Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lose Out

Grouping students into one homogeneous group without looking into their interest and ability is against democratic principle and human rights

Not only they fail to see the significance of resolving the PPSMI issue, they seem to eager to 'improve' on the status of English by proposing that a pass in English as a prerequisite of passing SPM. Admittedly, the move is in a way will spur improvement of the quality of English among students. However, before making such proposal they really need to resolve the issue regarding English as sole medium of instruction to teach Science and Mathematics.

In a way if they proceed with the proposal therefore it is important for them to revamp PPSMI all together since the proposal of making it mandatory for students to pass their English in SPM will certainly improve the standard of English proficiency among younger generations. It has been proven time and again years ago when it is compulsory for the students to pass their Penilaian Darjah Lima and SRP for primary school and form three respectively, before they are allowed to move to higher level. Such moves have improved the standard of education whereby only those who possess the requirements and qualities are allowed to move up. Time has shown that only those with the required qualities have the real chance to shine at least academically.

Unfortunately, everything has changed today not for the best but for the worse. Because of their absurd interpretation of democratisation of education to means equality for all. Many have fallen prey to such absurd policy, those who are academically challenged as well as those who have no desire academically are forced to move up although they have yet fulfilled even the minimum standard. Today, it is common to see secondary students who have not mastered the basic skills and knowledge to read, count and write. Miraculously through such absurd policy they manage to complete SPM though their certificates are deemed worthless.

These students are actually wasting their lives away doing something they are not even qualified for and in certain cases doing something which are forced upon them. Many of them are no longer interested going to school to learn as they are supposed to but more to social interaction - seeing and meeting their peers and friends. In terms of formal knowledge and education it is very unlikely that they have done something constructive.

Many of these students have inclination in other fields such as living skills - carpentry, exterior or interior designs, agriculture and other field which require basic academic skills. Sadly, such paths are not opened to them due to many factors. Basically, it is because of ignorance of such opportunities on their part, parents and to certain extent the schools. Once, technical and vocational schools or institutions become their last bastion of reaping something from the fast moving world. Nonetheless, such has caused some uneasiness on the part of the ministry responsible therefore mistakenly they have removed such opportunity away from those students making making those schools becoming more academically oriented rather than skills oriented. Gradually, those challenged students lost out in the world where academic intelligence takes everything. Finally, they are forced to be part of the system albeit the great disadvantages they suffer.

Time has come for the responsible authorities to rectify such crippling situation fast before everyone is affected. Democratisation of education should no longer be interpreted as equality for all but rather it should mean that we need to look into the interest of the students since they need every skill and knowledge for them to survive in today's fast moving world.

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