my student and I personally like the quotation as it reminded me about the future.
P/s: I did not refer to any sourceswhen I wrote the above excerpt though it wasn't originally mine.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good night, Ustaz!

Last Thursday, my 'step' father in law passed away after a long illness and since then I was very busy commuting to and fro between my home and my in laws home. It was actually a meaningful experience it was my first leading the yasiin recitation. While it was disspointing and sad when other surrounding members of the Muslim community were absent from such functions but at the same time it was the time for me to learn and practise although admittedly I'm still green.

It was indeed a learning journey when everyone were not proficient although I'm sure they have more experience than me in relation to attending tahlill and yasiin recitations. Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious and as it turned out He was actually teaching, educating and guiding me in lots of mysterious ways though I seemed to noticed them. First, when Allahyarham passed away when we turned up at the house, I was sad rather than upset when nobody was reciting the Quran. There was only his daughter but she seemed to be doing nothing. There was even no joss- stick or incense burning to neutralise the smell.

Since then they seemed to look upon me to lead them particularly when it came to the recitations and seeing that nobody is willing then with heavy and reluctant heart I took up the obligation though deep inside I doubted if I could carry such heavy responsibility. I once heard one ustaz telling a story of how villagers were willing to wait up for him to come and grace their kenduri with his doa selamat well beyond the prescribed time only because nobody seemed confident? enough to lead the prayer.

I am certainly not bragging my ability here but I want to highlight the need to learn the basics in religion so that even if those experts aren't available, those present can then take over rather than doing nothing or even worse cancelling such function. Once, before I went to the university these were taboo and scary for me as my knowledge were considered equal to that of an infant. I was alergic to Quran as I was not proficient in it. But the six years in university had really opened my eyes the need and importance to learn one's faith and no merely wearing the religion's attire by having names attributed to such religion.

I was not even formally trained to recite the Quran and I remembered my mom teaching me to pray and recite the necessary verses like Al - Fatihah and the likes. Now, years ahead, her teachings and those I gathered in my six university years have been fruitful and are able to render me the confidence when I have to perform what the learned are doing.

Tonight while leaving my mom in law's, a nephew of my wife said. "Good bye, ustaz!"

"Grateful to my mom and the years in university"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Election Fever, a Contagious Phenomenon

It's confirmed, the Parliament has been dissolved as of today and for sure this will become topic of the day for a long, long time well beyond its completion. Everyone seems to be very excited on election and nominations. Those who are gunning for seats have surely started their begging, cajoling, pleading and various other tactics months before. But, I wonder what really are the privileges of being a YB? It is a very tough job having to handle people from all walks of life while 1001 and many more types of people. Having little sleep and time for oneself gradually will erode the beautiful picture painted in their power crazed minds.
Among the 'personalities' of interest are Kak Pidah, Nazri Botak and Zam Mydin as well as Aziz Shamsuddin, Bung Mokhtar and a few others including Cikgu Zack of Port Klang...oh ya the turned coat Shahidan Kassim once a secular looking MB now a zealous pretender? These are some figures that I pick as my persons to watch in the coming 12th GE.
Now, we should be prepared to see some exciting dramas and surprises (well, it shouldn't be as everything is possible in politics). We'll be able to see friends becoming enemies and vice versa. All are actually following a grand script prepared by behind the sceners.Today, one of my superior lamented that there are so many government servants are playing with fire by supporting and actively involved in opposition ranks and files. Well, I nearly said what about those who are actively involved in the governing coalition? He seemed to read my mind when he implied that we are supposed to render allegiance to the governing coalition and although it is actually against the General Orders but since the government is headed by the coalition, then everything is o.k. Sad but true and a despicable double standard!
Using government machineries should not be condoned after the Parliament's dissolution as now they are only in a caretaker capacity not the real government. Sadly, this is true both in the coalition controlled or opposition controlled governments. Besides, the fund for campaigning too is suspect to abuse. There's no clear indication that the money they used during the campaign belongs to the party.
I vividly remember a saying that goes With power along comes responsibility but how many of those in powers realised such simple but strong reminder? Let us do the maths!
"Once a staunch BN supporter."

