Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last Hurrah


Indeed it is very difficult and often times to satisfy everyone's wishes but being a people-friendly government as they always declare themselves to be, it is in fact confusing when the government is reluctant to return to the People their right over a government of their choice. What happens in Perak is an instance where the government seems just like their counter part in Myanmar who is bent towards denying the People the government of their choice. I t is totally unacceptable to say that the current Perak government is the People's government however often they claim or try to show it to the public.

They may have forgotten that responsibility and authority are the same thing and not to be taken for granted. Authority to govern in a democratic nation is solely the People's right and prerogative and never in the hand of others however revered they are to the People.
The coalition particularly the dominant party within the coalition has been talking of changes and the need for them to change in order to stay relevant and recuperate and recover the waning support. Regretfully, it remains a rhetoric and they never really grasp the reality just like what happened to the last dynasty in China in the early 20th century, God willing they will lose everything they covet so dearly comes the 13th general election.

They should have respected the People's wish to opt for a different personnel to man the state. They should remember that all is not lost since they still control the Federal government which controls almost everything. It is is bewildering to see how they are blinded by power since they cannot see the impact of what they have done in Perak will severely ruin their chance to regain the lost grounds and deteriorate it further. Nonetheless, praise be to Allah for He has shown their true self and whatever they do and will do is looked upon with greatest distrust.

The judiciary itself is still struggling to regain its grandeur but with the latest decision by a sole man of the Court of Appeal who is coincidentally? implicated in the Lingam Gate case, has indeed put the judiciary again under intense scrutiny and criticism. Usually, a panel of judges will hear an appeal in the second highest court but what happens weeks ago is certainly peculiar since a single judge dispensed a case with such magnitude. What happens in Perak certainly warrants a full panel since it concerns the well-being of the People, democratic principle and also human rights issues.
The matter itself how the judiciary shows double standard and preference since the rightful MB is stripped of his status less than a day after the High Court declares him to be the rightful Chief Executive. When the rightful MB challenges the Court of Appeal's decision, the court assigns a later date unlike the special treatment accorded to the illegal MB. Both parties should be treated impartially and thus given equal attention. Remember, justice should not only be done but most importantly it is seen to be done.

In a nutshell, the current government has certainly impaired its stature in matters of human rights since they have deliberately 'rape' democracy. Whatever they say or argue about other countries has no standing at all. Allah is Great for He has shown who and what kind of government Malaysia has today!

It is to late to save Humpty Dumpty for he has fallen into pieces!

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