Monday, February 16, 2009

A Possible Coup D'etat?


There are pros and cons against now embattled (or embarrassed?) State Assembly Woman for Bukit Lanjan from PKR. Whether it is just a coincidence but PKR receives another blow to its already tarnished image only days after two of its elected representatives sulk and now become a BN-leaning independent YBs in Perak. Its own Advisor is involved in yet another sex related scandal.

It is undeniable that, everything that has happened has its roots in politics. However unlike CSL of MCA ages ago, his is rather an internal matter of which he openly admits but for EW's it is more to ruin her party which recently has been badly tarnished due to the now defunct September 16 agenda.

She like CSL openly admits that those compromising pictures are of herself. Khir Toyo, the Botox enhanced former Selangor MB is quick to call her immediate resignation. Surprisingly, she gets the back up from unlikely allies in MCA and Pas. Such is of course a very encouraging solidarity irrespective of their affiliation as it concern privacy and dignity of a person.

I am not going to defend her conduct since what she has done and she takes responsibility of her action, is something frowned upon by not only religions but also from Eastern point of values. Being a leader she is supposed to have exemplary behaviour be it in private or in the open. Certainly, being within a conservative society her conduct is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, let us remind ourselves that to become a leader in this country one needs to be of high morality. He or she needs to avoid and protect him or herself from being involved in any secret activities. Sooner if not later, it will become public and in the end the people will suffer the most. The people who risk their future by voting for those leaders. Now, trouble is looming over the head of the Selangor MB,his exco and most importantly the whole state government. Looking at recent development it is never impossible that there will be another Coup D'etat!

Work wise, she has done a great job in helping the people in both her capacity as an Assembly Woman and Exco. To save the state government from being targeted by the 'hungry' wolves who themselves are no better and may be even worse but since those wolves control almost everything including the culprit behind this mess, she needs to resign from the Executive Council but certainly not her state seat. Nonetheless, such will not be sufficient to save the state government as those hungry and unethical wolves will do anything just to topple a legal and rightful government. Only time will tell but they need to be cautious.

None is perfect and if what I am writing here is too ideal, well I concede to that. Even in the West where oftentimes we use as examples for amoral and immorality but most often than not, leaders who are even rumoured to be involved in sex scandal will resign from their posts. Anyone who dream of becoming leaders someday need to watch out their steps earlier on long before they become public figures.

In this respect I truly admire majority of Pas leaders who lead almost clean life styles even before they become politicians. Why almost clean? Nobody is perfect and to those people the most we can think of are things that we ourselves view as ordinary or petty matters like talking too much (writing too much?). Even those hypocrite wolves have nothing to say in terms of major sins with regards to people like TGHA, TGNA or Ustaz Nasharudin. They truly lead a similar life in public or within the four walls of their homes. In short, they are examples of those who walk the talk.

This entry absolutely is not intended to create dissension among supporters of the People's Pact but instead this is more to fear of losing an alternative to a highly decomposed and beyond recognition kind of government we have to endure today. Seeing and experiencing all sorts of misdeeds committed by both their leaders and their cohorts really puts desperation and fear that an alternative which trying to do its best to walk the talk, to lead by example will crumble before my eyes.

I don't want to be under an oppressive, bias and tyrannical leaders anymore

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a frog kept jumping, a terrorist kept seeking forgivness and are we know - God never exsit during paleolitik, Mesolitik -- because there are no "pirate" that become a Kings !