Sunday, January 24, 2010


When a public figure dies, the whole country mourns for him. Everywhere people talk and praise such figure for all his deeds he has done during his life. Sadly, whatever he has done that caused others to suffer have by then been ignored and forgotten as now People are busy praising his 'deeds' particularly when he he is a public figure. Those who once and I believe are still suffering because of his misdeeds forever remain in obscurity.Those people are those who have not only victimised and but their cries for justice are ignored because they belong to those ordinary and thus worthless souls.

Of course it is wrong to talk bad about those who have departed and thus are unable to defend themselves against any accussation but to blindly and deafly ignored the pleas of their victims is itself wrong and being one who belongs to the Islamic faith, they are asked to seek forgiveness and render justice to those who deserve them and not turning away as if nothing happened. Fortunately, He , being the Supreme Being is All Seeing and All Knowing, thus in Him we put our trust that such heinous injustice will be duly served the moment the deceased is laid into his or her final 'resting' place.

Being the Authority while on earth, none is able or even dare to stand up against him, those who try to will meet unimaginable circumstances. But, nobody can run forever, sooner or later his past will catch up with him with tremendous speed and retribution.

We will reap the fruits of our deeds in the Herafter

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Senjata Makan Tuan

Kini seperti cacing kepanasan bahana silap percaturan

Hasrat sebuah parti dominan dalam gabungan parti memerintah untuk menarik kembali sokongan dengan menimbulkan situasi tidak selesa mungkin memakan diri akibat tindakan agen - agen provokatif yang sehingga kini telah menyebabkan 4 buah rumah ibadat bukan Islam menjadi mangsa. Walaupun sehingga kini, dalang di sebalik kejadian belum dikenalpasti namun perbuatan mereka 'bermain api' kini menyebabkan mereka sendiri terbakar.

Kenyataan pemimpin - pemimpin mereka yang seolah - olah memberi lampu hijau untuk umat Islam (baca para penyokong) untuk berdemonstrasi turut menyumbang kepada kemelut terkini. Sewajarnya mereka sebagai pemimpin bertanggungjawab wajar mengawal emosi para penyokong mereka yang berkobar - kobar bahana keputusan mahkamah untuk membenar akhabar mingguan Katolik menggunakankan kalimah Allah.

Kini mereka tersepit di kala pihak pembangkang enggan bersekongkol dengan mereka walaupun mereka cuba memainkan isu yang sensitif. Sewajarnya mereka perlu beringat bahawa keputusan mahkamah itu terhad pada penggunan kalimah tersebut dalam akhbar mingguan sahaja tetapi tidak terpakai untuk tujuan lain walaupun dalam lingkungan rumah ibadat mereka.

Mereka berlagak seolah - olah merekalah pejuang agama yang sebenar namun persoalan dan isu lain yang menuntut ketegasan kerajaan misalnya dalam isu murtad, jenayah, muamalat, hadanah dan sebagainya tidak begitu dipedulikan walhal ia lebih mendatangkan implikasi lebih besar terhadap Islam. Isu murtad walaupun telah dibangkit dan diutarakan termasuk di kalangan penyokong mereka sehingga kini masih menjadi duri dalam daging. Pelaksanaan hudud turut dipandang sepi dan enteng walaupun ia melibatkan umat Islam secara langsung, malah diperlekehkan dengan kenyataan seperti negara akan porak peranda sekiranya undang - undang Islam dilaksanakan.

Rakyat kini tidak lagi seperti dulu yang mudah digula - gulakan oleh parti dominan itu dan akibatnya senjata kini telah makan tuan!

"Kepada Allah kita bertawakkal"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Trust Them Not

One of the best if not the best MB today

Power and authority are addictive and certainly intoxicating but seldom people or those being trusted to honour them forget that both are also cursed. This is what is happening in one east coast state where the royal family is now embroiled in an intense power struggle since the Ruler himself is incapacitated and thus unable to carry out his duties. Nonetheless, it is of no concern of the blogger except for the negative implications on the ruling PAS government.

Though it is an internal matter and does not directly concern the state government by media belonging or controlled by the ruling coalition seem to link the issue with the ruling state government in that state. They may or may not be ignorant as to the fact that the monarchy is by all means is constitutional and not elected democratically and after all they are supposed to be apolitical unlike the state government which is presently controlled by PAS. Hence, what ever problems involving the palace is their internal and private matters and have nothing to do with the PAS government.

Unfortunately, there are naive people out there who may be swayed by the politicking by the ruling coalition controlled media. In a veiled statement today, one of many newspaper reported that due to the internal power struggle, the state administration under the Menteri Besar is at a crossroad. Such statement may seem to be ordinary and nothing special but by connecting the internal problem with the day to day administration of the state, they are implying that the state government is now declining and is no longer able to govern properly.

