Friday, January 30, 2009

PPSMI - Seed of a Down Fall

Jika demonstrasi besar membantah dasar pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris Mac ini masih gagal menarik perhatian kerajaan, pilihanraya umum akan datang boleh dijadikan penentuan akhirnya, kata seorang tokoh sasterawan.

Everything is going awry for the government adding to the chaos is the debate on PPSMI in which a National Laurette, A. Samad Said enters the fray. He has been quoted to the effect that if the mega demonstration planned at Sogo Complex tomorrow fails to materialised or fall short of achieving its objective, therefore he calls upon all Malaysians to prove their point in the next general election scheduled in 2012.

All are bleak for Pak Lah, once dubbed as 'Mr. Clean' for his spotless background and to inherit a weak government is indeed a mountainous task for the Pm-in waiting Najib. Anyone in their right mind will not sacrifice their heads for a disreputable and on the slide kind of government Pak Lah hopes to leave to Najib in March. But since, the post also comes with attractive packages, Najib is willing to gamble. One is not a true politician if he is afraid to take the plunge.

Everyone is taken aback when TDM first announces in 2002 to have English in place of the national and other native languages as the only medium of instruction to teach and learn Science and Mathematics. But it takes years for the aftershock to wear off, until TDM resigns from the helm in 2003. Today, many start to question the rationality of the 'unconventional' approach. Actually, unconventional is not the right word, foolish and irresponsible should be the term since English, Mathematics and Science have been thorns in the flesh for generations. How can one conceive the rationale of teaching the two 'killer' subjects in another 'killer' language?

But, at that time only few are against its implementation since the majority seen the move as an improvement. An improvement in the process of deteriorating and killing the students' interest to learn those subjects, that is. DBP and teachers are the two front runners in opposing the move albeit silently since teachers especially are under strict order to follow being civil servants.

Using state of the art technology will not help to make it better although after some timer, students tend to familiarise with the approach but since then nothing exceptional has been achieved but only for very rare students from the urban areas.

Artificial Intelligence remain concocted with reference to the most basic
god-gifted mind of an infant

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