Friday, January 11, 2008

Why go to the Net? a.ka Why blog?

Reading and surfing as well as blog hopping makes me wonder the necessity and the reasons why we blog. By writing and submitting our thoughts online is liken to share our thoughts with real people as they can respond to our musings as it is. Again, why blog?

For those who like to write but prefer to remain anonymous, this is the best if not the only venue. If we write or intend to share our views in other kinds of media then we need to sacrifice our anonymity which for some is not the case. Blogging also offers the freedom of writing what is in our mind which we really want others to know but are unable to do so because of various factors. Some are good at writing of which I consider myself as one but having difficulty in expressing ourselves orally or face to face. Hence, blogging is the answer. Unlike personal diaries, blogs are for everyone or all to see, read and comment.

Through blogging, one has total control of what's going on, one is at the control to select whatever one intends to write and if one has submitted his or her entry, he or she still has the chance to do any changes to his or her original post which is not available for other medias. This is for the most important feature of blogging. If there's need for change, one can just edit the entry or just drop them from his or her blog. Such features are missing from the conventional ways where any changes are very difficult to be done and sometimes impossible.

Living in a globalised world where freedom is sacred, we must never forget that absolute freedom corrupts absolutely. There should be an automatic filter within us when it concerns the issue of sharing our minds with others, we must always remember that there bound to be opposition to what we say. Living in a country like Malaysia where traces of feudalism are still visible makes freedom a delicate matter. Going against the ideals of the establishment most of the times are frown upon and to a great extent makes those opposition liable for certain kind of deterrent in the form of fines, jail sentences and the like.

Although some may claim that they are open to criticism but again there will be limitations. People are turning to the Net nowadays for the reason that they want the full or at least an alternative view of certain issue. Reading or listening to the main stream medias will never achieve such purpose as most of the dissenting ideas are deleted or even worse become so tainted that they no longer reflect dissenting views. In the past people depend on the mainstream medias to get information but nowadays the mainstreams have become the secondary if not the third choice.

Although I seldom go out but the happenings around the world are very close to me like for instance the Bhutto assassination of which I got to know from the Net. I am always at awe when it comes to our nation political hullabaloos but the mainstreams fail to satisfy my hunger for the 'truth' or in other words the bird's view. Reading, sorting and listening to the main streams are just like knowing half the truth. Nonetheless, some local dailies like Sabah's own Daily Express should be commended for their professionalism. Whatever happens mostly in politics are covered from two different angles the for and against could be attributed to their independent stand. Sadly but true others do not share the same due to the factors that the major share holders are the powers of the day.

Would it be nice if mainstream medias provide some kind of breathing space for dissenting views? Let the people decide whether to accept those views or otherwise. Forcing someone's values and views on others will sooner or later backfire and regrettably it would be too late to retract when dissenting views spread to become bloody insurgents. The power of the day should not fear if they are in the right. Sadly but true power without check makes those in power blind or deaf to even the slightest dissent.

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