Such subtle condemnation may seem innocent or even sympathetic enough for many but considering the present scenario in that state, no doubt they are doing a good job in their psychology war to take over the state come the next GE. Nonetheless, as inexperienced as the blogger is, the Kelantanese know better and judge as to what really is happening in their own state.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Masa Untuk Berfikir

Selepas kewafatan Rasuallah SAW, perpechan mula kelihatan terutama semasa pemerintahan Khalifah Uthman al -Affan hinggalah muncul kerajaan Umayyah dan Abbasiyyah. Pernah Nabi bersabda "Perbezaan pendapat adalah rahmah". Perbezaan pendapat berkenaan merujuk kepada hal - hal duniawi tetapi kini kita berdepan dengan soal akidah yang implikasinya tidak menjurus kepada kebaikan namun lebih kepada keruntuhan.

Masalah yang dihadapi kini diburukkan lagi oleh mereka yang mengaku arif dalam agama tetapi bukanlah dari kalangan ulama sebenar yang tidak terlibat dalam aktiviti berpolitik. Hal ini menyuebabkan ramai terkeliru dan berpecah-belah mendengar pendapat ahli - ahli politik berlagak ahli dalam agama. Keadaan ini dahulunya akhirnya melahirkan golongan Khawarij yang tidak berpihak pada Ali bin Abi Talib mahupun Muawiyah Abi Suffian. Keadaan inilah yang amat dikhuatiri akan dan mungkin berlaku dalam negara jika ahli politik terus mengapi - apikan keadaan.

Mujur Majlis Fatwa Kebangssan telah mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa kalimah Allah hanya untuk mereka yang menganut Islam. Dalam situasi dimana kalimah Allah juga digunakan oleh mereka di Asia Barat atau di negara jiran misalnya tidak boleh dijadikan ukuran untuk mewajarkan mereka menggunakan kalimah berkenaanmemandangkan situasi di negara ini berbeza di mana kalimah Allah selama ini tersebarluas dan diketahui umum hanya digunapakai oleh masyarakat Islam secara terbuka manakala yang lain hanya menggunakannya secara terhad dan tertutup malah secara sembunyi.

Tambah menyedihkan tatkala mereka yang 'berjuang' menegakkan kebenaran dan menentang penggunaan kalimah tersebut rata - rata bukanlah mereka yang benar - benar menyelami dan mematuhi ajaran Islam sebenar. Ada antara mereka jelas tidak menutup aurat walhal ia adalah wajib dan lebih mengharukan dengan pakaian yang terdedah mereka mengaku mengamalkan ajaran Islam! Ramai yang masih mengunjungi kedai kedai nombor ekor sambil tanpa segan silu meneguk arak.

Setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya dan keputusan membenarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah turut membawa hikmah. Ia wajar dijadikan ingatan dan sempadan bagi umat Islam untuk menguatkan iman dan pengetahuan agama agar tidak mudah terkeliru seperti yang ditakuti ramai. Mereka khuatir kebenaran tersebut bakal mengelirukan umat Islam tetapi malang sekali mereka gagal melihat senario yang lebih besar yakni tuntutan dan keperluan untuk mengukuhkan iman dan dakwah. Sekiranya iman seseorang itu teguh dengan kalimah dan cara apa sekalipun ,musuh - musuh Islam akan tetap gagal menembusi benteng iman seperti yang pernah dialami oleh Bilal bin Rabah, keluarga Ammar bin Yassir dan ramai lagi yang diseksa tetapi iman mereka tetap teguh dan tidak terusik malah semakin kuat.

Pendapat Dr. Asri Zainal Abidin dan beberapa ulama juga wajar drenungi kerana mereka berpendapat keputusan tersebut sebenarnya membawa hikmah dakwah kepada mereka yang menuntut kebenaran menggunapakai kalimah tersebut. Dengan menggunapakai kalimah tersebut,mereka umpama mengakui keagungan Allah. Apa yang perlu kerajaan lakukan ialah menggubal atau memperkenal peraturan dan undang - undang baru bagi mengawal dan menyekat penyalahgunaan dan penyelewengan kalimah tersebut.

Keputusan tersebut sebenarnya membuktikan keagungan Allah SWT di mana mereka akhirnya mengakui tuhan itulah Allah walaupun mereka tidak bersyahad bahawa Allah itu Esa namun itu bukanlah alasan bagi umat Islam untuk mengubah dan membentuk metoder dakwah untuk menangkis sebarang penyelewengan.

Kepada Allah kita bertawakkal

Sunday, January 3, 2010

He is ONE!

