Sunday, January 3, 2010

He is ONE!

Allah, the Supreme Being

All these while Malaysians in some part of the nation have been using Allah in their prayers without incidents suddenly the Home Ministry decided to rock the boat by denying the application by a weekly Christian tabloid circulated strictly for the Christians only because they decide to use the pronoun Allah instead of Tuhan in the Malay version of the tabloid.

Now the flood gate has been opened all parties claiming to champion the issue especially those good for nothing members of the dominant party within the ruling coalition. They claim that the pronoun is the exclusive right of the Muslims in this country. Perhaps they are misinformed or just plain ignorant since Allah has been used by those non Muslims in the Middle East for ages and in our neighbouring country it has been in use for quite sometimes without incident just like in Sabah.

The blame of course should not fall upon those overzealous minds alone but also to the publisher of the bulletin who after all these while decides to use the word in their publication instead of the previous Tuhan. These kind of people are undermining the peace and harmony among peace loving Malaysians. Nonetheless, this occurrence is perhaps subtle manipulation on the part of the ruling coalition to garner waning and declining support in view of the upcoming 13th GE and the imminent Sarawak state election between now and next year.

Some from PAS itself acknowledge that Allah is not exclusively for the Muslims alone and another views that the decision to allow the usage of the word to observe responsibly by those who applied for it. Instead of lambasting the decision there and there like some of the narrow minded and short fused minds of the so called champions of the People, the latter's view by PAS Youth is a very intelligent and commendable. When they say those who applied to use the word need to be responsible, they tacitly solidify the Islamic view of the Singularity of Allah unlike the Trinity concept by those who successfully applied to overturn the Home Ministry's decision.

Being responsible necessarily means that they cannot use the word out of the permission granted by the court as per their application meaning to say that they cannot use the word openly in their sermons since their initial application only refers to the usage of the word in their Malay weekly bulletin. Besides, since Islam is the official faith of the Federation, therefore they 'unconsciously' admit and acknowledge that the word Allah first and foremost must be treated with respect in view of the Constitution. Hence, they have to admit that in Islam there is no plurality in God as He is One and Only Supreme Being. In a way, by using the word they are limiting themselves.

I am sure being responsible Malaysians they will not openly use the word as they like since its usage is only for their weekly publication. What is more important is that such permission should serve as a wake up call to the Muslims to enhance their faith in order for them to defend their faith against untoward persuasion others. We will not be harmed if we steadfastly follow His teachings as former Perlis Mufti has stated. He observes that indeed God should be called Allah since it is the undeniable truth.

In Allah We Trust

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