Monday, January 26, 2009

Act Fast Before It Is Too Late

We put our faith on a blessed government

Many bad and unfortunate events happen to the present coalition government though only a few admit that there are major revamp exercises need to be done but the PM in his 'lame' comment maintain that those revamps will only take place after March, after the much anticipated UMNO election.

His comment sounds like he has lost all hopes of rescuing UMNO and BN and just like someone who is about to retire he will not do anything and now everything falls on his not so trusted DPM. Looking at the current situation, sadly nothing much can be done by those in power since people especially those younger generation has become more critical of the government's behaviour as evidenced from the Kuala Terengganu by election and the much anticipated Pensiangan snap election later.

After 50 more years heading the government, they have become somewhat complacent and immune to any call of changes particularly those who are holding 'real' power though the grassroots have been calling for immediate and drastic changes - to save the party and coalition.For the first time ever those within the party rank have been very vocal in demanding changes but sadly those calls fall on deaf ears. This is because they have been too accustomed with power and thus voices from the ordinary members are usually manipulated before they reach the top echelon. Look at the MIC strongman who instead of allowing fair competition has influenced the party's disciplinary committee of sacking his would-be contender.

Such development should really sends a clear and loud message to the other side to prepare themselves in the event that the coalition calls for a snap election to secure their waning power. Instead of rhetoric and empty slogan they really need to fine tuned their pact so as to reflect their promise of a better and just government. Decision and hence appointment of a shadow government need to be done immediately.

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

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