Monday, December 24, 2007

A Humble Beginning

We meet again after a long due. Last night, yup I sent my 'final' (hopefully) proposal draft to my supervisor and again hopefully there would be no more drafts...haha. I'm getting tired of doing that considering all the time and efforts I put on to come up with those. My colleagues have already submitted theirs to the university last Friday while I 'm still stuck not even half way. Well, actually it had all the ingredients of a proposal but still my learned supervisor isn't impressed! Again...hahaha. Sigh.

My wife's not at home thus I've the time to myself and so here we are, my latest piece of mind. This morning while searching for old time classmate of mine, I came across another classmate well, he's my course mate back in my younger days. I saw his name in a stranger's blog and because his is so familiar I straight away clicked on his name and I was reading his entries!

Now, he's a hot shot criminal attorney in town. Almost everyday if there's a criminal trial his name will probably came out. He came from a humble background and I still remember how his meals looked like. Gravied rice and an egg! We had the same but most probably he chose them because of his tight budget whereas for me there's no other choice and of course I had similar motive as his.

Now, seven years later he's a somebody. I am happy for him, to see him reaps glory one after another after his long 'sufferings'. There you have a classic story about Allah's greatness and blessings. Somehow, if we really put some honest and tireless efforts He surely will provide what we are looking for. Sound familiar to me, hopefully again my proposal will go through this time without much fuss!

Res ipsa loquitor!

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