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fear NotYour Religion

Yesterday, there were two pieces of news that caught my attention, both incidentally related to freedom of religion. In Britain, they plan to be more accommodating towards the Muslims living there whereas in a Muslim but secular Turkey, the Parliament has just agreed to drop the veil prohibition among Muslim female university students. At a glance, there're no difference between these two as both aimed at allowing the faithful to abide by their religious teachings.
Alas, Turkey once the icon and the heart of a Muslim empire have just agreed to allow its citizens to wear the tudung, which is of course mandatory among women and gents of age. There should not be any questions on the necessity to cover one's aurah, be a he or a she, both have to cover theirs appropriately - everything except the face and the hands (wrists and fingers) must be covered for the women. What the Turkish feared is that they will lose their secularism which is of course is against the true teachings of Islam. Secularism among others means that religion and its fulfillment are personal matters and thus have no relationship with the State.
It was first initiated by Mustafa Kamal soon after the demise of the Uthmaniyyah in the early 20's. Since then, Turkey has lost her bearing and standing as the source of reference and as the only great Islamic empire in the modern days. It was reported that when he was nearing his last days, the so called Attaturk suffered a massive heat surge and had to be submerged into the sea to reduce the heat that was claimed to engulf him.
Since then, Turkey although trying her best to be accepted as a European nation remains as a Pariah in Europe until today although she had discarded her Islamic status to embrace and become a full fledged secular nation. If we go to Turkey, many will assume that it is not a Muslim state because the appearance is more European rather than Islamic. The Haiga Sofia or the Blue Mosque for instance is no longer what it used to be - a mosque, where people congregate to worship the Almighty.
Being faithful to religious teachings shouldn't be feared but instead everyone must embrace it with the highest commitment. Following or adhering to religious commandments will not disintegrate the nation instead it will make them even more prosperous than ever. Wearing tudung or hijab will not reduce a nation to the Stone Age instead it will become more advanced as the people are really into religion which commands the followers to achieve greater height both in this world and in the Hereafter.
Look at Bosnia, after sufferings under the Serbs they are now starting to enjoy development as they realise that they may have not been faithful before as they should be. In fact we need not go far, look at our country where the Muslims are trying their best to become better Muslims and the world acknowledge us to be a role model among Muslims. While we are observing the faith, we become what we are today an almost developed nation - an n Asian Tiger along with China, Japan and the rest.
We should not be ashamed of ourselves or even doubt our own faith, as Allah has said the Holy Quran that Islam is a perfect religion none will He accepts in the Hereafter except Islam and if we as Muslims are still in doubt of our faith authenticity therefore it is a waste as Non Muslims themselves have acknowledged that Al - Quran is really the words of God as no human even the best orator could copy or come out with verses of similar quality. Have faith in your faith and do not look at religion as separate from the State.

“Still Trying to be a Better Muslim - a Mukmin"

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Blog hopping has become my fav recently as it gives the very sought after avenues for ideas for my own musings. Today was no difference, I'd just surfred and read few blogs and I realised suddenly that mine is very different from theirs -theirs are more personalised, sharing with others their day to day activities while mine is more on other people lives!

Well, blogs are supposed to be like our own diary but I prefer it to be my only source of sharing with others about theirs rather than mine although sometimes I'll let you peek into mine. Although, cyber diary means identity remains anonymous but still I feel unease to share mine with others rather I like sharing theirs...hahaha

It's nearly 4.30 and time for me to sign off. I wonder if the Simpsons is on today?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Blogging Culture Part IV

Yesterday and a day before I was busy checking my students' blogs which I"ve asked them to do as part of their continuous assessment. Looking through their entries, it was clear that most of them enjoyed blogging as according to them it was their first and different from what they have done before. Giving them the benefit of the doubts, I was quite impressed and happy with their honest remarks.