Allah, the Supreme Being

All these while Malaysians in some part of the nation have been using Allah in their prayers without incidents suddenly the Home Ministry decided to rock the boat by denying the application by a weekly Christian tabloid circulated strictly for the Christians only because they decide to use the pronoun Allah instead of Tuhan in the Malay version of the tabloid.

Now the flood gate has been opened all parties claiming to champion the issue especially those good for nothing members of the dominant party within the ruling coalition. They claim that the pronoun is the exclusive right of the Muslims in this country. Perhaps they are misinformed or just plain ignorant since Allah has been used by those non Muslims in the Middle East for ages and in our neighbouring country it has been in use for quite sometimes without incident just like in Sabah.

The blame of course should not fall upon those overzealous minds alone but also to the publisher of the bulletin who after all these while decides to use the word in their publication instead of the previous Tuhan. These kind of people are undermining the peace and harmony among peace loving Malaysians. Nonetheless, this occurrence is perhaps subtle manipulation on the part of the ruling coalition to garner waning and declining support in view of the upcoming 13th GE and the imminent Sarawak state election between now and next year.

Some from PAS itself acknowledge that Allah is not exclusively for the Muslims alone and another views that the decision to allow the usage of the word to observe responsibly by those who applied for it. Instead of lambasting the decision there and there like some of the narrow minded and short fused minds of the so called champions of the People, the latter's view by PAS Youth is a very intelligent and commendable. When they say those who applied to use the word need to be responsible, they tacitly solidify the Islamic view of the Singularity of Allah unlike the Trinity concept by those who successfully applied to overturn the Home Ministry's decision.

Being responsible necessarily means that they cannot use the word out of the permission granted by the court as per their application meaning to say that they cannot use the word openly in their sermons since their initial application only refers to the usage of the word in their Malay weekly bulletin. Besides, since Islam is the official faith of the Federation, therefore they 'unconsciously' admit and acknowledge that the word Allah first and foremost must be treated with respect in view of the Constitution. Hence, they have to admit that in Islam there is no plurality in God as He is One and Only Supreme Being. In a way, by using the word they are limiting themselves.

I am sure being responsible Malaysians they will not openly use the word as they like since its usage is only for their weekly publication. What is more important is that such permission should serve as a wake up call to the Muslims to enhance their faith in order for them to defend their faith against untoward persuasion others. We will not be harmed if we steadfastly follow His teachings as former Perlis Mufti has stated. He observes that indeed God should be called Allah since it is the undeniable truth.

In Allah We Trust

Saturday, January 2, 2010

We need to have faith

In the face of threat, we place our trust in Allah SWT

The decision of the High Court few days ago allowing Herald to use Allah in place of God in their Malay weekly bulletin has causes uneasiness and uproar among the Muslims for obvious as well as intricate logic. In Malaysia, it has been long practised and somehow an acknowledged practise by the Muslims to use Allah to refer to the Supreme Being and other faiths especially Christianity acquiesce the word Allah exclusively used by the Muslims in this country.

Suddenly the Herald bulletin decides to 'share' the privilege or is it the right and hence resulted in the decision by the High Court. In his response to the issue the former Perlis Mufti has stated that what is important is to safeguard the Muslims' faith since we only believe in one God and there is no other figures who can represent God as clearly mentioned in Surah Al - Ikhlas:

Say: ‘He is God, One

Such is a clear unequivocal declaration unparalleled of other teachings that say He encapsulates more then one entities. In the above Surah, He declares in no ambiguous term that He is ONE and none can be or should be at par with Him in His Grandeur and Authority. In view of such strong declaration,Muslims should have solid rock conviction that their Supreme Being is one and there is no other figures who shared His place and Being as the Supreme Being.
Any Muslims should be at peace with such declaration and therefore need not worry about others trying to 'usurp' the word Allah.
Nonetheless, such declaration by the court indeed has strong implication towards the Muslims since the bulletin can easily be smuggled out of the church and used against the Muslims especially the young and the shaky ones to turn them against Islam. It is undeniable that missionaries have been known as one of the best recruiters throughout the religion kingdom. Their uncanny tactics are second to none. Their excellent ways to convert others to their faiths are legendary and such has been admitted by their Muslims counterparts.

Now that the court has decided that the Home Ministry has erred in issuing such 'blanket' order, the Muslims have none to turn to except to Allah Himself. In the face of such difficult time, the Muslims young and old have no choice other than strengthening their faith by following the teachings of Islam wholeheartedly and in wholesome and not in pieces what is rampant today. We are face with what the Prophet SAW has decreed thousand years ago that ' Islam comes in at strange and difficult time and towards the end it will be the same'. That end is our time, time of difficulty and hardship. We need to look inward and fortify our faith as it remains the only way out of this predicament we are facing.

Islam is the only religion sanctioned by Allah, hence our unequivocal trust