Sunday, January 27, 2008

Small yet significant

Today, while having our breakfast I noticed a group of Chinese having their breakfast. Looking from their appearance I mistook them to be Taiwanese but hearing them speaking Malay while ordering their foods. Well, I didn't hear them but as the waitress was a local thus they definitely used a local language.

After awhile, I overheard them using Malay and I immediately pointed them out to my wife. She nonchalantly said well, that's our uniqueness living here in Sabah. I agree with her absolutely as Sabahans are the best example of their highest sense of tolerance but many of us even those living here do not realised such uniqueness. We lived in a society where everyone can tolerate others' differences and at the same time very accommodating towards such differences.

Oftentimes at the barbershop, it was usually to see and heard aged Chinese conversed interchangeably between Hokkien, Mandarin and Malay but what was astonishing was that they conversed in a good Dusun. These were only a few out of countless others life stories that reflected our often ignored uniqueness. We should be grateful and proud of what we have and most significantly remember our roots. Everyone should showcase our accomodating way of life.

Proud to be a Malaysian! Are you?

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