Saturday, January 10, 2009


Are there any differences between a government which uses the law to promote its own whims and pleasure solely for the purpose of holding unto power and another which uses excessive force to fend off fighters with rocks and woods, the latter are trying to get back their land which was forcefully taken from them in 1948? The answer is very clear and simple ....NONE!

The existence and enforcement of draconian laws while at the same time condemning the Jews in Israel for their brutal and inhumane attacks on the Palestinians is not right and does not hold much influence. Accusing others of being oppressive and evil while doing the same thing to their own flesh and blood is even worst. Those people has no moral right or even any rights at all since they are on the same track with the Jews.

Besides, at least the damned Jews are following what they believe to be their faith under the Zabur and Taurat but sadly there are people who are doing the opposite while claiming and showing themselves to be Muslims. Muslims with a new brand - Civilised Islam as they term it. At the same time they reject Shariah laws particularly the Hadd. They give lots of reasons and most of them by the way are not even logical and reasonable. They seem like those non Muslims among them rejecting their own Creator's commands. At least those non Muslims are opposed to the idea because of their ignorance and misconception but what those so called Muslims have to say to reject the imposition of the Shariah? There are many scholars within their fold so are they claiming ignorance and misunderstanding also?

The Islamic party together with another multiracial party have stressed that Shariah is eligible only to the Muslims. This statement has attracts criticism by the other party which also claim to uphold Islam as being wrong by giving the example during Prophet Muhammad SAW's reign in Madinah whereby Shariah is also applicable to the non Muslims. Instead of supporting the initiative, those people are bent at sabotaging the move. Being Muslims themselves they are supposed to clear the unfounded fear and misunderstanding regarding Shariah among the non Muslims.

Even though Pas is saying that the Shariah is only applicable to Muslims and this is certainly different from the time of Rasulallah SAW but at least there is the intention and the initiative compared to the other party which has been in power for more than half a century since independence. During the period never once they try to promote the idea and educate the others about the concept and advantages of Shariah as paramount laws which puts justice as a core and backbone of the law. Instead of allaying the fear of Shariah they continue to promote unjust laws on the pretext of national security which actually means consolidating and protecting their authority.

Mainstream media which is under their control fail miserably to disseminate the truth about Shariah. Instead they like their Master are doing everything to promote and fan unfounded fear of Shariah. Fortunately, in their wisdom and openness, the Opposition particularly those non Muslims are beginning to understand the situation and superior quality of Shariah. God willing one day, they will readily accept Shariah as the paramount law in the country since Shariah itself puts justice and equality well ahead of everything including those in power unlike what is evident today though a new entity to tackle abuse of power and corruption is in place.

Unlike conventional and man made laws, Shariah which derives its source from divine intervention places justice and human sanctity above all. Under the current criminal law, one will be guilty after the persecution manages to prove beyond reasonable doubts that the accused has committed the offence but under Shariah it needs to proven beyond any doubt and not just probability of it. To condemn a person of adultery there should be 4 credible witnesses and by credible those witnesses should be just and morally upright among others without which their evidence must be rejected. Therefore, it is very difficult to find guilty under Shariah and the most the court can imposed is Ta'zir which does not involved capital punishment. In fact, hanging to death under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drug Act for trafficking is not available in Hadd or Hudud!

Therefore, instead of scaring the mass about Shariah, it is incumbent upon the present authority to allay and simultaneously educate the citizens of the superiority of Shariah as it truly is. Cutting of hands for stealing should not become an image and ambassador of Shariah. There shouldn't be any excuses for not implementing Shariah as what happened to Science and Mathematics which immediately being taught in English after a direction from a very powerful leader. It is not an impossible task unlike running away from death!

One who steals does not have the moral authority to advise others not to steal

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