Al least I'm doing something that is of their interest while at the same time they build up their confidence and along the way learn from their mistakes and ultimately improve their English. i admit that giving such task might be difficult to them as well as time and money consuming but again we'll must see the benefit of such simple but interesting task. I too enjoy blogging and Insya Allah I"ll continue blogging until it's time to quit(when, only Allah knows).

Departing from too much dependency on chalk and talk and examinations are my major purpose of doing such as well as appreciating the students' hidden potential. At least through such task everyone can pass their exam as there are significant marks allocated of such assignment. Well, I do not expect everyone to approve of my approach but at least examination is no longer the main criteria for passing certain subjjects. As educators, we should be more creative in providing venues for our students to excel and improve themselves elsewhere outside the four walls of the class.

"Love to teach but unsatisfied of the current educational scenarios beleaguering teachers"

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Sin Towards One's Race

While busying myself redoing my proposal ,I went blog hopping one of the few things I'll do when I'm with my 'second wife'. I got to this one blog belonging to one of my junior in university. Apparently he was new to blogging but a few of his entries got my attention.He's a Bajau just like my colleague Mr. Hamid and incidentally this junior of us (Me and Mr. H) is also a budding lawyer. (Well, I once was a lawyer too ;P)

His entry which caught my interest was on language lesson; Bajau. He seems proud to be one and of course everyone should be proud of their roots. However, it's a different scenario to me as I'm not fluent in my own native language although I am proud to say that nobody can fool me when they are speaking Dusun. Wouldn't it be nice if I am able to converse fluently in Dusun, just like my wife. She's not even a pure Dusun but she could even change her accent like those in Kundasang or even Kota Belud and many more!

I believe that to belong to a certain race we need to speak and not only understand the language and although I see myself as a Dusun but alas, I can't even talk fluently in that language. Surely I am not ashamed to be a Dusun but again speaking become the barrier of me claiming myself as a full fledged Dusun. I am not going to embarass myself but certainly my level is liken to an infant in term of speaking my native language.

Nowadays, however I feel that I've improved a bit compared toi years ago.I still remember vividly during the height of IRC, I used to 'converse' in Dusun while I was chatting with fellow Dusuns and due to IRC I become of what I am today. Thus, thank you IRC! Nonetheless, it certainly isn't enough as a language will flourish if the people continue to speak them just like my junior said in his blog, if we were to flourish we need to speak our language.

Indeed, it is a disappointment when I am able to speak fluently in other languages just like what I'm doing now (Well, at least I'm using the language although not in the real sense- speaking). It is indeed a sad moment for me and for my race as many of us no long use that language as even the elders are used to converse in Malay with their youngsters. Certainly, I am not against any languages but if only I can converse freely in my own native language.

Well, maybe next time I'll try my best to write something in Dusun. So, help me God!

" Language reflects the race but am I doing enough to say that I am proud to be a Dusun?" - Certainly not!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Itchy Throat

This is my first entry of the month although so many things occurred since weeks ago. Tomorrow and the next five or so days will be our much sought after break. I'm having trouble with my voice now well, actually it's my throat. I supposed it's due to non stop talking in the class for I feel that being an educator we need to talk and not just giving and asking the students to do this and that without giving them inputs first. Tuesday is my 'hell' as I've to be in the classes from 7.40 till 2.00 except for a brief 20 minutes break.

I've talk to the boss about today but till now there's nothing done to my hectic schedule. Others especially those working in the office may say that they work till 5 from 8 and yet they are not complaining or even those who have to use their physical energy outside under the sun but I beg to differ as being an educator you need a lot of stamina and energy as you need all your faculties at the same time - your brain, voice and of course your physical energy while those sitting comfortably in their offices just need some but not all their faculties.

Well, hopefully there'll be some positive changes next week for I think I can no longer stand such exhaustion. My throat feels itchy now thus signalling the end of my first entry of the month.